2016-12-09 7 views

dies der Code ist:Fehler 'BOOL' Name hat keinen Typ

/* the playing board is an array of these records */ 
typedef struct tagBOARD { 
    char val; /* the character on top face of die */ 
    char orient; /* its orientation (0, 90, 180, 270 degree rotation) */ 
    BOOL Cused; /* true if die was used in trying to make a word */ 
        /* used only by computer in trying to find words */ 
    BOOL Uused; /* true if player used letter by pushing button in */ 
    HWND hWindow; /* handle of control corresponding to this die */ 
    char r, c;   /* row and column of this die */ 
    struct tagBOARD *link[8]; /* links to neighboring dice, some may be NULL */ 
    } BOARD; 

aber ich diesen Fehler immer erhalten:

[Error] 'BOOL' does not name a type 
[Error] 'BOOL' does not name a type 
[Error] 'HWND' does not name a type 

was soll ich dieses Problem zu lösen tun?


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#include <windows.h> 

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