2016-12-31 5 views

ich im Anschluss an dieses Tutorial, um mit der Authentifizierung mit node.js arbeiten und ich habe einige Probleme, die ich noch nicht herausfinden, wie zu lösen. Basicly habe ich den Server wie dieseRouter.use() erfordert Middleware-Funktion, aber eine undefiniert bei Funktion Verwendung

var express   = require('express'); 
var bodyParser  = require('body-parser'); // necessário para PUT e POST 
var mongoose  = require('mongoose'); 
var expressLayouts = require('express-ejs-layouts'); 
var passport  = require('passport'); 
var flash   = require('connect-flash'); 
var morgan   = require('morgan'); 
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); 
var session   = require('express-session'); 
var configDB  = require('./config/database.js'); 

// conexão à base de dados (o servidor MongoDB necessita já ter sido iniciado) 
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; //resolução de warning: 

//require('./config/passport')(passport); // pass passport for configuration 

// Configura a aplicação Express (e seus middlewares) 

var app = express(); 

app.use(morgan('dev')); // log every request to the console 
app.use(cookieParser()); // read cookies (needed for auth) 
app.use(bodyParser()); // get information from html forms 

app.set('views', './views'); 
app.set('view engine','ejs'); 

app.use(session({ secret: 'ilovescotchscotchyscotchscotch' })); // session secret 
app.use(passport.session()); // persistent login sessions 

app.use('/', require('./routes/register')(passport)); 
app.use('/', require('./routes/login')(passport)); 
app.use('/', require('./routes/profile')(passport)); 
app.use('/', require('./routes/main')(passport)); 
app.use('/', require('./routes/logout')(passport)); 

//middlewares de terceiros 
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); 
//middlewares de roteamento 

// inicia servidor 
var server = app.listen(8081, function() { 
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port); 

ich denke, das Problem hat etwas mit meiner Routen oder dem Pass-Modul zu tun, um die Authentifizierung zu tun.

Hier mein Register Route

var User = require('../models/user'); 
var express = require('express'); 
// routeamento do Express 
var router = express.Router(); 
//GET request - /movies 
module.exports = function(passport) { 

     .get(function(req, res) { 
      res.render('./pages/register',{ message: req.flash('signupMessage') }); 
     .post(passport.authenticate('local-signup', { 
      successRedirect : '/profile', // redirect to the secure profile section 
      failureRedirect : '/register', // redirect back to the signup page if there is an error 
      failureFlash : true // allow flash messages 

der i zeigen muß Ende ist, wie mein Reisepass gesetzt ist, weiß ich nicht sehr gut, was ich hier fehle und warum ich diesen Fehler erhalten, Vielleicht hat es etwas mit der Ordnung der Mittel zu tun?


/ config/passport.js 

// load all the things we need 
var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; 
// load up the user model 
var User   = require('../models/user'); 

// expose this function to our app using module.exports 
module.exports = function(passport) { 
    // ========================================================================= 
    // passport session setup ================================================== 
    // ========================================================================= 
    // required for persistent login sessions 
    // passport needs ability to serialize and unserialize users out of session 

    // used to serialize the user for the session 
    passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { 
     done(null, user.id); 

    // used to deserialize the user 
    passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { 
     User.findById(id, function(err, user) { 
      done(err, user); 

    // ========================================================================= 
    // LOCAL SIGNUP ============================================================ 
    // ========================================================================= 
    // we are using named strategies since we have one for login and one for signup 
    // by default, if there was no name, it would just be called 'local' 

    passport.use('local-signup', new LocalStrategy({ 
     // by default, local strategy uses username and password, we will override with email 
     usernameField : 'email', 
     passwordField : 'password', 
     passReqToCallback : true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback 
    function(req, email, password, done) { 

     // asynchronous 
     // User.findOne wont fire unless data is sent back 
     process.nextTick(function() { 

     // find a user whose email is the same as the forms email 
     // we are checking to see if the user trying to login already exists 
     User.findOne({ 'local.email' : email }, function(err, user) { 
      // if there are any errors, return the error 
      if (err) 
       return done(err); 

      // check to see if theres already a user with that email 
      if (user) { 
       return done(null, false, req.flash('signupMessage', 'That email is already taken.')); 
      } else { 

       // if there is no user with that email 
       // create the user 
       var newUser   = new User(); 

       // set the user's local credentials 
       newUser.local.email = email; 
       newUser.local.password = newUser.generateHash(password); 

       // save the user 
       newUser.save(function(err) { 
        if (err) 
         throw err; 
        return done(null, newUser); 





