2017-12-09 10 views



Es gibt keinen Befehl namens pdb, aber man konnte pdb von Shell aufrufen mit:

python -m pdb your_script.py 

Sie mehr Methoden lesen konnte pdb in its doc aufzurufen.


, wenn Sie das Debugger verwenden IPython kann mit

IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. 

In [1]: %pdb 
Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON 

In [2]: %pdb 
Automatic pdb calling has been turned OFF 

In [3]: ?pdb 
Control the automatic calling of the pdb interactive debugger. 

Call as '%pdb on', '%pdb 1', '%pdb off' or '%pdb 0'. If called without 
argument it works as a toggle. 

When an exception is triggered, IPython can optionally call the 
interactive pdb debugger after the traceback printout. %pdb toggles 
this feature on and off. 

The initial state of this feature is set in your configuration 
file (the option is ``InteractiveShell.pdb``). 

If you want to just activate the debugger AFTER an exception has fired, 
without having to type '%pdb on' and rerunning your code, you can use 
the %debug magic. 
File:  ~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/execution.py 

Sie IPython entweder mit pip oder Conda installieren müssen aufgerufen werden.

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