2016-05-31 6 views

Dies wirft mich wirklich für eine Schleife.Elementvariablen eines Arrays von Strukturen, die innerhalb einer anderen Struktur sind, werden nicht durch Referenz übergeben

Ich habe zwei Strukturen, Mitarbeiter und Abteilung. Innerhalb der Abteilung Struktur gibt es eine Reihe von Angestelltenstrukturen.

Wenn ich meine Funktion aufruft, die Mitarbeiter zu einer Abteilung hinzufügt (add_empl_to_dept()), werden die Werte korrekt im Mitarbeiterbereich der Abteilung gespeichert (empl_in_dept []), jedoch nur im Rahmen der Funktion. Sobald das Programm zu main zurückkehrt, gehen die Werte verloren.

Warum passiert das und wie kann man es beheben?

Sorry über die wahnsinnige Länge des Codes hier. Es war einfach einfacher, das Ganze zu kopieren, als es auseinander zu nehmen. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn dies ein Problem ist.

Danke für jede Hilfe !!!

#include <iostream> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <cstring> 
using namespace std; 

struct employee 
    int eID;// stores the employee ID number 
    char fName[40]; //stores the employee's first 
    char lName[40];//stores the employee's last name 
    float salary;//stores the employee's salary 


// structure for storing department information 
struct department 
    int dID;//stores the department's ID number 
    char dName[40];//stores the name of the department 
    int empl_in_dept_count;// stores how many employees have been added to the department 
    employee empl_in_dept[10];//stores upto 10 employees 


bool dCheck(department dList[], int dCount, int dID); 
bool eCheck(employee eList[], int eCount, int eID); 
bool empl_in_dept_check(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eID, int dID); 
void addDepartment(department dList[], int &dCount); 
void addEmployee(employee eList[], int &eCount); 
void add_empl_to_dept(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount); 
void ePrint(employee eList[], int eCount); 
void dPrint(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]); 
void e_in_dPrint(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]); 
void average(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]); 
void save(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount); 
void load(department dList [], int &dCount, employee eList[], int &eCount); 
void printMenu(); 

int main() 
    employee eList[30];//stores individual employee information in each index 
    int eCount = 0; //stores total number of employees added. Used as an index number for the eList array when adding employees 
    department dList[10];//stores the individual department information in each index. 
    int dCount = 0; //stores total number of departments added. Used as an index number for the dList array when adding departments 

//initialize all dList's empl_in_dept_count variables to zero 
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
    dList[i].empl_in_dept_count = 0; 


//do-while loop based on the bool variable, run. When run = false, the program ends. 
    printMenu();//prints out the menu and prompts the user for a choice. 

    do// check for a valid menu choice 
     cin >> menu;//reads in the user's menu choice 

     cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << endl; 
     if (menu <1 || menu > 10) 
      cout << "That is not a valid selection." << endl; 
      printMenu();//prints out the menu and prompts the user for a choice. 

    }while(menu <1 || menu > 10); 

    //switch statement based on the variable, menu. 
     case 1://calls the addDepartment function 
      addDepartment(dList, dCount); 
     case 2://calls the addEmployee function 
      addEmployee(eList, eCount); 
     case 3://calls the add_empl_to_dept function 
      add_empl_to_dept(dList, dCount, eList, eCount); 
     case 4://calls the ePrint function 
      ePrint(eList, eCount); 
     case 5://calls the dPrint function 
      dPrint(dList, dCount, eList); 
     case 6://calls the e_in_dPrint function 
      e_in_dPrint(dList, dCount,eList); 
     case 7://calls the average function 
      average(dList, dCount, eList); 
     case 8://calls the save function 
      save(dList, dCount, eList, eCount); 
     case 9://calls the load function 
      load(dList, dCount, eList, eCount); 
     case 10://sets run to false and ends the program 
      run = false; 

return 0; 


Function : dCheck 
Parameters : department dList, int dCount, and int dID 
Return : True or false depending on if a department exists 
Description : This function checks a user entered department ID against the dList arrays previously 
entered dIDs to see if the ID number has already been entered. 
bool dCheck(department dList[], int dCount, int dID) 
    //Cycles through the dList array to compaire the user entered dID number to the dList.dID number 
    for(int i = 0; i <= dCount; i++) 
     if (dList[i].dID != dID && i == dCount)//If there is no match, the function returns false 
      return false; 
     if(dList[i].dID == dID)//If there is a match, the function returns true 
      return true; 