Fehler auf dem cmd:

     } else { 
      var challenges = failures\.map(function(f) { return f\.challenge; }); 
      var statuses = failures\.map(function(f) { return f\.status; }); 
      return callback(null, false, challenges, statuses); 

     \/\/ Strategies are ordered by priority\. For the purpose of flashing a 
     \/\/ message, the first failure will be displayed\. 
     var failure = failures[0] || {} 
     , challenge = failure\.challenge || {} 
     , msg; 

     if (options\.failureFlash) { 
     var flash = options\.failureFlash; 
     if (typeof flash == 'string') { 
      flash = { type: 'error', message: flash }; 
     flash\.type = flash\.type || 'error'; 

     var type = flash\.type || challenge\.type || 'error'; 
     msg = flash\.message || challenge\.message || challenge; 
     if (typeof msg == 'string') { 
      req\.flash(type, msg); 
     if (options\.failureMessage) { 
     msg = options\.failureMessage; 
     if (typeof msg == 'boolean') { 
      msg = challenge\.message || challenge; 
     if (typeof msg == 'string') { 
      req\.session\.messages = req\.session\.messages || []; 
     if (options\.failureRedirect) { 
     return res\.redirect(options\.failureRedirect); 

     \/\/ When failure handling is not delegated to the application, the defaul 
     \/\/ is to respond with 401 Unauthorized\. Note that the WWW-Authenticate 

     \/\/ header will be set according to the strategies in use (see 
     \/\/ actions#fail)\. If multiple strategies failed, each of their challen 
     \/\/ will be included in the response\. 
     var rchallenge = [] 
     , rstatus, status; 

     for (var j = 0, len = failures\.length; j < len; j++) { 
     failure = failures[j]; 
     challenge = failure\.challenge; 
     status = failure\.status; 

     rstatus = rstatus || status; 
     if (typeof challenge == 'string') { 

     res\.statusCode = rstatus || 401; 
     if (res\.statusCode == 401 && rchallenge\.length) { 
     res\.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', rchallenge); 
     if (options\.failWithError) { 
     return next(new AuthenticationError(http\.STATUS_CODES[res\.statusCode], 

    (function attempt(i) { 
     var layer = name[i]; 
     \/\/ If no more strategies exist in the chain, authentication has failed\. 

     if (!layer) { return allFailed(); } 

     \/\/ Get the strategy, which will be used as prototype from which to creat 
     \/\/ a new instance\. Action functions will then be bound to the strategy 

     \/\/ within the context of the HTTP request\/response pair\. 
     var prototype = passport\._strategy(layer); 
     if (!prototype) { return next(new Error('Unknown authentication strategy " 
' + layer + '"')); } 

     var strategy = Object\.create(prototype); 

     \/\/ ----- BEGIN STRATEGY AUGMENTATION ----- 
     \/\/ Augment the new strategy instance with action functions\. These acti 
     \/\/ functions are bound via closure the the request\/response pair\. The 
     \/\/ goal of the strategy is to invoke (.*)one(.*) of these action methods 
, in 
     \/\/ order to indicate successful or failed authentication, redirect to a 
     \/\/ third-party identity provider, etc\. 

     (.*) Authenticate `user`, with optional `info`\. 
     (.*) Strategies should call this function to successfully authenticate a 
     (.*) user\. `user` should be an object supplied by the application after 
     (.*) has been given an opportunity to verify credentials\. `info` is an 
     (.*) optional argument containing additional user information\. This is 
     (.*) useful for third-party authentication strategies to pass profile 
     (.*) details\. 
     (.*) @param {Object} user 
     (.*) @param {Object} info 
     (.*) @api public 
     strategy\.success = function(user, info) { 
     if (callback) { 
      return callback(null, user, info); 

     info = info || {}; 
     var msg; 

     if (options\.successFlash) { 
      var flash = options\.successFlash; 
      if (typeof flash == 'string') { 
      flash = { type: 'success', message: flash }; 
      flash\.type = flash\.type || 'success'; 

      var type = flash\.type || info\.type || 'success'; 
      msg = flash\.message || info\.message || info; 
      if (typeof msg == 'string') { 
      req\.flash(type, msg); 
     if (options\.successMessage) { 
      msg = options\.successMessage; 
      if (typeof msg == 'boolean') { 
      msg = info\.message || info; 
      if (typeof msg == 'string') { 
      req\.session\.messages = req\.session\.messages || []; 
     if (options\.assignProperty) { 
      req[options\.assignProperty] = user; 
      return next(); 

     req\.logIn(user, options, function(err) { 
      if (err) { return next(err); } 

      function complete() { 
      if (options\.successReturnToOrRedirect) { 
       var url = options\.successReturnToOrRedirect; 
       if (req\.session && req\.session\.returnTo) { 
       url = req\.session\.returnTo; 
       delete req\.session\.returnTo; 
       return res\.redirect(url); 
      if (options\.successRedirect) { 
       return res\.redirect(options\.successRedirect); 

      if (options\.authInfo !== false) { 
      passport\.transformAuthInfo(info, req, function(err, tinfo) { 
       if (err) { return next(err); } 
       req\.authInfo = tinfo; 
      } else { 

