2017-12-08 8 views

Ich schrieb ein Programm, mit dem ein Benutzer Knoten hinzufügen und sie mit Kanten mit einer GUI-Schnittstelle verbinden kann. Der erste Knoten ist immer mit "0" gekennzeichnet. Wenn ich die findPath-Methode aufruft, zeigt sie jedoch den gesamten Pfad an, ohne die 0 zu haben. Wenn ich zum Beispiel den Pfad von 0-4 finden will und sie alle numerisch verbunden sind, wird [1,2,3,4 angezeigt ]. Um nach dem Verbinden der Knoten einen korrekten Pfad zu erhalten, müssen Sie die Druck-Adjazenz-Schaltfläche drücken. Alles andere läuft wie erwartet, aber ich kann nicht herausfinden, warum der erste Knoten nicht hinzugefügt wird.GUI Edge to Node Rekursiver Pfad nicht ersten Index des Pfades

Danke Jungs!

import javax.swing.JFrame;//imports JFrame package 

    public class Graph//class header 
     public static void main (String[] args)//main method 
      JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Directed Graph");//sets variable frame to a JFrame object and titles it 
      frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//exits application when it is closed 
      frame.getContentPane().add (new GraphPanel());//adding GraphPanel() to the frame 
      frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//sets location to the center 
      frame.pack();//packs the frame, fits everything inside 
      frame.setVisible(true);//makes frame visible 

import java.util.ArrayList;//all of these are the required to get classes from other packages 
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 

public class GraphPanel extends JPanel 
    private final int SIZE = 10; // radius of each node 
    private double alpha; // double variable to define later 
    private JButton print, create, delete, path1; //allpath;//button variables 
    private JTextField label, label1; 
    boolean mode = true;//sets boolean for entire class to true, until later when I define it as false for certain methods to be complete 

    String x1, y1; 
    String str1 = new String("Mode Chosen Is : create");//when you choose create it will print this instead 
    String str2 = new String("Mode Chosen Is : delete");//when you choose delete it will print this 

    int x, y; 
    int mode1 = 1; // int mode1 variable, will comment why i need this when it is later defined/changed 

    private Point point1 = null, point2 = null, point3 = null;//makes pointers null, i added a third pointer to put the distance from the first drawn string at the top right, but no longer needed it 
    //keeping it incase I wanted to add it again 

    private ArrayList<Point> nodeList; // Graph nodes 
    private ArrayList<Edge> edgeList; // Graph edges 

    static private int[][] a = new int[100][100]; // Graph adjacency matrix 
    static ArrayList<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

    public GraphPanel() 

     nodeList = new ArrayList<Point>();//declares ArrayList<Point> 
     edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>();//declares ArrayList<Edge> 

     GraphListener listener = new GraphListener();//assigns 'listener' to a Graphlistener object 
     addMouseListener (listener);//accepts and reads mouseListener methods to the GraphListener object 
     addMouseMotionListener (listener);//accepts and reads MouseMotionListener methods to the GraphListener object 

     label = new JTextField (1); 
     label1 = new JTextField (1); 

     //allpath = new JButton ("Find All Paths"); 
     path1 = new JButton ("Find Path");//path button 
     create = new JButton("Create");//declares 'create' as a JButton object with text on it that says 'create' 
     delete = new JButton("Delete");//declares 'delete' as a JButton object with text that says 'delete' 
     JButton print = new JButton("Print adjacency matrix");//declares 'print' as a JButton object with text that reads 'print adjacency matrix' 

     print.addActionListener (new ButtonListener());//adds an action listener to the print button from the buttonlistener object 
     create.addActionListener (new ButtonListener1());//adds an actionListener to the create button from the buttonlistener1 object 
     delete.addActionListener (new ButtonListener2());//adds an actionliseneer to the delete button from the buttonlistener2 object 
     path1.addActionListener (new ButtonListener3());//adds button that will find path of nodes 
     //allpath.addActionListener (new ButtonListener4()); 

     setBackground (Color.black);//sets backround as black 
     setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400, 300));//this is preferred size of graphpanel 
     add(print);//these next six add()'s add each button to GraphPanel 

    public static boolean findPath(int x, int y) //boolean method findpath that takes two ints as parameters 
     boolean found = false; 

     if (a[x][y]==1) //base case 
      //System.out.println(x + " -> " + y);//prints node -> node 
      found = true;//path is found 
      int z; 
      for (z=0; !found& z<a.length; z++) 
       if (a[x][z]==1) 
        found = findPath(z,y); 

       if (found) 
        //System.out.println(x + " -> " + z); 


     if (!found){    
      System.out.println("Path Does Not Exist"); 
     return found; 

