2017-06-29 3 views

DEMOLenker js auf Klick löst keine


ich einen einfachen Klick für dynamisch geladene Daten von json für Anker-Tag zu machen. Ich habe versucht, sowohl den Weg mit vanila js und mit jquery beide Art und Weise, die ich nicht in der Lage, es zu erreichen. nicht sicher, was ist das Problem hier. gleiche Funktion auslöst für normale hinzugefügt html

{{#pagination info.page.current_page info.page.per_page info.page.total_result_count}} 
    <div id="pagination" class="pagination">{{#unless startFromFirstPage}} 
     <a href="#">&lt;</a> {{/unless}} {{#each pages}} {{#if isCurrent}} [ 
     <a href="#">{{page}}</a> ] {{/if}} {{#unless isCurrent}} 
     <a href="#">{{page}}</a> {{/unless}} {{/each}} {{#unless endAtLastPage}} 
     <a href="#">&gt;</a> {{/unless}} 

var results = {}; 
var pageNum = 1; 

$(document).ready(function() { 
    document.getElementById('results').firstElementChild('.pagination').onclick = function() { 
     var pageNum = $(this).text(); 
     alert('hi ' + pageNum); 

    function getResult(pageNum) { 
     $.getJSON('searchResult-' + pageNum + '.json', function (data) { 
      var compileResult = Handlebars.compile($("#result").html()); 
      fullResult = compileResult(data); 

Iam nicht in der Lage Daten zu JSon ..

