2016-06-26 20 views

Wie kann ich Abfrage-Generator verwenden, um whereNotIn zu einer anderen Tabelle zu konditionieren, ohne DB :: raw();Laravel DB Query Builder "WhereNotIn" zu einer anderen Tabelle

$query ="select * from project 
      where prj_usr_id= $user->id 
      and now()<prj_expiry 
      and prj_id not in(select bd_prj_id from bid where bd_status=1) 
      and prj_status='open' 
      order by prj_updated_date desc; 

möglich Duplikat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815551/how-to-do-this-in-laravel-subquery-where-in – herrjeh42


Ihr Modell Codes –


@ herrjeh42 Dank Sende es half. –



Ich löste dadurch.

$results = DB::table('project') 
         ->where('prj_usr_id', '=' , 1) 
         ->where('prj_status', '=' , 'open') 
         ->where('prj_expiry', '<' , Carbon::Now()) 
         ->whereNotIn ('prj_id',function ($query) 
            ->where('bd_status', '=' , '1') 
         ->orderBy('prj_updated_date', 'desc') 
return $results; 
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