    // public static ArrayList findPath1(int x, int y, ArrayList path) 
    // { 
    // System.out.println("CALL FIND: " + path); 
    // ArrayList path2 = null; 
    // if (a[x][y]==1) 
    // { 
    // ArrayList path3 = (ArrayList)path.clone(); 
    // path3.add(y); 
    // System.out.println("EXIT BASE: " + path3); 
    // path2 = path3; 
    // } 
    // else 
    // { 
    // int z; 
    // for (z=0; z<a.length; z++) 
    // if (a[x][z]==1) 
    // { 
    // ArrayList path3 = (ArrayList)path.clone(); 
    // path3.add(z); 
    // path3 = findPath1(z,y,path3); 
    // System.out.println("EXIT RECU: " + path); 
    // path2 = path3; 
    // } 
    // } 
    // return path2; 
    // } 
    // Draws the graph 
    public void paintComponent (Graphics page) 
     super.paintComponent(page);//using parent methods 

     // Draws the edge that is being dragged 
     page.setColor (Color.green);//setting color of what will be drawn to green 
     if (mode1 == 1)//if mode1 is set to 1, which is when the create button is selected 
      page.drawString(str1, 125, 75);//then this is printed 
     if (mode1 == 2)//if mode1 is set to 2, which is when the delete button is selected 
      page.drawString(str2, 125, 75);//then this is printed 
     if (point1 != null && point2 != null)//if and only if both points are not null 
      page.drawLine (point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y);//then it draws the line from between point1(x, y cords), and point2(x, y cords) 
      page.fillOval (point2.x-3, point2.y-3, 6, 6);//fills this oval by the rectangle it is specified from 
     // Draws the nodes  
     for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) //for loop going through the nodeList ArrayList 
      page.setColor (Color.green);//color is set to green 
      page.fillOval (nodeList.get(i).x-SIZE, nodeList.get(i).y-SIZE, SIZE*2, SIZE*2);//fills oval by subtracting the SIZE from the x, y and setting the height and width as two times the SIZE 
      page.setColor (Color.black);//sets next line to black 
      page.drawString (String.valueOf(i), nodeList.get(i).x-SIZE/2, nodeList.get(i).y+SIZE/2);//writes inside the node what number index it is from the ArrayList with black text 
     // Draws the edges 
     for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) // for loop going through the edgeList ArrayList 
      page.setColor (Color.green);//sets the next line to green 
      page.drawLine (edgeList.get(i).a.x, edgeList.get(i).a.y,edgeList.get(i).b.x, edgeList.get(i).b.y);//draws the line from x and y cords of where it starts to end 
      //page.fillOval (edgeList.get(i).b.x-3, edgeList.get(i).b.y-3, 6, 6); 

      //page.drawString (String.valueOf(point1.x*(point2.y-point3.y)+point2.x*(point3.y-point1.y)+point3.x*(point1.y-point2.y)), 5, 15); 

      alpha = Math.atan((double)(edgeList.get(i).b.y-edgeList.get(i).a.y)/(edgeList.get(i).b.x-edgeList.get(i).a.x));//alpha = b.y-a.y cords/b.x-a.x chords as a double variable 
      if (edgeList.get(i).a.x > edgeList.get(i).b.x)//if the x chord of a is greater than the x cordinate of b 
       alpha = alpha + Math.PI;//then alpha = previously defined alpha multiplied by PI 
      if (edgeList.get(i).a.x < edgeList.get(i).b.x && edgeList.get(i).a.y > edgeList.get(i).b.y)//if a.x is less than b.x and a.y is less than b.y 
       alpha = alpha + 2*Math.PI;//then alpha becomes the previously defined alpha multiplied by 2 PI 
      arrow(page,edgeList.get(i).b.x,edgeList.get(i).b.y,0,1.57-alpha);//arrow method, taking a x(edgeList.get(i).b.x, y(edgeList.get(i).b.y, length = 0 so arrow is at the 
      // very end of the drawn line subtracted by a double aplha 

