2016-09-20 2 views

Ich habe den folgenden Code:js vergleichen 2 Arrays von Objekten aus fetch

function fetchDemo(url) { 
    return fetch(url).then(function(response) { 
    return response.json(); 
    }).then(function(json) { 
    return json; 

fetchDemo(countriesUrl).then(function(result) { 
fetchDemo(carMakesUrl).then(function(result2) { 
    var obj = {}; 
    result2.forEach(function(ele) { 
    obj[ele.make_country] = (obj[ele.make_country] || 0) + 1 
    for (var country in obj) { 
    console.log(country + ", " + "produces the following number of cars: " + obj[country]); 

countriesUrl = https://rawgit.com/csabapalfi/20d74eb83d0be023205225f79d3e7964/raw/7f08af5c0f8f411f0eda1a62a27b9a4ddda33397/countries.json

"name": "Afghanistan", 
"code": "AF" 
"name": "Åland Islands", 
"code": "AX" 
"name": "Albania", 
"code": "AL" 
"name": "Algeria", 
"code": "DZ" 
"name": "American Samoa", 
"code": "AS" 
"name": "AndorrA", 
"code": "AD" 
"name": "Angola", 
"code": "AO" 
"name": "Anguilla", 
"code": "AI" 
"name": "Antarctica", 
"code": "AQ" 
} .... 

carMakesUrl = https://rawgit.com/csabapalfi/20d74eb83d0be023205225f79d3e7964/raw/7f08af5c0f8f411f0eda1a62a27b9a4ddda33397/carmakes.json

"make_id": "abarth", 
"make_display": "Abarth", 
"make_is_common": "0", 
"make_country": "Italy" 
"make_id": "ac", 
"make_display": "AC", 
"make_is_common": "0", 
"make_country": "UK" 
"make_id": "acura", 
"make_display": "Acura", 
"make_is_common": "1", 
"make_country": "USA" 
"make_id": "alfa-romeo", 
"make_display": "Alfa Romeo", 
"make_is_common": "1", 
"make_country": "Italy" 
"make_id": "allard", 
"make_display": "Allard", 
"make_is_common": "0", 
"make_country": "UK" 
"make_id": "alpina", 
"make_display": "Alpina", 
"make_is_common": "0", 
"make_country": "UK" 

jedes Array a hat Objektliste, wie kann ich Matc h die Arrays, die von verschiedenen holen kommen.

Ich möchte führen vergleichen und result2


Wie möchten Sie sie vergleichen? – baranskistad


Mögliches Duplikat von [JavaScript - Compare two arrays] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21422272/javascript-compare-two-arrays) –


Hinweis: Die Formate Ihrer Länderzeichenfolgen sind nicht gleich. Sie können sie also nicht einfach vergleichen. –



Werke asynchron holen, so dass Sie die Fetch-Anfragen zu stapeln haben.

fetchDemo(countriesUrl).then(function(result) { 
    var countries = result; 

    fetchDemo(carMakesUrl).then(function(result2) { 
    var obj = {}; 
    result2.forEach(function(ele) { 
     obj[ele.make_country] = (obj[ele.make_country] || 0) + 1 
    for (var country in obj) { 
     console.log(country + ", " + "produces the following number of cars: " + obj[country]); 

dort haben Sie zwei Vars: countries und result2, die Sie wie gewohnt (JavaScript - Compare two arrays) vergleichen.

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