2016-06-19 13 views



Nachdem ich verändert ein wenig home.view.html und home.controller.js Ich glaube, ich machte es, wie Sie wollen.

<div layout="row"> 
    <section layout="column" layout-fill> 
    <md-sidenav class="md-sidenav-left md-whiteframe-z1" md-component-id="left" md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('gt-sm')"> 
     <md-toolbar class="md-toolbar-tools" md-scroll-shrink> 
     <h3>My App Title</h3> 
     <md-button aria-label="Close" class="md-icon-button" ng-click="vm.toggleMenu()" hide-gt-sm> 
     <md-content role="navigation"> 
     <ul class="side-menu"> 
      <li ng-repeat="section in vm.menu.sections" class="parent-list-item" 
       ng-class="{'parentActive' : vm.isSectionSelected(section)}"> 
      <h2 class="menu-heading" ng-if="section.type === 'heading'" 
       id="heading_{{ section.name | nospace }}"> 
      <menu-link section="section" ng-if="section.type === 'link'"></menu-link> 
      <menu-toggle section="section" ng-if="section.type === 'toggle'"></menu-toggle> 
    <md-toolbar hide-gt-sm> 
     <md-button aria-label="Menu" class="md-icon-button" ng-click="vm.toggleMenu()"> 
      <svg style="width:24px;height:24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> 
       <path fill="currentColor" d="M3,6H21V8H3V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,16H21V18H3V16Z" /> 
    <md-content flex> 
     <ui-view name="content"></ui-view> 


    'use strict'; 


.controller('HomeCtrl', [ 
     function ($rootScope, $log, $state, $timeout, $location, menu, $mdSidenav, $mdUtil) { 

     var vm = this; 
     var aboutMeArr = ['Family', 'Location', 'Lifestyle']; 
     var budgetArr = ['Housing', 'LivingExpenses', 'Healthcare', 'Travel']; 
     var incomeArr = ['SocialSecurity', 'Savings', 'Pension', 'PartTimeJob']; 
     var advancedArr = ['Assumptions', 'BudgetGraph', 'AccountBalanceGraph', 'IncomeBalanceGraph']; 

     function isOpen(section) { 
      return menu.isSectionSelected(section); 

     function toggleOpen(section) { 

     //handler to open/close a SideNav; when animation finishes report completion in console 
     function buildToggler(navID) { 
      return $mdUtil.debounce(function() { 
      }, 300); 

     //functions for menu-link and menu-toggle 
     vm.isOpen = isOpen; 
     vm.toggleOpen = toggleOpen; 
     vm.autoFocusContent = false; 
     vm.menu = menu; 

     vm.status = { 
      isFirstOpen: true, 
      isFirstDisabled: false 

     vm.toggleMenu = buildToggler('left'); 


schulde ich Ihnen, macht dieser Code du mich wirklich, viel hat Ihnen geholfen, mich viele Tage Mühe gespeichert haben, ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre Arbeit, wird diese mir helfen in meinem Job – Pokedann


Ich bin froh, dass es geholfen hat – Cosmin

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