2016-04-28 13 views

Ich erstelle ein Node.js Java-Backend. Die Middleware Node.js empfängt HTTP-Anfragen von einer Android-Anwendung und leitet sie dann an den Java-Code weiter. Der Grund für die Wahl dieser Technologien ist die Schaffung eines hochskalierbaren Backends von Grund auf.HTTP Node.js Java-API

Ich möchte, dass die Node.js API die HTTP-Anfragen empfängt, sie an die Java-Seite des Backends weitergibt, der Java-Code seine Berechnungen durchführt, das Ergebnis an die Node.js-API zurücksendet und den Prozess dann beendet indem Sie das Ergebnis zurück an die Android-Anwendung senden.

kann ich erhalten und HTTP-Anforderungen analysieren:

var BodyParser = require('body-parser'); 
var Express = require('express'); 
var JavaClient = require('./NodeJavaBridge.js'); 

var JavaClientInstance = new JavaClient(); 
var app = Express(); 

///// Receive message logic \\\\\ 

app.post('/', function (request, response) 
    var task = request.body; 

    response.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }); 
    var otherObject = { SomeData: 1234 }; 
    var json = JSON.stringify({ 
        data: otherObject 

console.log("START --> Java Client Instance"); 

app.listen(8080); //to port on which the express server listen 
console.log("Server listening on: " + 8080);

Ich kann auch Daten zwischen Node.js und Java senden und empfangen:

var Util = require('util'); 
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; 
var ChildProc = require('child_process'); 

var JavaClient = function() { 
    var _self = this; 
    // The child process object we get when we spawn the java process 
    var _javaSpawn = null; 
    // buffer for receiving messages in part and piecing them together later 
    var _receiveBuffer = null; 
    // The location of java and the - we're making these public because maybe 
    // we want to change them in the user of this module. 
    _self.javaPath = 'java'; 
    _self.jarPath = 'C:/Dev/Backend_Java.jar'; 
    _self.verbose = true; 
    // list of events emitted - for informational purposes 
    _self.events = [ 
     'spawn', 'message', 'exception', 'unknown', 'sent', 'java_error', 

     // Response messages that then become events themselves 
     'Error', 'Hello', 'Info' 
    * Attach our own event handler to reply to the hello message. 
    * This is just a convenience part of the protocol so that clients don't have to do it. 
    * Also connects if connection data was supplied. 
    _self.on('Hello', function() { 
    * Executes the java process to begin sending and receiving communication 
    _self.run = function() { 
     // Invoke the process 
     _javaSpawn = ChildProc.spawn(_self.javaPath, ['-jar', _self.jarPath]); 
     // Wire up events 
     _javaSpawn.stdout.on('data', onData); 
     _javaSpawn.stderr.on('data', onJavaError); 
     _javaSpawn.on('exit', function (code) { 
      console.log("The java program exited with code " + code + ".");    
     // Emit our own event to indicate to others that we have spawned 
     _self.emit('spawn', _javaSpawn); 
    // sends the hello request message 
    _self.sendHello = function() { 
       messageName : 'Hello', 
       version  : '1.1' 
    // sends a message that will be echoed back as an Info message 
    _self.sendEcho = function (message) { 
       messageName : "Echo", 
       message  : message 
    // sends a message telling the java app to exit 
    _self.sendGoodbye = function() { 
       "messageName" : "Goodbye" 
    * Sends a message object as a JSON encoded string to the java application for processing. 
    function sendMessage(aMsg) 
     // convert to json and prepare buffer 
     var aJsonString = JSON.stringify(aMsg); 
     var lByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(aJsonString); 
     var lMsgBuffer = new Buffer(4 + lByteLength); 
     // Write 4-byte length, followed by json, to buffer 
     lMsgBuffer.writeUInt32BE(lByteLength, 0); 
     lMsgBuffer.write(aJsonString, 4, aJsonString.length, 'utf8'); 
     // send buffer to standard input on the java application 
     _self.emit('sent', aMsg); 
    * Receive data over standard input 
    function onData(data) 
     // Attach or extend receive buffer 
     _receiveBuffer = (null == _receiveBuffer) ? data : Buffer.concat([_receiveBuffer, data]); 
     // Pop all messages until the buffer is exhausted 
     while (null != _receiveBuffer && _receiveBuffer.length > 3) 
      var size = _receiveBuffer.readInt32BE(0); 
      // Early exit processing if we don't have enough data yet 
      if ((size + 4) > _receiveBuffer.length) 
      // Pull out the message 
      var json = _receiveBuffer.toString('utf8', 4, (size + 4)); 
      // Resize the receive buffer 
      _receiveBuffer = ((size + 4) == _receiveBuffer.length) ? null : _receiveBuffer.slice((size + 4)); 
      // Parse the message as a JSON object 
       var msgObj = JSON.parse(json); 
       // emit the generic message received event 
       _self.emit('message', msgObj); 
       // emit an object-type specific event 
       if ((typeof msgObj.messageName) == 'undefined') 
        _self.emit('unknown', msgObj); 
        _self.emit(msgObj.messageName, msgObj); 
      catch (ex) 
       _self.emit('exception', ex); 
    * Receive error output from the java process 
    function onJavaError(data) 
     _self.emit('java_error', data.toString()); 