    // arrow method to call when making an arrow 
    private void arrow(Graphics page, int x, int y, int len, double alpha)//arrow method, taking a x, y, length and double parameter 
     page.setColor (Color.green);//sets arrow to green 
     int x1 = x+(int)(len*Math.sin(alpha));//x1 is set to x plus length *sin of alpha 
     int y1 = y+(int)(len*Math.cos(alpha));//y1 is set to y plus the length * cosin of alpha 
     page.drawLine (x, y, x1, y1);//drawa the x and y, and then previously defined x1, and y1 
     page.drawLine (x1, y1, x1+(int)(20*Math.sin(alpha+2.5)), y1+(int)(20*Math.cos(alpha+2.5)));//arithmatic to draw one side of the line for the arrow 
     page.drawLine (x1, y1, x1+(int)(20*Math.sin(alpha+3.7)), y1+(int)(20*Math.cos(alpha+3.7)));//arithmatic to draw the corresponding line for the arrow to complete the arrow 

    // The listener for mouse events. 
    private class GraphListener implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener//GraphListener which implements MouseListener and MouseMotionListener, meaning it takes methods from both of those classes 
     public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent event)//when mouse is clicked and released 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       nodeList.add(event.getPoint());//the current point to the nodeList 
       repaint();//whenever you change the look of a componenet you call this method 
      if (mode == false)//if boolean mode is false 
       for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)//for loop to go through the nodeList ArrayList 
        if (distance(nodeList.get(i), event.getPoint()) < SIZE)//if the distance between a specific node and the pointer is less than the radius of the node (SIZE) 
         nodeList.remove(i);//then remove that node 
       for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) 
        if (distance(edgeList.get(i).a, event.getPoint())+distance(event.getPoint(), edgeList.get(i).b)-distance(edgeList.get(i).a, edgeList.get(i).b) < SIZE) 
        //if the (distance between starting point of that edgelist index and the current point) plus (the distance between the current point and ending point of that edgeList index) 
        //subtracted by the (distance of the starting and ending point of that edgeList index)(AB+BC-AC) is all less than the size 
         edgeList.remove(i);//then remove that index 

     public void mousePressed (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is pressed down 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point1 = event.getPoint();//you start that point 

     public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is dragged while pressed down 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point2 = event.getPoint();//then you get the second point 
       repaint();//must use this method because you are making a change to the component 

     public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is released after being pressed (not to be confused with a click) 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point2 = event.getPoint();//then you set point2 to where that point landed 
       if (point1.x != point2.x && point1.y != point2.y)//if the points are not in the same spots 
        edgeList.add(new Edge(point1,point2));//then you add a new edgeList element to the ArrayList, by definition of Edge() object 
        repaint();//must use this method because changes to component have been made 


     public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent event)// if the mouse is moved, without it being clicked (not to be confused by mouseDragged) 
      point3 = event.getPoint();//point three is set to be where the mouse is at the current time(used this to find the distance of original edge drawn, keeping here incase I want to add) 
      repaint();//must use this method because changes were made to component 


     // Empty definitions for unused event methods. 
     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent event){}//when the mouse enters a component  

     public void mouseExited (MouseEvent event) {}//when the mouse exits a component 

     private int distance(Point p1, Point p2) //private distance formula but inside of this class so i was able to use it for determining how to erase nodes and edges 
      return (int)Math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y));//square root of x cordinants of first point minus second point times its self plus the y coordinates 
      //of first point minus second point times itself 
    // Represents the graph edges 
    private class Edge //defines how edges are made 
     Point a, b; 

     public Edge(Point a, Point b) 
      this.a = a; 
      this.b = b; 

