2017-05-26 2 views

Also, ich neu in Angularjs und all das GET, PUT, Anfragen. Ich erstelle jedoch eine App, wo ich eine Liste von Benutzern auf einer Seite habe, und auf der zweiten Seite habe ich ein Formular mit drei Schaltflächen. Was, ich konzentriere mich auf einen Knopf, der der "Bestätigen" Knopf ist. Also, was ich mit der Bestätigungsschaltfläche tun möchte, möchte einen bestimmten Benutzer bestätigen, der PUT/users/{userId}/confirm genannt wird. Ich brauche Hilfe in diesem Teil. Ich habe den GET-Teil gemacht, um die Benutzer vom Backend zu bekommen. Aber, kann mit PUT Anfrage nicht herausfinden.Wie kann ich einen bestimmten Benutzer in AngularJS bestätigen?

Hier ist der Code so weit. Dienste

app.factory('people', ['$http', function($http) { 
    var userInfo = { 
    getUserInfo: function() { 
    return $http.get('https://admin/v1/unconfirmed_users'); 


    return userInfo; 

app.factory('people', function($http){ 

var services = {}; 
    services.getUserInfo = function() { 

    return $http.put('https://users/{userId}/confirm'); 
return services; 



var app = angular.module("Portal", ['ngRoute', 'ui.bootstrap' ]); 

    app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) { 

    $scope.inactive = true; 

    $scope.confirmedAction = function(person) { 

    $scope.userInfo.users.splice(person.id, 1); 

     location.href = '#/user'; 

     person.data = "true"; 



app.directive('confirmClick', ['$q', 'dialogModal', function($q, dialogModal) 
    return { 
     link: function (scope, element, attrs) { 
      // ngClick won't wait for our modal confirmation window to resolve, 
      // so we will grab the other values in the ngClick attribute, which 
      // will continue after the modal resolves. 
      // modify the confirmClick() action so we don't perform it again 
      // looks for either confirmClick() or confirmClick('are you sure?') 
      var ngClick = attrs.ngClick.replace('confirmClick()', 'true') 
       .replace('confirmClick(', 'confirmClick(true,'); 

      // setup a confirmation action on the scope 
      scope.confirmClick = function(msg) { 
       // if the msg was set to true, then return it (this is a workaround to make our dialog work) 
       if (msg===true) { 
        return true; 
       // msg can be passed directly to confirmClick('Are you sure you want to confirm?') 
       // in ng-click 
       // or through the confirm-click attribute on the 
       // <a confirm-click="Are you sure you want to confirm?"></a> 
       msg = msg || attrs.confirmClick || 'Are you sure you want to confirm?'; 
       // open a dialog modal, and then continue ngClick actions if it's confirmed 
       dialogModal(msg).result.then(function() { 
       // return false to stop the current ng-click flow and wait for our modal answer 
       return false; 

Modal confirmation dialog window with the UI Bootstrap Modal service. 
This is a basic modal that can display a message with yes or no buttons. 
It returns a promise that is resolved or rejected based on yes/no clicks. 
The following settings can be passed: 

message   the message to pass to the modal body 
title   (optional) title for modal window 
okButton  text for YES button. set false to not include button 
cancelButton text for NO button. ste false to not include button 

.service('dialogModal', ['$modal', function($modal) { 
    return function (message, title, okButton, cancelButton) { 
     // setup default values for buttons 
     // if a button value is set to false, then that button won't be included 
     cancelButton = cancelButton===false ? false : (cancelButton || 'No'); 
     okButton = okButton ===false ? false : (okButton || 'Yes'); 

     // setup the Controller to watch the click 
     var ModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance, settings) { 
      // add settings to scope 
      angular.extend($scope, settings); 
      // yes button clicked 
      $scope.ok = function() { 
      // no button clicked 
      $scope.cancel = function() { 

     // open modal and return the instance (which will resolve the promise on ok/cancel clicks) 
     var modalInstance = $modal.open({ 
      template: '<div class="dialog-modal"> \ 
       <div class="modal-header" ng-show="modalTitle"> \ 
        <h3 class="modal-title">{{modalTitle}}</h3> \ 
       </div> \ 
       <div class="modal-body">{{modalBody}}</div> \ 
       <div class="modal-footer"> \ 
        <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()" ng-show="okButton">{{okButton}}</button> \ 
        <button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()" ng-show="cancelButton">{{cancelButton}}</button> \ 
       </div> \ 
      controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, 
      resolve: { 
       settings: function() { 
        return { 
         modalTitle: title, 
         modalBody: message, 
         okButton: okButton, 
         cancelButton: cancelButton 
     // return the modal instance 
     return modalInstance; 

//Our routes 
    app.config(function ($routeProvider) { 
    .when("/user", { 
    controller: "HomeController", 
    templateUrl: "partials/home.html" 
    .when("/user/:id", { 
    controller: "UserController", 
    templateUrl: "partials/about.html" 

    redirectTo: '/user' 



'' 'return $ http.put ('https: // admin/v1/users /' + userId + '/ confirm', {}); '' –


soll ich meine Dienste einstellen? unter $ http.get? –


Ich würde eine neue Methode hinzufügen, '' 'confirmUser: function (userId) {}' '' –


app.factory('people', function ($http) { 
    var service = {}; 
    service.getUserInfo = function() { 
     return $http.get('https://admin/v1/unconfirmed_users'); 
    service.confirmUser = function (userId) { 
     return $http.put('https://users/' + userId + '/confirm', {}); 
    return service; 
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