// Make our JavaClient class an EventEmitter 
Util.inherits(JavaClient, EventEmitter); 

// export our class 
module.exports = JavaClient;

Mein Problem: Wie lasse ich die POST-Anfrage eine Anfrage an meine JavaClient-Instanz senden, warte auf eine Antwort und sende sie dann zurück an den Ursprung (Android App).

Hier ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie ich versuche, die Logik zum Laufen zu bringen:

var client = require('./JavaClient'); 

var instance = new client(); 

instance.on('message', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Received a message...'); 

instance.on('sent', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Sent a message...'); 

instance.on('Info', function(msg) { 
    console.log("Received info"); 

(function() { 
    // Start it up (Hello exchanges happen) 

    // Receive acknowledgement of hello 
    instance.once('Info', function() { 
    // Try echoing something 


Wenn ich etwas mehr klar lass es mich machen sollte wissen (es ist sehr spät und ich nehme an dass meine Schreibfähigkeiten einen Tauchgang machen). Ich würde mich über jede Art von Kommentaren für die Antwort/den Vorschlag/thisisabadidea freuen.



Ist der Java Teil zeitaufwendig? Sie müssen das Gateway-Timeout berücksichtigen, wenn Ruhe-APIs in Betrieb sind. –


@ PhagunBaya Ja, es gibt eine Chance, dass ich zeitaufwendig sein kann. Wenn das ein Problem wird, was würden Sie vorschlagen? – Breeds


Ich würde vorschlagen, den Prozess in einigen In-Memory-Cache zu verfolgen. Dazu müssen Sie die Antwort auf diese API mit einer Track-ID zurücksenden, und der Client wird eine API abfragen, um den Status des Prozesses zurückzuerhalten. Oder Sie können socket.io verwenden, um die endgültige Antwort an den Client über die Socket-Verbindung zurückzusenden. –



var Util = require('util'); 
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; 
var ChildProc = require('child_process'); 

var JavaClient = function() { 
    var _self = this; 
    // The child process object we get when we spawn the java process 
    var _javaSpawn = null; 
    // buffer for receiving messages in part and piecing them together later 
    var _receiveBuffer = null; 
    // The location of java and the - we're making these public because maybe 
    // we want to change them in the user of this module. 
    _self.javaPath = 'java'; 
    _self.jarPath = 'C:/Dev/Backend_Java.jar'; 
    _self.verbose = true; 
    // list of events emitted - for informational purposes 
    _self.events = [ 
     'spawn', 'message', 'exception', 'unknown', 'sent', 'java_error', 

