2016-07-21 4 views

Während diese Abfrage ausgeführt wird, ich bin als einen Fehler bekommen,Die Datentypen varchar und Datum in dem Operator add unvereinbar ist

Die Datentypen varchar und Datum ist nicht kompatibel in dem Operator add on line 102 Könnten Sie Hilfe?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getrevenue] @date1 DATE 
    ,@date2 DATE 
    ,@StoreNo NVARCHAR(max) 
    DECLARE @sql_test NVARCHAR(max) 

    --SET @StoreNo='68,78,104' 
    SET @sql_test = 
     'SELECT t1.transtoreno As StoreNO ,t3.Name AS Name, 
     t1.Dealdate AS Date,t1.UKEI as UKEI, 
     t2.SubTotal AS SubTotal, 
     t2.SubTotalDiscount AS SubToatlDiscount, 
     t1.twoeyesSubtotalDiscount As TwoeyeSubTotalDiscount, 
     t2.ValueInquiries AS TotalDiscount, 
     t2.NetSale AS Netsale, 
     t2.TotalSale AS ToatlSale, 
     t2.Cash As Cash, 
     t2.GiftVochuer As GiftVochuer, 
     t2.Card AS Card, 
     t2.Suica as Suica, 
     t1.TaxExemption AS TAXExemption, 
     t2.TaxTotal AS TaxTotal, 
     t2.Returngoods As Returngoods, 
     t2.Regiminus As RegiMinus, 
     t2.PrintRecipt As printrecipt, 
     t1.Visitorcount As VisitorCount 

(select   CAST(StoreNo as nvarchar) as transtoreno , (DealDate)as Dealdate, 
         SUM(SalePrice) AS UKEI, 
         SUM(TansuNebikiPrice)AS twoeyesdicount, 
         SUM(SubTotalNebiki2Price)AS twoeyesSubtotalDiscount, 
         SUM(TotalSalePrice-Si1Tax-RegiMinusNo)as Netsale, 
         SUM(SpecialConsumptionTaxPrice)AS TaxExemption , 
         Sum(RegiMinusNo)AS Receiptissue, 
         SUM(VisitorCount)As Visitorcount 
         from     POS_TtlTran 
         Group by StoreNo,DealDate)t1 

left outer join 
    (Select Date as D, StoreNo as s, 
    SUM(case when SerialNo like 23 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Cash, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 31 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Card, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 30 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as GiftVochuer, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 138 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Returngoods, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 160 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as PrintRecipt, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 304 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Suica, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 26 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as WONPOINT, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 139 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Regiminus, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 4 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as SubToTal, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 7 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as SubTotalDiscount, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 8 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TwoeyesubTotalDiscount, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 18 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as ValueInquiries, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 22 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TotalSale, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 114 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TaxTotal, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 2 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as NetSale 
       from POS_FinTtl 
    Group By StoreNo,Date)t2 

On t1.transtoreno = t2.s and t1.Dealdate=t2.D 

Left outer JOIN 
    (select StoreNo as No , StoreName As Name 
    from Store)t3 

    On t2.s= t3.No 

where (t1.transtoreno IN (' 
     + CAST(@StoreNo AS VARCHAR(100)) + ') and (t1.Dealdate between ' + CAST(@date1 AS DATE) + ' and ' + CAST(@date2 AS DATE) + ')' 



Sie sollten vor der Verkettung Datum in Varchar konvertieren. Versuchen Sie so,

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getrevenue] @date1 DATE 
    ,@date2 DATE 
    ,@StoreNo NVARCHAR(max) 
    DECLARE @sql_test NVARCHAR(max) 

    --SET @StoreNo='68,78,104' 
    SET @sql_test = 
     'SELECT t1.transtoreno As StoreNO ,t3.Name AS Name, 
     t1.Dealdate AS Date,t1.UKEI as UKEI, 
     t2.SubTotal AS SubTotal, 
     t2.SubTotalDiscount AS SubToatlDiscount, 
     t1.twoeyesSubtotalDiscount As TwoeyeSubTotalDiscount, 
     t2.ValueInquiries AS TotalDiscount, 
     t2.NetSale AS Netsale, 
     t2.TotalSale AS ToatlSale, 
     t2.Cash As Cash, 
     t2.GiftVochuer As GiftVochuer, 
     t2.Card AS Card, 
     t2.Suica as Suica, 
     t1.TaxExemption AS TAXExemption, 
     t2.TaxTotal AS TaxTotal, 
     t2.Returngoods As Returngoods, 
     t2.Regiminus As RegiMinus, 
     t2.PrintRecipt As printrecipt, 
     t1.Visitorcount As VisitorCount 

(select   CAST(StoreNo as nvarchar) as transtoreno , (DealDate)as Dealdate, 
         SUM(SalePrice) AS UKEI, 
         SUM(TansuNebikiPrice)AS twoeyesdicount, 
         SUM(SubTotalNebiki2Price)AS twoeyesSubtotalDiscount, 
         SUM(TotalSalePrice-Si1Tax-RegiMinusNo)as Netsale, 
         SUM(SpecialConsumptionTaxPrice)AS TaxExemption , 
         Sum(RegiMinusNo)AS Receiptissue, 
         SUM(VisitorCount)As Visitorcount 
         from     POS_TtlTran 
         Group by StoreNo,DealDate)t1 

left outer join 
    (Select Date as D, StoreNo as s, 
    SUM(case when SerialNo like 23 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Cash, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 31 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Card, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 30 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as GiftVochuer, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 138 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Returngoods, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 160 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as PrintRecipt, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 304 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Suica, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 26 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as WONPOINT, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 139 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as Regiminus, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 4 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as SubToTal, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 7 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as SubTotalDiscount, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 8 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TwoeyesubTotalDiscount, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 18 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as ValueInquiries, 
      SUM(case when SerialNo like 22 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TotalSale, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 114 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as TaxTotal, 
     SUM(case when SerialNo like 2 then DayTotalAmt else 0 end) as NetSale 
       from POS_FinTtl 
    Group By StoreNo,Date)t2 

On t1.transtoreno = t2.s and t1.Dealdate=t2.D 

Left outer JOIN 
    (select StoreNo as No , StoreName As Name 
    from Store)t3 

    On t2.s= t3.No 

where (t1.transtoreno IN (''' 
     + CAST(@StoreNo AS VARCHAR(100)) + ''') and (t1.Dealdate between ''' + CAST(@date1 AS VARCHAR(30)) + ''' and ''' + CAST(@date2 AS VARCHAR(30)) + ''')' 

    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sql_test 

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