    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      if (event.getSource()== create) 
       mode = true; 
       mode1 = 1; 
      if (event.getSource()==delete) 
       mode = !true; 
       mode1 = 2; 


      // Initializes graph adjacency matrix 
      for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) 
       for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) a[i][j]=0; 

      // Includes the edges in the graph adjacency matrix 
      for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) 
       for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) 
        if (distance(nodeList.get(j),edgeList.get(i).a)<=SIZE+3) 
         for (int k=0; k<nodeList.size(); k++) 
          if (distance(nodeList.get(k),edgeList.get(i).b)<=SIZE+3) 

      if (event.getSource()==print) 

       // Prints the graph adjacency matrix 
       for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) 
        for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) 
     // Euclidean distance function  
     private int distance(Point p1, Point p2) 
      return (int)Math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y)); 

    private class ButtonListener1 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      if (event.getSource()== create)//if create button is selected 
       mode = true;//then the mode is set to true 
       mode1 = 1;//and mode1 is set to 1 

    private class ButtonListener2 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      if (event.getSource()== delete)//if create button is selected 
       mode = !true;//then the mode is set to true 
       mode1 = 2;//and mode1 is set to 2, which would change the string that is output 

    private class ButtonListener3 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      x1 = label.getText(); 
      y1 = label1.getText(); 
      x = Integer.parseInt(x1); 
      y = Integer.parseInt(y1); 

      System.out.println("Path from " +x+" to " +y); 




Sie fügen nur den ersten Knoten zum Pfad hinzu. Sie können es tun, wenn Sie überprüfen, ob Pfad vorhanden ist:

if (!found){    
    System.out.println("Path Does Not Exist"); 
} else { 
    path.add(0, x); 

und dann müssen Sie auch diesen Block entfernen:

if (found) { 
    //System.out.println(x + " -> " + z); 

So vollständige Methode wie

public static boolean findPath(int x, int y) //boolean method findpath that takes two ints as parameters 
    boolean found = false; 

    if (a[x][y]==1) //base case 
     //System.out.println(x + " -> " + y);//prints node -> node 
     found = true;//path is found 
     int z; 
     for (z=0; !found& z<a.length; z++) 
      if (a[x][z]==1) 
       found = findPath(z,y); 

      /*if (found) 
       //System.out.println(x + " -> " + z); 


    if (!found){ 
     System.out.println("Path Does Not Exist"); 
    } else { 
    return found; 

ich auch aussehen vorschlagen, dass Sie Dijkstra's algorithm der Suche nach dem kürzesten Weg zwischen den Knoten


Dank Mann, aber ich versuchte es und es gab mir ein wenig mehr Probleme, war der Trick, um es einfach in der button Klasse hinzufügen, nachdem Sie FindPath rufen und dann das Array zu löschen, so dass, wenn Sie es klicken als Sobald es nicht weiter den gleichen Pfad hinzufügen und ein riesiges Array erstellen – alwaysquestioning


Nun, das ist auch eine Lösung. Aber ich bin nur neugierig, was war das Problem mit meinem Code? –


Ich konnte es finden und natürlich war es der kleinste Fehler, den ich vermisste, und fügte hinzu, dass, falls jemand das gleiche Problem hat, ich hoffe, dass das hilft. Die Hauptunterschiede sind in meiner Klasse knopelistener3, aber ich füge das Ganze noch einmal hinzu, nur wenn dies jemandem hilft.

import java.util.ArrayList;//all of these are the required to get classes from other packages 
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 

public class GraphPanel extends JPanel 
    private final int SIZE = 10; // radius of each node 
    private double alpha; // double variable to define later 
    private JButton print, create, delete, path1; //allpath;//button variables 
    private JTextField label, label1; 
    boolean mode = true;//sets boolean for entire class to true, until later when I define it as false for certain methods to be complete 

