2017-01-20 6 views

ich auf einem Test gearbeitet haben und jedes Mal, wenn ich meinen Code ausführen es zeigt den Fehlercode unter:Python Unittest Fehler keine Überziehungen angibt

test_savings_account_cannot_withdraw_more_than_current_balance Failure in line 48, in test_savings_account_cannot_withdraw_more_than_current_balance self.assertEquals(message, 'Cannot withdraw beyond the current account balance', msg='No overdrafts') AssertionError: No overdrafts**

class BankAccount: 
    def withdraw(self): 

    def deposit(self): 

class SavingsAccount(BankAccount): 
    def __init__(self, balance=500): 
     self.balance = balance 

    def deposit(self, amount): 
     if (amount <= 0): 
      return "Invalid deposit amount" 
      self.balance += amount 
     return self.balance 

    def withdraw(self, amount): 
     if(amount <= 0): 
      return "Invalid withdraw amount" 
     elif(self.balance <= 500): 
      return "Cannot withdraw beyond the minimum account balance" 
     elif(amount > self.balance): 
      return "Cannot withdraw beyond the current account balance" 
      self.balance -= amount 
      return self.balance  

class CurrentAccount(BankAccount): 
    def __init__(self, balance=0): 
     self.balance = balance 

    def deposit(self, amount): 
     if (amount <= 0): 
      return "Invalid deposit amount" 
      self.balance += amount 
      return self.balance 

    def withdraw(self, amount): 
     if (amount <= 0): 
      return "Invalid withdraw amount" 
     elif (amount >= self.balance): 
      return "Cannot withdraw beyond the current account balance" 
     self.balance -= amount 
     return self.balance 

und die Unittest ist

import unittest 

class CurrentAccountTestCases(unittest.TestCase): 
    def setUp(self): 
     self.ca = CurrentAccount() 

    def tearDown(self): 
     del self.ca 

    def test_current_account_is_instance_of_bank_account(self): 
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.ca, BankAccount), msg='CurrentAccount is not a subclass of BankAccount') 

    def test_current_account_can_deposit_valid_amounts(self): 
     balance = self.ca.deposit(1500) 
     self.assertEquals(balance, 1500) 

    def test_current_account_cannot_withdraw_more_than_current_balance(self): 
     message = self.ca.withdraw(1500) 
     self.assertEquals(message, 'Cannot withdraw beyond the current account balance', msg='No overdrafts') 

    def test_current_account_can_withdraw_valid_cash_amounts(self): 
     self.assertEquals(self.ca.balance, 22564, msg='Incorrect balance after withdrawal') 

class SavingsAccountTestCases(unittest.TestCase): 
    def setUp(self): 
self.sa = SavingsAccount() 

    def tearDown(self): 
     del self.sa 

    def test_savings_account_is_instance_of_bank_account(self): 
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.sa, BankAccount), msg='SavingsAccount is not a subclass of BankAccount') 

    def test_savings_account_can_deposit_valid_amounts(self): 
     init_balance = self.sa.balance 
     balance = self.sa.deposit(1500) 
     self.assertEquals(balance, (1500 + init_balance), msg='Balance does not match deposit') 

    def test_savings_account_cannot_withdraw_more_than_current_balance(self): 
     message = self.sa.withdraw(1500) 
     self.assertEquals(message, 'Cannot withdraw beyond the current account balance', msg='No overdrafts') 

    def test_savings_account_can_withdraw_valid_amounts_successfully(self): 
     self.assertEquals(2257, self.sa.balance, msg="Incorrect balance after withdrawal") 

Sie müssen eine bestimmte Frage stellen. – Metropolis



Da Ihr Standardguthaben 500 ist und Ihr Betrag 1500 ist, lautet die Zeichenfolge, die Sie zurückgeben, "Kann nicht über den Mindestkontosaldo hinausgehen" und nicht die, die Sie erwarten "Nicht über den aktuellen Kontoguthaben hinausziehen"