so ist es hier ///

    "record_count": 5, 
    "records": { 
    "page": [ 
     "body": "A Post in May This post is in the middle of the other ones, so we can show date range filtering with published_at.", 
     "external_id": "c1173561bd0641bf0f5bd64c4d4d5a68939552c4", 
     "sections": [ 
      "A Post in May" 
     "title": "A Post in May", 
     "updated_at": "2015-08-25T06:40:27Z", 
     "image": "", 
     "type": "post", 
     "url": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/2012/05/01/a-post-in-may.html", 
     "popularity": 1, 
     "published_at": "2012-05-01T07:00:00Z", 
     "info": "", 
     "_index": "crawled", 
     "_type": "page", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_version": null, 
     "_explanation": null, 
     "sort": null, 
     "highlight": { 
      "title": "A <em>Post</em> in May", 
      "sections": "A <em>Post</em> in May", 
      "body": "A <em>Post</em> in May This post is in the middle of the other ones, so we can show date range filtering with published_at." 
     "id": "5025a3036052f6b650000008" 
     "body": "First Post! Here is the first post on my site.", 
     "external_id": "9508ace2e1ba669854eb49fbe9429952ff1a6d4c", 
     "sections": [ 
      "First Post!" 
     "title": "First Post!", 
     "updated_at": "2015-08-25T06:40:27Z", 
     "image": "", 
     "type": "post", 
     "url": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/2012/01/01/first-post.html", 
     "popularity": 1, 
     "published_at": "2012-01-01T08:00:00Z", 
     "info": "", 
     "_index": "crawled", 
     "_type": "page", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_version": null, 
     "_explanation": null, 
     "sort": null, 
     "highlight": { 
      "title": "First <em>Post</em>!", 
      "sections": "First <em>Post</em>!", 
      "body": "First <em>Post</em>! Here is the first post on my site." 
     "id": "5025a3036052f6b650000006" 
     "body": "A post with an image This post has a photo. If you look at the metadata, it has an st:image meta tag. This meta tag displays the image as a thumbnail in search results.", 
     "external_id": "92941161a37a99df8a74040c8a0061cfc266eeec", 
     "sections": [ 
      "A post with an image" 
     "title": "A post with an image", 
     "updated_at": "2015-08-25T06:40:27Z", 
     "image": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/images/cat.jpg", 
     "type": "post", 
     "url": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/2012/08/10/post-with-image.html", 
     "popularity": 1, 
     "published_at": "2012-08-10T07:00:00Z", 
     "info": "", 
     "_index": "crawled", 
     "_type": "page", 
     "_score": 3.8706326, 
     "_version": null, 
     "_explanation": null, 
     "sort": null, 
     "highlight": { 
      "title": "A <em>post</em> with an image", 
      "sections": "A <em>post</em> with an image", 
      "body": "A <em>post</em> with an image This post has a photo. If you look at the metadata, it has an st:image meta tag. This meta tag displays the image as a thumbnail in search results." 
     "id": "5025a3036052f6b650000004" 
     "body": "Swiftype Crawler Demo Site Welcome to the Swiftype Crawler Demo Site. Be sure to check out the source code to view the Swiftype meta tags that control how the crawler works. A post with an image A Post in May First Post! Learn more About this site.", 
     "external_id": "3fccec2102880d859c1cf8f8b60609e62c7ab50b", 
     "sections": [ 
      "Swiftype Crawler Demo Site" 
     "title": "Swiftype Crawler Demo Site", 
     "updated_at": "2015-08-25T06:39:41Z", 
     "image": "", 
     "type": "page", 
     "url": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/", 
     "popularity": 1, 
     "published_at": "2017-06-28T06:39:54Z", 
     "info": "", 
     "_index": "crawled", 
     "_type": "page", 
     "_score": 0.009990831, 
     "_version": null, 
     "_explanation": null, 
     "sort": null, 
     "highlight": { 
      "body": "Welcome to the Swiftype Crawler Demo Site. Be sure to check out the source code to view the Swiftype meta tags that control how the crawler works. A <em>post</em> with an image A Post in May First Post! Learn more About this site." 
     "id": "5025a3036052f6b650000002" 
     "body": "About This Site This site is used for demonstrating the Swiftype Crawler. As you can see from the source code of this page, it has a st:type meta tag with a value of page as opposed to post. This allows filtering of blog posts from regular pages.", 
     "external_id": "261733cee3ca9c280320efc0d79ad8566ddbb9a9", 
     "sections": [ 
      "About This Site" 
     "title": "About This Site", 
     "updated_at": "2015-08-25T06:40:27Z", 
     "image": "", 
     "type": "page", 
     "url": "http://crawler-demo-site.herokuapp.com/about.html", 
     "popularity": 1, 
     "published_at": "2017-06-28T06:40:31Z", 
     "info": "", 
     "_index": "crawled", 
     "_type": "page", 
     "_score": 0.0057682088, 
     "_version": null, 
     "_explanation": null, 
     "sort": null, 
     "highlight": { 
      "body": "for demonstrating the Swiftype Crawler. As you can see from the source code of this page, it has a st:type meta tag with a value of page as opposed to <em>post</em>. This allows filtering of blog posts from regular pages." 
     "id": "5025a3046052f6b65000000a" 
    "info": { 
    "page": { 
     "query": "post", 
     "current_page": 1, 
     "num_pages": 1, 
     "per_page": 20, 
     "total_result_count": 5, 
     "facets": {} 
    "errors": {} 

'getJSON' ist ein [asynchron] (https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/front-end-javascript/introduction-to-asynchronous-javascript) Prozess, so was in Ihrem Code passiert ist dass Sie einem nicht vorhandenen Element einen Ereignis-Listener hinzufügen. Um diesen Ort zu fixieren, wird die Ereignis-Listener-Logik in 'getJSON's' Erfolg'-Callback eingefügt. – Fahmi



nur für andere Entwickler, wenn gleiches Problem konfrontiert Ich habe es behoben, indem ich das Dokument und dann die Klick-Ereignisbindung hinzugefügt habe.

var results = {}; var pageNum = 1;

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $(document).on('click', '.pagination a', function() { 
     //alert('hi ' + pageNum); 
     var pageNum = $(this).text(); 

    function getResult(pageNum) { 
     $.getJSON('searchResult-' + pageNum + '.json', function (data) { 
      var compileResult = Handlebars.compile($("#result").html()); 
      fullResult = compileResult(data); 