    String x1, y1; 
    String str1 = new String("Mode Chosen Is : create");//when you choose create it will print this instead 
    String str2 = new String("Mode Chosen Is : delete");//when you choose delete it will print this 

    int x, y; 
    int mode1 = 1; // int mode1 variable, will comment why i need this when it is later defined/changed 

    private Point point1 = null, point2 = null, point3 = null;//makes pointers null, i added a third pointer to put the distance from the first drawn string at the top right, but no longer needed it 
    //keeping it incase I wanted to add it again 

    private ArrayList<Point> nodeList; // Graph nodes 
    private ArrayList<Edge> edgeList; // Graph edges 

    static private int[][] a = new int[100][100]; // Graph adjacency matrix 
    static ArrayList<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

    public GraphPanel() 

     nodeList = new ArrayList<Point>();//declares ArrayList<Point> 
     edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>();//declares ArrayList<Edge> 

     GraphListener listener = new GraphListener();//assigns 'listener' to a Graphlistener object 
     addMouseListener (listener);//accepts and reads mouseListener methods to the GraphListener object 
     addMouseMotionListener (listener);//accepts and reads MouseMotionListener methods to the GraphListener object 

     label = new JTextField (1); 
     label1 = new JTextField (1); 

     //allpath = new JButton ("Find All Paths"); 
     path1 = new JButton ("Find Path");//path button 
     create = new JButton("Create");//declares 'create' as a JButton object with text on it that says 'create' 
     delete = new JButton("Delete");//declares 'delete' as a JButton object with text that says 'delete' 
     JButton print = new JButton("Print adjacency matrix");//declares 'print' as a JButton object with text that reads 'print adjacency matrix' 

     print.addActionListener (new ButtonListener());//adds an action listener to the print button from the buttonlistener object 
     create.addActionListener (new ButtonListener1());//adds an actionListener to the create button from the buttonlistener1 object 
     delete.addActionListener (new ButtonListener2());//adds an actionliseneer to the delete button from the buttonlistener2 object 
     path1.addActionListener (new ButtonListener3());//adds button that will find path of nodes 
     //allpath.addActionListener (new ButtonListener4()); 

     setBackground (Color.black);//sets backround as black 
     setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400, 300));//this is preferred size of graphpanel 
     add(print);//these next six add()'s add each button to GraphPanel 

    public static boolean findPath(int x, int y) //boolean method findpath that takes two ints as parameters 
     boolean found = false; 

     if (a[x][y]==1) //base case 
      //System.out.println(x + " -> " + y);//prints node -> node 
      found = true;//path is found 
      int z; 
      for (z=0; !found& z<a.length; z++) 
       if (a[x][z]==1) 
        found = findPath(z,y); 

       if (found) 
        //System.out.println(x + " -> " + z); 

     return found; 

    // public static ArrayList findPath1(int x, int y, ArrayList path) 
    // { 
    // System.out.println("CALL FIND: " + path); 
    // ArrayList path2 = null; 
    // if (a[x][y]==1) 
    // { 
    // ArrayList path3 = (ArrayList)path.clone(); 
    // path3.add(y); 
    // System.out.println("EXIT BASE: " + path3); 
    // path2 = path3; 
    // } 
    // else 
    // { 
    // int z; 
    // for (z=0; z<a.length; z++) 
    // if (a[x][z]==1) 
    // { 
    // ArrayList path3 = (ArrayList)path.clone(); 
    // path3.add(z); 
    // path3 = findPath1(z,y,path3); 
    // System.out.println("EXIT RECU: " + path); 
    // path2 = path3; 
    // } 
    // } 
    // return path2; 
    // } 
    // Draws the graph 
    public void paintComponent (Graphics page) 
     super.paintComponent(page);//using parent methods 