     (.*) Fail authentication, with optional `challenge` and `status`, default 
     (.*) to 401\. 
     (.*) Strategies should call this function to fail an authentication attem 
     (.*) @param {String} challenge 
     (.*) @param {Number} status 
     (.*) @api public 
     strategy\.fail = function(challenge, status) { 
     if (typeof challenge == 'number') { 
      status = challenge; 
      challenge = undefined; 

     \/\/ push this failure into the accumulator and attempt authentication 
     \/\/ using the next strategy 
     failures\.push({ challenge: challenge, status: status }); 
     attempt(i + 1); 

     (.*) Redirect to `url` with optional `status`, defaulting to 302\. 
     (.*) Strategies should call this function to redirect the user (via their 

     (.*) user agent) to a third-party website for authentication\. 
     (.*) @param {String} url 
     (.*) @param {Number} status 
     (.*) @api public 
     strategy\.redirect = function(url, status) { 
     \/\/ NOTE: Do not use `res\.redirect` from Express, because it can't dec 
     \/\/  what it wants\. 
     \/\/  Express 2\.x: res\.redirect(url, status) 
     \/\/  Express 3\.x: res\.redirect(status, url) -OR- res\.redirect(u 
rl, status) 
     \/\/   - as of 3\.14\.0, deprecated warnings are issued if res\.re 
direct(url, status) 
     \/\/   is used 
     \/\/  Express 4\.x: res\.redirect(status, url) 
     \/\/   - all versions (as of 4\.8\.7) continue to accept res\.redi 
rect(url, status) 
     \/\/   but issue deprecated versions 

     res\.statusCode = status || 302; 
     res\.setHeader('Location', url); 
     res\.setHeader('Content-Length', '0'); 

     (.*) Pass without making a success or fail decision\. 
     (.*) Under most circumstances, Strategies should not need to call this 
     (.*) function\. It exists primarily to allow previous authentication sta 
     (.*) to be restored, for example from an HTTP session\. 
     (.*) @api public 
     strategy\.pass = function() { 

     (.*) Internal error while performing authentication\. 
     (.*) Strategies should call this function when an internal error occurs 
     (.*) during the process of performing authentication; for example, if the 

     (.*) user directory is not available\. 
     (.*) @param {Error} err 
     (.*) @api public 
     strategy\.error = function(err) { 
     if (callback) { 
      return callback(err); 


     \/\/ ----- END STRATEGY AUGMENTATION ----- 

     strategy\.authenticate(req, options); 
    })(0); \/\/ attempt 
    }\/?$/: Nothing to repeat 
    at RegExp (native) 
    at pathtoRegexp (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIdea\node_modules\path-to-regexp\index 
    at new Layer (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIdea\node_modules\express\lib\router\laye 
    at Function.route (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIdea\node_modules\express\lib\router 
    at EventEmitter.app.(anonymous function) [as post] (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIde 
    at module.exports (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIdea\routes\routes.js:14:10) 
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Filipe\ShareIdea\app.js:43:30) 
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32) 
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10) 
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32) 
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12) 
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3) 
    at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10) 
    at run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7) 
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9) 
    at bootstrap_node.js:509:3 



Ja, unabhängig von der Reihenfolge der Middleware. Sie sollten diese setzen: app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); oben auf Ihre Routen oder andere Middleware, die Daten erhalten sollen, sonst werden alle Daten, die Sie möglicherweise auf Ihrem Server erhalten, nicht von body-parser geparst, und req.body ist immer undefiniert.


gelöst, aber jetzt bekomme ich einen seltsamen Fehler im Zusammenhang mit dem Pass und Flash-Modul verbinden, haben Sie eine Idee, wie die möglichen Fehler dahinter zu fangen, bearbeite ich die Frage –


Was ist der Fehler? Ich sehe es nicht in Ihrem Beitrag –


sehen Sie den Fehler auf cmd –

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