2017-02-08 2 views

Ich benutze Arch Linux und habe keine Software gefunden, die mir erlaubt Dateien auf meinem Mikrocontroller zu flashen. Die Dokumentation meiner Schule zum Flashen hatte eine Python-Datei, und wenn ich sie ausführe, bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung root: Timed out !.Blinkendes Hex über einen seriellen Port zu einem LPC Microcontroller mit Pyserial funktioniert nicht

Der Code:

# 2016-02-15 : Working Skeleton for Flashing a Hex file to SJOne comeplete! 

import string 
import os 
import time 
import struct 
import binascii 
import math 
import serial.serialutil 
import logging 
import sys 
from intelhex import IntelHex 
import serial 

################# CONFIGURATION FOR pyFlash - Hyperload ###################### 
sDeviceFile = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # Device File Path 
sDeviceBaud = 38400   # Suitable Device Baud Rate 
sHexFilePath = "/SJSU_Dev2/projects/lpc1758_freertos/_build/lpc1758_freertos.hex" 
sGenerateBinary = "y" # "y" - Yes | "n" - No 

PYFLASH_DEBUG_LOG = "no" # "yes" - Debug Version. "no" - Release Version 

if PYFLASH_DEBUG_LOG == "yes": 

    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) 
    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) 

# Things to Do: 
# 1. Display Platform Information        [DONE] 
# 2. Enable a Debug/Release Switch        [DONE] 
# 3. Create ~/.pyFlash and store last used options for Flashing [PEND] 
# 4. Handle Exceptions           [PEND] 
# 5. Ensure packing is done based on Endianness     [PEND] 
# 6. Re-write program with classes using this as the backbone. [PEND] 
# 7. Incorporate design decisions keeping the GUI in mind  [PEND] 

# Issues Faced 
# 1. Handling Bytes were hard - Use bytearray for most of the IO related functions. Difference between bytes and bytearray is that the latter is mutable. 
# Bytes are types that are not mutable. Any changes done on them will cause a new alloc + concat and reassigning. 

# Global Defines 

ApplicationVersion = "1.0" 
ToolName = "pyFLASH - HYPERLOAD" 
ToolInfo = "Flashing Tool for SJOne" 
BaudList = [4800, 9600, 19200, 38400] 
ControlWordList = b'\x80\xf8\xfe\xff' 
SpecialChar = {'Dollar' : '$', 'OK' : '!', 'NextLine' : '\n', 'STAR' : '*'} 
sCPUSpeed = 48000000 
sInitialDeviceBaud = 38400 

ByteReference = b'\xff\x55\xaa' 

# Common Util Functions 
def printIntroMessage(): 
    print ("#######################") 
    print (" ", ToolName) 
    print (ToolInfo) 
    print ("#######################") 
    print ("Version : ", ApplicationVersion) 
    print ("Build Type : ", PYFLASH_BUILD_LEVEL) 
    print ("#######################") 


def printBytes(mymsg): 

    print ("Type info = " + (str)(type(mymsg))) 

    if (type(mymsg) == bytes) or (type(mymsg) == bytearray): 
     for x in mymsg: 
      print ("0x" + '{:x}'.format(x),) 

     print ("") 
     print ("Total Elements = " + (str)(len(mymsg))) 

    elif (type(mymsg) == str): 

    elif type(mymsg) == int: 

     print ("0x" + '{:x}'.format(mymsg),) 

     print (mymsg) 


def getBoardParameters(descString): 
    boardParametersDict = {'Board' : '', 'BlockSize' : '', 'BootloaderSize' : '', 'FlashSize' : ''} 

    # Parsing String to obtain required Board Parameters 
    boardParametersList = descString.split(':') 

    boardParametersDict['Board'] = boardParametersList[0] 
    boardParametersDict['BlockSize'] = boardParametersList[1] 
    boardParametersDict['BootloaderSize'] = (int(boardParametersList[2]) * 2) 
    boardParametersDict['FlashSize'] = boardParametersList[3] 

    print ("\n***** Board Information ********") 
    print ("Board    = " + (str)(boardParametersDict['Board'])) 
    print ("Block (Chunk) Size = " + (str)(boardParametersDict['BlockSize']) + " bytes") 
    print ("Bootloader Size = " + (str)(boardParametersDict['BootloaderSize']) + " bytes") 
    print ("Flash Size   = " + (str)(boardParametersDict['FlashSize']) + " KBytes") 
    print ("*********************************\n") 

    return boardParametersDict 

def printContent(lContent): 