     // Draws the edge that is being dragged 
     page.setColor (Color.green);//setting color of what will be drawn to green 
     if (mode1 == 1)//if mode1 is set to 1, which is when the create button is selected 
      page.drawString(str1, 125, 75);//then this is printed 
     if (mode1 == 2)//if mode1 is set to 2, which is when the delete button is selected 
      page.drawString(str2, 125, 75);//then this is printed 
     if (point1 != null && point2 != null)//if and only if both points are not null 
      page.drawLine (point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y);//then it draws the line from between point1(x, y cords), and point2(x, y cords) 
      page.fillOval (point2.x-3, point2.y-3, 6, 6);//fills this oval by the rectangle it is specified from 
     // Draws the nodes  
     for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) //for loop going through the nodeList ArrayList 
      page.setColor (Color.green);//color is set to green 
      page.fillOval (nodeList.get(i).x-SIZE, nodeList.get(i).y-SIZE, SIZE*2, SIZE*2);//fills oval by subtracting the SIZE from the x, y and setting the height and width as two times the SIZE 
      page.setColor (Color.black);//sets next line to black 
      page.drawString (String.valueOf(i), nodeList.get(i).x-SIZE/2, nodeList.get(i).y+SIZE/2);//writes inside the node what number index it is from the ArrayList with black text 
     // Draws the edges 
     for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) // for loop going through the edgeList ArrayList 
      page.setColor (Color.green);//sets the next line to green 
      page.drawLine (edgeList.get(i).a.x, edgeList.get(i).a.y,edgeList.get(i).b.x, edgeList.get(i).b.y);//draws the line from x and y cords of where it starts to end 
      //page.fillOval (edgeList.get(i).b.x-3, edgeList.get(i).b.y-3, 6, 6); 

      //page.drawString (String.valueOf(point1.x*(point2.y-point3.y)+point2.x*(point3.y-point1.y)+point3.x*(point1.y-point2.y)), 5, 15); 

      alpha = Math.atan((double)(edgeList.get(i).b.y-edgeList.get(i).a.y)/(edgeList.get(i).b.x-edgeList.get(i).a.x));//alpha = b.y-a.y cords/b.x-a.x chords as a double variable 
      if (edgeList.get(i).a.x > edgeList.get(i).b.x)//if the x chord of a is greater than the x cordinate of b 
       alpha = alpha + Math.PI;//then alpha = previously defined alpha multiplied by PI 
      if (edgeList.get(i).a.x < edgeList.get(i).b.x && edgeList.get(i).a.y > edgeList.get(i).b.y)//if a.x is less than b.x and a.y is less than b.y 
       alpha = alpha + 2*Math.PI;//then alpha becomes the previously defined alpha multiplied by 2 PI 
      arrow(page,edgeList.get(i).b.x,edgeList.get(i).b.y,0,1.57-alpha);//arrow method, taking a x(edgeList.get(i).b.x, y(edgeList.get(i).b.y, length = 0 so arrow is at the 
      // very end of the drawn line subtracted by a double aplha 

    // arrow method to call when making an arrow 
    private void arrow(Graphics page, int x, int y, int len, double alpha)//arrow method, taking a x, y, length and double parameter 
     page.setColor (Color.green);//sets arrow to green 
     int x1 = x+(int)(len*Math.sin(alpha));//x1 is set to x plus length *sin of alpha 
     int y1 = y+(int)(len*Math.cos(alpha));//y1 is set to y plus the length * cosin of alpha 
     page.drawLine (x, y, x1, y1);//drawa the x and y, and then previously defined x1, and y1 
     page.drawLine (x1, y1, x1+(int)(20*Math.sin(alpha+2.5)), y1+(int)(20*Math.cos(alpha+2.5)));//arithmatic to draw one side of the line for the arrow 
     page.drawLine (x1, y1, x1+(int)(20*Math.sin(alpha+3.7)), y1+(int)(20*Math.cos(alpha+3.7)));//arithmatic to draw the corresponding line for the arrow to complete the arrow 