     // Response messages that then become events themselves 
     'Error', 'Hello', 'Info' 
    * Attach our own event handler to reply to the hello message. 
    * This is just a convenience part of the protocol so that clients don't have to do it. 
    * Also connects if connection data was supplied. 
    _self.on('Hello', function() { 
    * Executes the java process to begin sending and receiving communication 
    _self.run = function() { 
     // Invoke the process 
     _javaSpawn = ChildProc.spawn(_self.javaPath, ['-jar', _self.jarPath]); 
     // Wire up events 
     _javaSpawn.stdout.on('data', onData); 
     _javaSpawn.stderr.on('data', onJavaError); 
     _javaSpawn.on('exit', function (code) { 
      console.log("The java program exited with code " + code + ".");    
     // Emit our own event to indicate to others that we have spawned 
     _self.emit('spawn', _javaSpawn); 
    // sends the hello request message 
    _self.sendHello = function() { 
       messageName : 'Hello', 
       version  : '1.1' 
    // sends a message that will be echoed back as an Info message 
    _self.sendEcho = function (message) { 
       messageName : "Echo", 
       message  : message 
    // sends a message telling the java app to exit 
    _self.sendGoodbye = function() { 
       "messageName" : "Goodbye" 
    * Sends a message object as a JSON encoded string to the java application for processing. 
    function sendMessage(aMsg) 
     // convert to json and prepare buffer 
     var aJsonString = JSON.stringify(aMsg); 
     var lByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(aJsonString); 
     var lMsgBuffer = new Buffer(4 + lByteLength); 
     // Write 4-byte length, followed by json, to buffer 
     lMsgBuffer.writeUInt32BE(lByteLength, 0); 
     lMsgBuffer.write(aJsonString, 4, aJsonString.length, 'utf8'); 
     // send buffer to standard input on the java application 
     _self.emit('sent', aMsg); 
    * Receive data over standard input 
    function onData(data) 
     // Attach or extend receive buffer 
     _receiveBuffer = (null == _receiveBuffer) ? data : Buffer.concat([_receiveBuffer, data]); 
     // Pop all messages until the buffer is exhausted 
     while (null != _receiveBuffer && _receiveBuffer.length > 3) 
      var size = _receiveBuffer.readInt32BE(0); 
      // Early exit processing if we don't have enough data yet 
      if ((size + 4) > _receiveBuffer.length) 
      // Pull out the message 
      var json = _receiveBuffer.toString('utf8', 4, (size + 4)); 
      // Resize the receive buffer 
      _receiveBuffer = ((size + 4) == _receiveBuffer.length) ? null : _receiveBuffer.slice((size + 4)); 
      // Parse the message as a JSON object 
       var msgObj = JSON.parse(json); 
       // emit the generic message received event 
       _self.emit('message', msgObj); 
       // emit an object-type specific event 
       if ((typeof msgObj.messageName) == 'undefined') 
        _self.emit('unknown', msgObj); 
        _self.emit(msgObj.messageName, msgObj); 
      catch (ex) 
       _self.emit('exception', ex); 
    * Receive error output from the java process 
    function onJavaError(data) 
     _self.emit('java_error', data.toString()); 

// Make our JavaClient class an EventEmitter 
Util.inherits(JavaClient, EventEmitter); 

// export our class 
module.exports = JavaClient;


var client = require('./JavaClient'); 

var instance = new client(); 

instance.on('message', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Received a message...'); 

instance.on('sent', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Sent a message...'); 

instance.on('Info', function(msg) { 
    console.log("Received info"); 

(function() { 
    // Start it up (Hello exchanges happen) 

    // Receive acknowledgement of hello 
    instance.once('Info', function() { 
    // Try echoing something 



Code nur Antworten arent ermutigt, da sie nicht viele Informationen für zukünftige Leser bieten Sie bitte eine Erklärung, was Sie geschrieben haben – WhatsThePoint

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