Function : eCheck 
Parameters : employee eList, int eCount, and int dID 
Return : True or false depending on if a employee exists 
Description : This function checks a user entered employee ID against the eList arrays previously 
entered eIDs to see if the ID number has already been entered. 
bool eCheck(employee eList[], int eCount, int eID) 
    //Cycles through the eList array to compaire the user entered eID number to the eList.eID number 
    for(int i = 0; i <= eCount; i++) 
     if (eList[i].eID != eID && i == eCount)//If there is no match, the function returns false 
      return false; 
     if(eList[i].eID == eID)//If there is a match, the function returns true 
      return true; 

Function : empl_in_dept_check 
Parameters : department dList, int dCount, employee eList, int eID, int dID 
Return : True or false depending on if a employee exists in a department 
Description : This function checks a user entered employee ID against the dList arrays previously 
entered eIDs to see if the ID number has already been entered into the department. This function assumes 
that the dCheck and dCheck fxs have already been called and returned true. 
bool empl_in_dept_check(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eID, int dID) 

    //Cycles though the dList indexes to get to the correct user entered dID 
    for (int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
     if(dList[i].dID == dID)//Finds the user entered dID 

      empl_in_dept is an array of eList indexes. This 
      for-loop cycles through dList's empl_in_dept[j] indexes to check the user entered eID number 
      against a eList.eID. 
      for (int j = 0; j <= dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 

       if(dList[i].empl_in_dept_count == 0)//checks to see if no employees have been added to the department 
        return false; 

       if(dList[i].empl_in_dept[j].eID != eID && j == dList[i].empl_in_dept_count)//check to see if the user entered eID already exists in the department 
        return false; 

       if(dList[i].empl_in_dept[j].eID == eID)//if there is a match, return true 

        return true; 

Function : addDepartment 
Parameters : department dList[], int &dCount 
Return : void fx 
Description : This function adds department info to the dList array after checking if it already exists. It uses 
dCount to specify what dList index to store info in 
void addDepartment(department dList[], int &dCount) 

    int dID;//stores a department ID number to be checked and/or saved 

    cout << "Enter in a department ID number: "; 
    cin >> dID; 
    cout << endl; 

    if(dCheck(dList, dCount, dID))//check to see if the department already exists, true returns out of the function 
     cout << "This department already exists." << endl; 
     cout << endl; 
    else//if the department does not exits, add it to the dList and add a department name as well 
     dList[dCount].dID = dID;//stores the user entered department number 

     cout << "Enter in a department name: "; 
     cin.ignore();//discards return carrage 
     cin.getline(dList[dCount].dName, 40, '\n');//stores the user entered department name 

     cout << endl; 

     cout << "Department " << dID << " has been added." << endl; 

     dCount += 1;//increment the dCount by one 

     cout << endl; 




Function : addEmployee 
Parameters : employee eList[], int &eCount 
Return : void fx 
Description : This function adds employee info to the eList array after checking if it already exists. It uses 
eCount to specify what eList index to store info in 
void addEmployee(employee eList[], int &eCount) 
    int eID;//store the user entered employee ID number 

    cout << "Enter in employee ID number: "; 
    cin >> eID; 
    cout << endl; 

    if(eCheck(eList, eCount, eID))//checks to see if the employee already exists, true returns out of the function 
     cout << "This employee already exists" << endl; 
    else//if the employee does not exist, add employee info to eList 
     eList[eCount].eID = eID; 

     cout << "Enter employee first name: "; 
     cin.ignore();//discards return carrage 
     cin.getline(eList[eCount].fName, 40, '\n');//saves employee's first name 
     cout << endl; 

     cout << "Enter employee last name: "; 
     cin.getline(eList[eCount].lName, 40, '\n');//saves employee's last name 
     cout << endl; 

     cout <<"Enter employee salary: "; 
     cin >> eList[eCount].salary;//saves employee's salary 
     cout << endl; 

     cout << "Employee " << eID << " has been added." << endl; 

     eCount +=1;//increment eCount by one 

     cout << endl; 

Function : add_empl_to_dept 
Parameters : department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount 
Return : void fx 
Description : This function adds an employee to a department. It stores the employee in the empl_in_dept array 
as a pointer to the address of an eList index. 
void add_empl_to_dept(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount) 

    int eID, dID;//these variables store the user entered employee and department ID 

    cout << "Enter in department ID number: "; 
    cin >> dID; 
    cout << endl; 

    if(dCheck(dList, dCount,dID))//checks if the department exists, if false, returns out of the function 

     cout << "Enter in an employee ID number: "; 
     cin >> eID; 
     cout << endl; 

     if(eCheck(eList, eCount, eID))// check if an employee exists, if false, returns out of the function 

      if(empl_in_dept_check(dList, dCount, eList, eID, dID))//checks if an employee is already added to a department, if true, returns out of the function. 

       cout << "The employee has already been added to the department." << endl; 
      else//adds the user entered eID to the user entered dID 