    // The listener for mouse events. 
    private class GraphListener implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener//GraphListener which implements MouseListener and MouseMotionListener, meaning it takes methods from both of those classes 
     public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent event)//when mouse is clicked and released 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       nodeList.add(event.getPoint());//the current point to the nodeList 
       repaint();//whenever you change the look of a componenet you call this method 
      if (mode == false)//if boolean mode is false 
       for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)//for loop to go through the nodeList ArrayList 
        if (distance(nodeList.get(i), event.getPoint()) < SIZE)//if the distance between a specific node and the pointer is less than the radius of the node (SIZE) 
         nodeList.remove(i);//then remove that node 
       for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) 
        if (distance(edgeList.get(i).a, event.getPoint())+distance(event.getPoint(), edgeList.get(i).b)-distance(edgeList.get(i).a, edgeList.get(i).b) < SIZE) 
        //if the (distance between starting point of that edgelist index and the current point) plus (the distance between the current point and ending point of that edgeList index) 
        //subtracted by the (distance of the starting and ending point of that edgeList index)(AB+BC-AC) is all less than the size 
         edgeList.remove(i);//then remove that index 

     public void mousePressed (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is pressed down 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point1 = event.getPoint();//you start that point 

     public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is dragged while pressed down 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point2 = event.getPoint();//then you get the second point 
       repaint();//must use this method because you are making a change to the component 

     public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent event)//when the mouse is released after being pressed (not to be confused with a click) 
      if (mode == true)//if the mode is true 
       point2 = event.getPoint();//then you set point2 to where that point landed 
       if (point1.x != point2.x && point1.y != point2.y)//if the points are not in the same spots 
        edgeList.add(new Edge(point1,point2));//then you add a new edgeList element to the ArrayList, by definition of Edge() object 
        repaint();//must use this method because changes to component have been made 


     public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent event)// if the mouse is moved, without it being clicked (not to be confused by mouseDragged) 
      point3 = event.getPoint();//point three is set to be where the mouse is at the current time(used this to find the distance of original edge drawn, keeping here incase I want to add) 
      repaint();//must use this method because changes were made to component 


     // Empty definitions for unused event methods. 
     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent event){}//when the mouse enters a component  

     public void mouseExited (MouseEvent event) {}//when the mouse exits a component 

     private int distance(Point p1, Point p2) //private distance formula but inside of this class so i was able to use it for determining how to erase nodes and edges 
      return (int)Math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y));//square root of x cordinants of first point minus second point times its self plus the y coordinates 
      //of first point minus second point times itself 
    // Represents the graph edges 
    private class Edge //defines how edges are made 
     Point a, b; 

     public Edge(Point a, Point b) 
      this.a = a; 
      this.b = b; 

    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      if (event.getSource()== create) 
       mode = true; 
       mode1 = 1; 
      if (event.getSource()==delete) 
       mode = !true; 
       mode1 = 2; 


      // Initializes graph adjacency matrix 
      for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) 
       for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) a[i][j]=0; 

      // Includes the edges in the graph adjacency matrix 
      for (int i=0; i<edgeList.size(); i++) 
       for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) 
        if (distance(nodeList.get(j),edgeList.get(i).a)<=SIZE+3) 
         for (int k=0; k<nodeList.size(); k++) 
          if (distance(nodeList.get(k),edgeList.get(i).b)<=SIZE+3) 


      if (event.getSource()==print) 

       // Prints the graph adjacency matrix 
       for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) 
        for (int j=0; j<nodeList.size(); j++) 
     // Euclidean distance function  
     private int distance(Point p1, Point p2) 
      return (int)Math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y)); 

    private class ButtonListener1 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      if (event.getSource()== create)//if create button is selected 
       mode = true;//then the mode is set to true 
       mode1 = 1;//and mode1 is set to 1 

    private class ButtonListener2 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      if (event.getSource()== delete)//if create button is selected 
       mode = !true;//then the mode is set to true 
       mode1 = 2;//and mode1 is set to 2, which would change the string that is output 

    private class ButtonListener3 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
      x1 = label.getText(); 
      y1 = label1.getText(); 
      x = Integer.parseInt(x1); 
      y = Integer.parseInt(y1); 
      System.out.println("Path from " +x+" to " +y); 

    // private class ButtonListener4 implements ActionListener 
    // { 
    // public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
    // { 
    // x1 = label.getText(); 
    // y1 = label1.getText(); 
    // x = Integer.parseInt(x1); 
    // y = Integer.parseInt(y1); 
    // System.out.println("Path from " +x+" to " +y); 
    // System.out.println(findPath1(x,y,path)); 
    // System.out.println(path); 
    // } 
    // } 
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