Ich versuche, mysql-Daten (die sich dynamisch ändern) mit elasticsearch zu synchronisieren. Ich verwende logstash für den Synchronisierungszweck. Ich muss die Liste der Fahrzeuge im Radius von 1KM für die bestanden geo_points filtern. Während eine geo_point Abfrage auf Elasticsearch machen, erhalte ich Fehler wie:Elasticsearch: "Grund": "Ich konnte das geo_point-Feld nicht finden"

    {"root_cause": [ 
     {"type": "query_parsing_exception", 
     "reason": "failed to find geo_point field [location]", 
    "type": "search_phase_execution_exception", 
    "reason": "all shards failed", 
    "grouped": true, 
      "index": "current_location", 
      "reason": { 
      "reason":"failed to find geo_point field [location]", 

Curl Anruf, den ich mache ist:

curl -XGET http://MY.ELASTIC.SEARCH.IP:9200/current_location/vehicle/_search -d ' 
    "query": { 
    "filtered": { 
    "filter": { 
     "geo_distance": { 
     "distance":  "1km", 
     "distance_type": "plane", 
     "location": { 
      "lat": 40.715, 
      "lon": -73.988 


Ergebnis curl Anruf auf eine der Index ist als:

curl -XGET http://MY.ELASTIC.SEARCH.IP:9200/current_location/vehicle/XX12XX34XX56 
    "_index": "current_location", 
    "_type": "vehicle", 
    "_id": "XX12XX34XX56", 
    "_version": 1, 
    "found": true, 
    "_source": { 
     "obd_id": "XX12XX34XX56", 
     "system_timestamp": 1464855810, 
     "gps_timestamp": 1464855807, 
     "speed": 1.476, 
     "direction": 0, 
     "latitude": 12.9699, 
     "longitude": 77.7004, 
     "@version": "1", 
     "@timestamp": "2016-06-05T16:09:46.712Z", 
     "type": "vehicle", 
     "location": { 
      "lat": 12.9699, 
      "lon": 77.7004 

Inhalt meiner logstash.conf Datei ist:

input { 
    jdbc { 
     jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://MY.MYSQL.DB.IP:3306/my_db" 
     jdbc_user => "MY_USER" 
     jdbc_password => "MY_PASSWORD" 
     jdbc_validate_connection => true 
     jdbc_driver_library => "/home/moin/moin/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar" 
     jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" 
     statement => "SELECT obd_id, system_timestamp, gps_timestamp, speed*0.036 as speed, direction, latitude/3600000.00 as latitude, longitude/3600000.00 as longitude from current_location" 
     use_column_value => true 
     tracking_column => system_timestamp 
     add_field => {"type" => "vehicle"} 
filter { 
    if [latitude] and [longitude] { 
    mutate { 
     add_field => { 
     "[location][lat]" => "%{latitude}" 
     "[location][lon]" => "%{longitude}" 
    mutate { 
     convert => { 
     "[location][lat]" => "float" 
     "[location][lon]" => "float" 
output { 
    elasticsearch { 
     index => "current_location" 
     template_overwrite => true 
     template => "/tmp/current-loc.json" 
     document_type => "%{type}" 
     document_id => "%{obd_id}" 
     hosts => "MY.ELASTIC.SEARCH.IP" 

Und meine Vorlagendatei current-loc.json ist als:

    "order": 0, 
    "template": "logstash-*", 
    "settings": { 
     "index": { 
      "refresh_interval": "5s" 
    "mappings": { 
     "_default_": { 
      "dynamic_templates": [ 
        "message_field": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "index": "analyzed", 
          "omit_norms": true, 
          "fielddata": { 
           "format": "disabled" 
          "type": "string" 
         "match": "message", 
         "match_mapping_type": "string" 
        "string_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "index": "analyzed", 
          "omit_norms": true, 
          "fielddata": { 
           "format": "disabled" 
          "type": "string", 
          "fields": { 
           "raw": { 
            "index": "not_analyzed", 
            "ignore_above": 256, 
            "doc_values": true, 
            "type": "string" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "string" 
        "float_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "float" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "float" 
        "double_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "double" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "double" 
        "byte_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "byte" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "byte" 
        "short_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "short" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "short" 
        "integer_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "integer" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "integer" 
        "long_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "long" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "long" 
        "date_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "date" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "date" 
        "geo_point_fields": { 
         "mapping": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "geo_point" 
         "match": "*", 
         "match_mapping_type": "geo_point" 
      "properties": { 
       "@timestamp": { 
        "doc_values": true, 
        "type": "date" 
       "location": { 
        "doc_values": true, 
        "type": "geo_point" 
       "geoip": { 
        "dynamic": true, 
        "properties": { 
         "location": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "geo_point" 
         "longitude": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "float" 
         "latitude": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "float" 
         "ip": { 
          "doc_values": true, 
          "type": "ip" 
        "type": "object" 
       "@version": { 
        "index": "not_analyzed", 
        "doc_values": true, 
        "type": "string" 
      "_all": { 
       "enabled": true, 
       "omit_norms": true 
    "aliases": {} 

ich im Internet fast alles ausprobiert. Jede Idee, wie es zu erreichen ist, wird hilfreich sein. Danke im Voraus. :)



Schließlich bekam das Problem. In meiner Vorlagendatei war der Wert, den ich verwendete: "template": "logstash-*". Ich war nicht bewusst, dass dies den Index benachrichtigen soll, auf dem diese Vorlage angewendet werden soll. Durch die Aktualisierung des Werts auf "template": "my_elastic_index" wurde das Problem behoben.