2017-03-10 4 views

In meiner Anwendung verwende ich Circular progress-bar. Also, wenn ich diesen Controller an mehreren Orten verwenden möchte, wie kann ich die Radius Eigenschaft in meinem XAML anstatt den aktuellen Wert, der die ganze Zeit ist 100? (Soweit in Klasse CircularProgressBar)WPF kreisförmige Fortschrittsbalken: wie hart codierte Eigenschaft zu verschieben

Das ist mein Circular progress bar:

<UserControl x:Class="myApplication.CircularProgressBar" 
      d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"> 
      <Path x:Name="pathRoot" Stroke="{Binding SegmentColor, ElementName=userControl}" 
       StrokeThickness="{Binding StrokeThickness, ElementName=userControl}" 
       HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="100" Width="100"> 
           <PathFigure x:Name="pathFigure"> 
              <ArcSegment x:Name="arcSegment" SweepDirection="Clockwise" /> 

public partial class CircularProgressBar : UserControl 
     public CircularProgressBar() 
      Angle = (Percentage * 360)/100; 

     public int Radius 
      get { return (int)GetValue(RadiusProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(RadiusProperty, value); } 

     public Brush SegmentColor 
      get { return (Brush)GetValue(SegmentColorProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(SegmentColorProperty, value); } 

     public int StrokeThickness 
      get { return (int)GetValue(StrokeThicknessProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(StrokeThicknessProperty, value); } 

     public double Percentage 
      get { return (double)GetValue(PercentageProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(PercentageProperty, value); } 

     public double Angle 
      get { return (double)GetValue(AngleProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(AngleProperty, value); } 

     public enum Modes 
      Full = 360, 
      Half = 180, 
      Intermediate = 250 

     public Modes CircularMode 
      get { return (Modes)GetValue(CircularModeProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(CircularModeProperty, value); } 

     public static readonly DependencyProperty CircularModeProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("CircularMode", typeof(Modes), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(Modes.Full)); 

     // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Percentage. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty PercentageProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("Percentage", typeof(double), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(65d, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPercentageChanged))); 

     // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for StrokeThickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty StrokeThicknessProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("StrokeThickness", typeof(int), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(1)); 

     // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SegmentColor. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty SegmentColorProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("SegmentColor", typeof(Brush), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red))); 

     // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Radius. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty RadiusProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("Radius", typeof(int), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(100, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChanged))); 

     // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Angle. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty AngleProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("Angle", typeof(double), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(120d, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChanged))); 

     private static void OnPercentageChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) 
      CircularProgressBar circle = sender as CircularProgressBar; 
      circle.Angle = (circle.Percentage * (int)circle.CircularMode)/100; 

     private static void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) 
      CircularProgressBar circle = sender as CircularProgressBar; 

     public void RenderArc() 
      Point startPoint = new Point(Radius, 0); 
      Point endPoint = ComputeCartesianCoordinate(Angle, Radius); 
      endPoint.X += Radius; 
      endPoint.Y += Radius; 

      pathRoot.Width = Radius * 2 + StrokeThickness; 
      pathRoot.Height = Radius * 2 + StrokeThickness; 
      pathRoot.Margin = new Thickness(StrokeThickness, StrokeThickness, 0, 0); 

      bool largeArc = Angle > 180.0; 

      Size outerArcSize = new Size(Radius, Radius); 

      pathFigure.StartPoint = startPoint; 

      if (startPoint.X == Math.Round(endPoint.X) && startPoint.Y == Math.Round(endPoint.Y)) 
       endPoint.X -= 0.01; 

      arcSegment.Point = endPoint; 
      arcSegment.Size = outerArcSize; 
      arcSegment.IsLargeArc = largeArc; 

     private Point ComputeCartesianCoordinate(double angle, double radius) 
      // convert to radians 
      double angleRad = (Math.PI/180.0) * (angle - 90); 
      double x = radius * Math.Cos(angleRad); 
      double y = radius * Math.Sin(angleRad); 
      return new Point(x, y); 

Dies ist der Festcodewert:

// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Radius. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty RadiusProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("Radius", typeof(int), typeof(CircularProgressBar), new PropertyMetadata(100, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChanged))); 

Wo ist der hardcoded Wert in Ihrem XAML? Auf welches Objekt beziehen Sie sich? – mm8


Bitte beachten Sie mein Update – user979033


Bitte denken Sie daran, die hilfreichen Antworten abzustimmen :) – mm8



100 ist nur der Standardwert des Radius Eigentum. Sie sollten in der Lage sein, einen beliebigen int-Wert festzulegen, genauso wie Sie eine andere Abhängigkeitseigenschaft festlegen:

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