       //for-loop cycles through dList searching for the user entered dID 
       for(int i = 0; i <= dCount; i++) 

        if(dList[i].dID == dID)//stops the for-loop at the user entered dID 

         //for-loop cycles through eList searching for the user entered eID 
         for(int j = 0; j <= eCount; j++) 

          if(eList[j].eID == eID)// stops the for-loop at the user entered eID 
           dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].eID = eList[j].eID; 
           strcpy(dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].fName, eList[j].fName); 
           strcpy(dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].lName, eList[j].lName); 
           dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].salary = eList[j].salary; 

cout << dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].eID << endl 
     << dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].fName << endl 
     << dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].lName << endl 
     << dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].salary << endl; 

           cout << "Employee " << eID << " has been added to department " << dID << "." << endl; 

           dList[i].empl_in_dept_count += 1;//increments the department's employee count by one 

           cout << endl; 

      cout << "The employee does not exist." << endl; 
     cout << "The department does not exist" << endl; 


Function : ePrint 
Parameters : employee eList, int eCount 
Return : void 
Description : This function prints out a list all employee IDs, first and last names, and salaries 
void ePrint(employee eList[], int eCount) 
    if(eCount == 0)//if there are no employees, prints None and returns out of the function 
     printf("Empl ID | First Name  Last Name  | Salary\n"); 
     printf("Empl ID | First Name  Last Name  | Salary\n"); 

     //for-loop cycles through the eList array and print out employee info for each index 
     for(int i = 0; i < eCount; i++) 
      printf("%d   %s    %s    %.2f  \n", eList[i].eID, eList[i].fName, eList[i].lName, eList[i].salary); 

Function : dPrint 
Parameters : department dList[], in dCount, employee eList[] 
Return : void 
Description : This function prints out a list all department IDs, department Names, and employees in the department 
void dPrint(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]) 
    if(dCount == 0)//if there are no departments, prints None and returns out of the function 
     printf("Dept ID | Dept Name\n"); 

     //for-loop cycles through the dList array and print out department info for each index 
     for(int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
      printf("Dept ID | Dept Name\n"); 

      printf("%d   %s\n", dList[i].dID, dList[i].dName); 

      printf("Empl ID | First Name  Last Name  | Salary\n"); 

      if(dList[i].empl_in_dept_count == 0)//check to see if there are no employees in the department 

      else//prints out employees in department 
       //for-loop cycles through the empl_in_dept indexes and prints out employee info for each department 
       for(int j = 0; j < dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 
        printf("%d   %s    %s    %.2f  \n", dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].eID, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].fName, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].lName, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].salary); 
       cout << endl; 



Function : e_in_dPrint 
Parameters : department dList[], in dCount, employee eList[] 
Return : void 
Description : This function prints out a list all employees in a department 
void e_in_dPrint(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]) 
    int dID; //stores the user entered department ID number 

    cout << "Enter in a department ID number: "; 
    cin >> dID; 
    cout << endl; 

    if(dCheck(dList, dCount, dID))//check to see if the department exists 
     //for-loop cycles through the dList to reach the user entered dID 
     for(int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
      if(dList[i].dID == dID)//stops the for-loop at the user entered dID 
       printf("Dept ID | Dept Name\n"); 
       printf("%d   %s\n", dList[i].dID, dList[i].dName); 
       printf("Empl ID | First Name  Last Name  | Salary\n"); 

       if(dList[i].empl_in_dept_count == 0)//check to see if there are no employees in the department 
       else//prints out employees in department 
        //for-loop cycles through the empl_in_dept indexes and prints out employee info for each department 
        for(int j = 0; j < dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 
         printf("%d   %s    %s    %.2f  \n", dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].eID, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].fName, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].lName, dList[i].empl_in_dept[dList[i].empl_in_dept_count].salary); 
        cout << endl; 

     cout << "That department does not exist." << endl; 

Function : average 
Parameters : department dList[], employee eList[] 
Return : void 
Description : This function prints out an average of employee salaries in a department 
void average(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[]) 
    int dID;// stores the user entered deparment ID number 
    int sum = 0; //stores the sum of the department employee's salary 
    float average; 

    cout << "Enter in a department ID number: "; 
    cin >> dID; 
    cout << endl; 

    if(dCheck(dList, dCount, dID))//check to see if the department exists, returns out of the function if it does not 

     //for-loop cycles through dList to find the user entered dID 
     for(int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
      if(dList[i].dID == dID)//stops the for-loop at the user entered dID 
       //for-loop cycles through the department's employees and adds up their salaries 
       for(int j = 0; j < dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 
        sum = (dList[i].empl_in_dept[j].salary + sum); 

       average = sum/dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; 

       printf("Dept ID | Dept Name   | Average\n"); 
       printf("%d   %s     %.2f\n", dList[i].dID, dList[i].dName, average); 

       cout << endl; 

     cout << "That department does not exist." << endl; 

