2015-08-21 6 views

Ich baue eine Website, die eine Physik-Engine benötigt. Nachdem ich mit einer Reihe von SPA Apps gearbeitet habe, fühle ich mich ziemlich sicher.Berühmte Motorphysik Kollisionen

Leider habe ich Probleme beim Anwenden der Kollisionserkennung & Wände auf eine Physik-Simulation, die berühmt hat erstellt.

Sie können das bearbeitbare Beispiel hier sehen.

Was würde ich gerne wissen, ist es möglich, Kollisionen zu den Partikeln hinzuzufügen? Ich habe das versucht, aber es scheint, dass die Kollisionen nicht richtig eingerichtet sind. Ich hatte gehofft, dass jemand es erfolgreich geschafft hat.


var FamousEngine = famous.core.FamousEngine; 

var Camera = famous.components.Camera; 

var DOMElement = famous.domRenderables.DOMElement; 
var Gravity3D = famous.physics.Gravity3D; 
var Gravity1D = famous.physics.Gravity1D; 
var MountPoint = famous.components.MountPoint; 
var PhysicsEngine = famous.physics.PhysicsEngine; 
var Physics = famous.physics; 
var Wall = famous.physics.Wall; 
var Position = famous.components.Position; 
var Size = famous.components.Size; 
var Sphere = famous.physics.Sphere; 
var Vec3 = famous.math.Vec3; 
var Collision = famous.physics.Collision; 

function Demo() { 
    this.scene = FamousEngine.createScene('#socialInteractive'); 

    this.camera = new Camera(this.scene); 

    this.simulation = new PhysicsEngine(); 
    this.items = []; 

    this.collision = new Collision(); 

    var Wall = famous.physics.Wall; 
    var rightWall = new Wall({ 
    direction: Wall.LEFT 
    }); // bodies coming from the left will collide with the wall 
    rightWall.setPosition(1000, 0, 0); 

    var ceiling = new Wall({ 
    normal: [0, 1, 0], 
    distance: 300, 
    restitution: 0 
    var floor = new Wall({ 
    normal: [0, -1, 0], 
    distance: 300, 
    restitution: 0 
    var left = new Wall({ 
    normal: [1, 0, 0], 
    distance: 350, 
    restitution: 0 
    var right = new Wall({ 
    normal: [-1, 0, 0], 
    distance: 350, 
    restitution: 0 
    var node = this.scene.addChild(); 
    var position = new Position(node); 
    // this.simulation.attach([right, left, floor, ceiling]) 
    // this.items.push([ceiling,position]); 


    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
    var node = this.scene.addChild(); 
    var size = new Size(node).setMode(1, 1); 
    var position = new Position(node); 
    if (i === 0) { 
     createLogo.call(this, node, size, position); 
    if (i !== 0) { 
     node.id = i; 
     createSatellites.call(this, node, size, position); 
    for (var i = 0; i < this.collision.length; i++) { 
    this.simulation.attach(collision, balls, balls[i]); 

Demo.prototype.onUpdate = function(time) { 
    this.collision.update(time, 60); 
    if (this.items.length > 0) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { 
     var itemPosition = this.simulation.getTransform(this.items[i][0]).position; 
     this.items[i][1].set(itemPosition[0], itemPosition[1], 0); 

function createLogo(node, size, position) { 
    size.setAbsolute(50, 50); 
    var mp = new MountPoint(node).set(0.5, 0.5); 
    var el = new DOMElement(node, { 
    tagName: 'img', 
    attributes: { 
     src: './images/famous-logo.svg' 
    var sphere = new Sphere({ 
    radius: 100, 
    mass: 10000, 
    restrictions: ['xy'], 
    position: new Vec3(window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2, 5) 

    this.gravity = new Gravity3D(sphere); 
    this.simulation.add(sphere, this.gravity); 
    this.items.push([sphere, position]); 


function createSatellites(node, size, position, i) { 
    size.setAbsolute(20, 20); 
    var radius = 200; 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * radius * 2) - radius; 
    var y = (Math.round(Math.random()) * 2 - 1) * Math.sqrt(radius * radius - x * x); 
    var color = 'rgb(' + Math.abs(x) + ',' + Math.abs(Math.round(y)) + ',' + (255 - node.id) + ')'; 
    var el = new DOMElement(node, { 
    properties: { 
     'background-color': color, 
     'border-radius': '50%' 
    var satellite = new Sphere({ 
    radius: 20, 
    mass: 5, 
    position: new Vec3(x + window.innerWidth/2, y + window.innerHeight/2, 0) 
    satellite.setVelocity(-y/Math.PI, -x/Math.PI/2, y/2); 
    this.items.push([satellite, position]); 


// Boilerplate 

// App Code 
var demo = new Demo();