    count = 0; 
    totalCount = 0; 
    for x in lContent: 
     print ('{:2x}'.format(x),) 
     if count >= 10: 
      print ("\n") 
      count = 0 
      count = count + 1 
     totalCount = totalCount + 1 

    logging.debug("Total Count = ", totalCount) 


def getControlWord(baudRate, cpuSpeed): 
    # TODO : Currently using known values. Replace with actual formula 
    logging.debug("Retrieving Control Word") 

    controlWord = ((cpuSpeed/(baudRate * 16)) - 1) 

    return controlWord 

def getPageContent(bArray, blkCount, pageSize): 

    startOffset = blkCount * pageSize 
    endOffset = (startOffset + pageSize - 1) 

    #print "Page Start = ", startOffset, " | Page End = ", str(endOffset) 

    lPageContent = bytearray(pageSize) 
    for x in range(0, pageSize): 
     lPageContent[x] = bArray[x + (blkCount * pageSize)] 

    #print "Length of x = ", x 

    if x != pageSize - 1: 

    return lPageContent 

def getChecksum(blocks): 

    # Try older method - Add and Pack into integer. 
    lChecksum = bytearray(1); 
    for x in blocks: 
     lChecksum[0] = (lChecksum[0] + x) % 256 

    return lChecksum[0] 

# Class 

### Main Program ### 


print (str('-' * (len(sHexFilePath) + 20))) 
print ("Hex File Path = \"" + sHexFilePath + "\"") 
print (str('-' * (len(sHexFilePath) + 20))) 

# Fetching Hex File and Storing 
hexFile = IntelHex(sHexFilePath) 

if sGenerateBinary == "y": 
    # Create a Binary File of this Hex File 
    sBinFilePath= sHexFilePath.replace(".hex", ".bin") 
    logging.debug("Binary File Path : %s", sBinFilePath) 
    hexFile.tofile(sBinFilePath, format='bin') 

# Obtain the actual Binary content from the Hex File 
binArray = hexFile.tobinarray() 

sPort = serial.Serial(
      port = sDeviceFile, 
      baudrate = sInitialDeviceBaud, 
      parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, 
      stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, 
      bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS) 


# Setting Initial State of RTS Bit to False 
sPort.rts = False; 

# Reseting the board by toggling DTR 
sPort.dtr = False; 

# Reading a Byte from SJOne 
msg = sPort.read(1) 

if msg is ByteReference[1]: 


    logging.debug("Initial Handshake Initiated! - Received ") 

    msg = sPort.read(1) 

    if msg is ByteReference[2]: 
     logging.debug("Received " + (str)(repr(msg)) + ", Sending Control Word..") 

     lControlWordInteger = getControlWord(sDeviceBaud, sCPUSpeed) 
     lControlWordPacked = struct.pack('<i', lControlWordInteger) 

     msg = sPort.write(bytearray(lControlWordPacked)) 

     if msg != 4: 
      logging.error("Error - Sending control word failed") 
      logging.debug("Sending Control Word Successful!") 

      msg = sPort.read(1) 

      if msg != lControlWordPacked[0]: 
       logging.error("Error - Failed to receive Control Word Ack") 
       logging.debug("Ack from SJOne received!") 

       if sDeviceBaud != sInitialDeviceBaud: 
        # Switch to new BaudRate here. 
        logging.debug("Requested Baudrate different from Default. Changing Baudrate..") 

        sPort.baudrate = sDeviceBaud 

        logging.debug("BaudRate same as Default") 

       # Read the CPU Desc String 
       msg = sPort.read(1) 

       if msg != SpecialChar['Dollar']: 
        logging.error("Failed to read CPU Description String") 
        logging.debug("Reading CPU Desc String..") 

        CPUDescString = SpecialChar['Dollar'] 
        while True: 
         msg = sPort.read(1) 

         if msg == SpecialChar['NextLine']: 

         CPUDescString = CPUDescString + msg 

        logging.debug("CPU Description String = %s", CPUDescString) 

        boardParameters = getBoardParameters(CPUDescString) 

        # Receive OK from SJOne 
        msg = sPort.read(1) 

        if msg != SpecialChar['OK']: 
         logging.error("Error - Failed to Receive OK") 
         logging.debug("OK Received! Sending Block") 

        # Send Dummy Blocks - 
        # Update : We can send the actual blocks itself. 

        # Sending Blocks of Binary File 
        totalBlocks = (len(binArray) * 1.0/int(boardParameters['BlockSize'])) 
        logging.debug("Total Blocks = %f", totalBlocks) 

        paddingCount = len(binArray) - ((len(binArray)) % int(boardParameters['BlockSize'])) 
        logging.debug("Total Padding Count = %d", paddingCount) 

        totalBlocks = math.ceil(totalBlocks)  
        print ("Total # of Blocks to be Flashed = ", totalBlocks) 