Function : save 
Parameters : department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount 
Return : void 
Description : This function all department and employee information into a file 
void save(department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount) 
    FILE *fp;//file pointer 
    char fileName [20]; 

    cout << "Enter in a name for the file to save to: "; 
    cin.getline(fileName, 20, '\n');// stores a user defined file name 

    fp = fopen(fileName, "w"); 

    if(fp == NULL)//check to see if the file stream has been opened. if not return out of the function 
     cout << "The file did not open" << endl; 

    fprintf(fp, "%d\n", eCount);//prints the eCount to the file 

    //for-loop cycles through eList and prints out employee info to the file 
    for(int i = 0; i < eCount; i++) 
     fprintf(fp, "%d %s %s %f\n", eList[i].eID, eList[i].fName, eList[i].lName, eList[i].salary); 

    fprintf(fp, "%d\n", dCount);//prints the dCount to the file 

    //for-loop cycles through dList and prints out department info to the file 
    for(int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
     fprintf(fp, "%d %s %d ", dList[i].dID, dList[i].dName, dList[i].empl_in_dept_count); 

     //for-loop cycles through dList's empl_in_dept array and prints out info to the file 
     for(int j = 0; j < dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 
      fprintf(fp, "%d ", dList[i].empl_in_dept[j]); 
     fprintf(fp, "\n"); 


    fclose(fp);//closes the file stream 


Function : load 
Parameters : department dList[], int dCount, employee eList[], int eCount 
Return : void 
Description : This function loads all department and employee information from a file 
void load(department dList [], int &dCount, employee eList[], int &eCount) 
    FILE *fp;//file pointer 
    char fileName [20]; 

    cout << "Enter in the name of the file to load: "; 
    cin.getline(fileName, 20, '\n');// stores a user defined file name 

    fp = fopen(fileName, "r"); 

    if(fp == NULL)//check to see if the file stream has been opened. if not return out of the function 
     cout << "The file did not open" << endl; 

     fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &eCount);//prints the eCount to the file 

     //for-loop cycles through eList and prints out employee info to the file 
     for(int i = 0; i < eCount; i++) 

      fscanf(fp, "%d %s %s %f\n", &eList[i].eID, eList[i].fName, eList[i].lName, &eList[i].salary); 

     fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &dCount);//prints the dCount to the file 

     //for-loop cycles through dList and prints out department info to the file 
     for(int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) 
      fscanf(fp, "%d %s %d ", &dList[i].dID, dList[i].dName, &dList[i].empl_in_dept_count); 

      //for-loop cycles through dList's empl_in_dept array and prints out info to the file 
      for(int j = 0; j < dList[i].empl_in_dept_count; j++) 
       fscanf(fp, "%d ", &dList[i].empl_in_dept[j]); 


    fclose(fp);//closes the file stream 


Function : printMenu 
Parameters : none 
Return : void 
Description : This function prints the menu and prompt the user for an entry 

void printMenu() 
      "Enter the number for the corresponding option:\n" 
      "1 : Add a new department\n" 
      "2 : Add a new employee\n" 
      "3 : Add an employee to a department\n" 
      "4 : Print a list of all employees\n" 
      "5 : Print a list of all departments\n" 
      "6 : Print a list of all employees in a department\n" 
      "7 : Compute and print the average salary of a department\n" 
      "8 : Save the full employee listing to a file\n" 
      "9 : Load the full employee listing from a file\n" 
      "10: Exit\n" 
      "> "); 


Overblown und nicht-funktionalen Code. Hack dir den Weg runter zu einem 'main', der' add_empl_to_dept' aufruft, verwerfe den Rest und lass uns sehen, wo du gerade bist. – user4581301


Willkommen bei Stack Overflow. Das Reduzieren des Codes auf ein [minimales vollständiges Beispiel] (http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) ist nicht nur für unsere Bequemlichkeit, es wird Ihnen helfen, Fehler auf eigene Faust zu finden. Es ist eine lebenswichtige Fähigkeit, wertvoller als jeder einzelne Bugfix. – Beta


Ich höre dich :). Ich wusste, es war zu viel zum Posten. Hacking es jetzt :) –



Sie passieren dlist als Wert und Sie müssen es als Verweis übergeben oder einen Zeiger verwenden. Versuchen Sie, mit:

Mit einem Zeiger:

void addDepartment(department *dList, int &dCount) 

Durch Referenz:

void addDepartment(department &dList[], int &dCount) 

Ihr zweiter Vorschlag nicht kompilieren. Ihr erster Vorschlag ist genau der gleiche wie der Code von OP (in einer Funktionsparameterliste bedeutet 'T x []' 'T * x'). –

Verwandte Themen