Danke für Ihre Hilfe Talves, ich denke, ich eine Lösung gefunden, die statt gravity3d mit Physik Frühling arbeitet. Dies beinhaltet auch die 4 Wände, die gut funktionieren.

var famous = famous; 
var FamousEngine = famous.core.FamousEngine; 

var Camera = famous.components.Camera; 


var DOMElement = famous.domRenderables.DOMElement; 
var Gravity3D = famous.physics.Gravity3D; 
var MountPoint = famous.components.MountPoint; 
var PhysicsEngine = famous.physics.PhysicsEngine; 
var Position = famous.components.Position; 
var Size = famous.components.Size; 
var Wall = famous.physics.Wall; 
var Sphere = famous.physics.Sphere; 
var Vec3 = famous.math.Vec3; 
var math = famous.math; 
var physics = famous.physics; 
var collision = famous.physics.Collision; 
var gestures = famous.components.GestureHandler; 
var Spring = famous.physics.Spring; 
var anchor = new Vec3(window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2, 0); 

//Create Walls 
var rightWall = new Wall({ 
    direction: Wall.LEFT 
}).setPosition(window.innerWidth - 20, 0, 0); 
var leftWall = new Wall({ 
    direction: Wall.RIGHT 
}).setPosition(window.innerWidth + 20, 0, 0); 
var topWall = new Wall({ 
    direction: Wall.DOWN 
}).setPosition(0, 20, 0); 
var bottomWall = new Wall({ 
    direction: Wall.UP 
}).setPosition(0, window.innerHeight - 20, 0); 

function Demo() { 
    this.scene = FamousEngine.createScene('body'); 

    this.camera = new Camera(this.scene); 

    this.collision = new collision([rightWall, leftWall, topWall, bottomWall]); 

    this.simulation = new PhysicsEngine(); 
    this.simulation.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); 

    this.items = []; 
    this.walls = []; 


    //Create Items 
    for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { 
    var node = this.scene.addChild(); 
    node.setMountPoint(0.5, 0.5); 
    var size = new Size(node).setMode(1, 1); 
    var position = new Position(node); 
    if (i === 0) { 
     createLogo.call(this, node, size, position); 
    if (i !== 0) { 
     node.id = i; 
     createSatellites.call(this, node, size, position); 

    //Create Walls 
    var node = this.scene.addChild(); 


    Demo.prototype.onUpdate = function(time) { 

    //Postition walls 
    var wallPosition = topWall.getPosition(); 
    node.setPosition(wallPosition.x, wallPosition.y); 

    //Position elements 
    if (this.items.length > 0) { 
     for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { 
     var itemPosition = this.simulation.getTransform(this.items[i][0]).position; 
     this.items[i][1].set(itemPosition[0], itemPosition[1], 0); 


function createWalls(wallNode) { 
    wallNode.setSizeMode('absolute', 'absolute', 'absolute').setAbsoluteSize(window.innerWidth, 10, 0); 
    var wallDOMElement = new DOMElement(wallNode, { 
    tagName: 'div' 
    }).setProperty('background-color', 'lightblue'); 

function createLogo(node, size, position) { 
    size.setAbsolute(50, 50); 
    var mp = new MountPoint(node).set(0.5, 0.5); 
    var el = new DOMElement(node, { 
    tagName: 'img', 
    attributes: { 
     src: './images/famous_logo.png' 
    var sphere = new Sphere({ 
    radius: 100, 
    mass: 10000, 
    restrictions: ['xy'], 
    position: new Vec3(window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2, 5) 

    // this.gravity = new Gravity3D(sphere); 
    // this.simulation.add(sphere, this.gravity); 
    this.items.push([sphere, position]); 

function createSatellites(node, size, position, i) { 
    size.setAbsolute(50, 50); 
    var radius = 100; 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * radius * 2) - radius; 
    var y = (Math.round(Math.random()) * 2 - 1) * Math.sqrt(radius * radius - x * x); 
    var color = 'rgb(' + Math.abs(x) + ',' + Math.abs(Math.round(y)) + ',' + (255 - node.id) + ')'; 
    var el = new DOMElement(node, { 
    properties: { 
     'background-color': color, 
     'border-radius': '50%' 
    var satellite = new Sphere({ 
    radius: 25, 
    mass: 10, 
    position: new Vec3(x + window.innerWidth/2, y + window.innerHeight/2, 0) 

    // Attach the box to the anchor with a `Spring` force 
    var spring = new Spring(null, satellite, { 
    stiffness: 95, 
    period: 0.6, 
    dampingRatio: 1.0, 
    anchor: anchor 

    // satellite.setVelocity(-y/Math.PI, -x/Math.PI/2, y/2); 
    satellite.setVelocity(0.5, 0.5, 0); 
    // this.gravity.addTarget(satellite); 
    this.simulation.add(satellite, spring); 
    this.items.push([satellite, position]); 


// Boilerplate 

// App Code 
var demo = new Demo();
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