        # Pad 0's to binArray if required. 
        binArray = bytearray(binArray) 
        binArray += (b'\x00' * paddingCount) 

        blockCount = 0 
        sendDummy = False 
        #sendDummy = True 
        blockContent = bytearray(int(boardParameters['BlockSize'])) 

        if sendDummy == True: 
         logging.debug("FLASHING EMPTY BLOCKS") 
        while blockCount < totalBlocks: 
         print ("--------------------") 

         blockCountPacked = struct.pack('<H', blockCount) 

         msg = sPort.write(blockCountPacked[1]) 
         if msg != 1: 
          logging.error("Error in Sending BlockCountLowAddr") 

         msg = sPort.write(blockCountPacked[0]) 
         if msg != 1: 
          logging.error("Error in Sending BlockCountHiAddr") 

         logging.debug("BlockCounts = %d", blockCount) 

         if sendDummy == False: 
          blockContent = getPageContent(binArray, blockCount, int(boardParameters['BlockSize'])) 

         msg = sPort.write(blockContent) 
         if msg != len(blockContent): 
          logging.error("Error - Failed to sending Data Block Content") 


         checksum = bytearray(1) 

         checksum[0] = getChecksum(blockContent) 

         logging.debug("Checksum = %d[0x%x]", checksum[0], checksum[0]) 

         msg = sPort.write(checksum) 
         logging.debug("Size of Block Written = %d", msg) 

         if msg != 1: 
          logging.error("Error - Failed to send Entire Data Block") 

         msg = sPort.read(1) 
         if msg != SpecialChar['OK']: 
          logging.error("Failed to Receive Ack.. Retrying #" + str(blockCount)) 
          print ("Block # " + str(blockCount) + " flashed!") 
          blockCount = blockCount + 1 

         print ("--------------------") 

        if blockCount != totalBlocks: 
         logging.error("Error - All Blocks not Flashed") 
         logging.error("Total = " + str(totalBlocks)) 
         logging.error("# of Blocks Flashed = " + str(blockCount)) 
         print ("Flashing Successful!") 
         endTxPacked = bytearray(2) 
         endTxPacked[0] = 0xFF 
         endTxPacked[1] = 0xFF 

         msg = sPort.write(bytearray(endTxPacked)) 

         if msg != 2: 
          logging.error("Error in Sending End Of Transaction Signal") 

         msg = sPort.read(1) 
         logging.debug("Received Ack = " + str(msg)) 

         if msg != SpecialChar['STAR']: 
          logging.error("Error - Final Ack Not Received") 

else : 
    logging.error("Timed Out!") 

sPort.baudrate = sInitialDeviceBaud 


Die obere Hälfte des richtig Port (/ dev/ttyUSB0) und schaltet den hex in binär, und die untere Hälfte tut das Blinken festgelegt, die der Aspekt ist, dass nicht funktioniert .

Der Port (/ dev/ttyUSB0) und die Baudrate sind korrekt.



Der Timeout tritt auf, weil das Programm nicht eine erwartete Byte aus dem Gerät liest:

# Reading a Byte from SJOne 
msg = sPort.read(1) 

if msg is ByteReference[1]: 
    # Programming code 
    # ... 
else : 
    logging.error("Timed Out!") 

Sie wahrscheinlich minicom verwenden sollen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie mit dem Gerät kommunizieren können. Wenn Sie mit Minicom kommunizieren können, versuchen Sie msg in der else Klausel zu drucken. Das bedeutet, dass ByteReference[1] sollte


So msg tut ergibt

In den Kommentaren, sagen Sie, dass msg Druck


ist jedoch ByteReference definiert als

ByteReference = b'\xff\x55\xaa' 

nicht mit dem erwarteten übereinstimmen Wert. Dies bedeutet, dass die Klausel if, die die Programmierung ausführt, nicht erreicht wird.


Durch CuteCom kann ich mit dem Gerät kommunizieren (merkwürdigerweise Minicom sagt, es ist offline). Das Gerät verwendet einen LPC1758-Chip, und die Treiber werden ordnungsgemäß geladen. –


Versuchen Sie, 'msg' in der' else'-Klausel zu drucken. –


Entschuldigung für die Verzögerung. Drucken von msg ergibt: b '\ x00' –

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