2016-07-28 14 views

Ich möchte die ArrayList in String konvertieren und es in der Textansicht anzeigen. Hier ist mein Code:Wie zu konvertieren und Arraylist zu String in Textansicht anzeigen

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements SearchView.OnQueryTextListener{ 

public static final String Logcat = "vmech"; 

Button searchButton; 
EditText editTextSearch; 
TextView textViewDisplayResult; 
String newText; 
String urlstring; 
ListView lvBooks; 

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

    lvBooks = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.lvBooks); 

    searchButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.buttonSerch); 
    editTextSearch = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextSearch); 

    searchButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ 
     public void onClick(View v) { 
      newText = editTextSearch.getText().toString(); 
       newText = newText.replace(" ", "+"); 
       urlstring = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q="; 
       urlstring = urlstring + newText + "&maxResults=20" + "&key=" + MyAPIKey; 

      else { 
       Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Please enter a book name to search.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 

      new JSONTask().execute(urlstring); 
      //Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search Button Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) 
    MenuInflater inflater=getMenuInflater(); 
    inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu); 

    MenuItem searchItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search); 
    SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem); 
    return true; 


public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) 
    Toast.makeText(this, "This is the Settings item", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
    return true; 


public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) { 
    return false; 

public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) { 
    return false; 

public class JSONTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, List<VolumeInfo>>{ 

    protected void onPreExecute() { 

    protected List<VolumeInfo> doInBackground(String... params) { 
     HttpURLConnection connection = null; 
     BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; 

     try { 
      URL url = new URL(urlstring); 

      connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 

      InputStream inputstream = connection.getInputStream(); 
      bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputstream)); 

      StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); 

      String line = ""; 
      while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { 

      String finalJson = stringbuffer.toString(); 

      JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJson); 
      JSONArray parentArray = parentObject.getJSONArray("items"); 

      List<VolumeInfo> infoList = new ArrayList<>(); 
      String idText = null; 
      Item item = new Item(); 
      VolumeInfo info = new VolumeInfo(); 
      for(int i=0; i<parentArray.length(); i++) { 
       JSONObject finalObject = parentArray.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("volumeInfo"); 

       String author = null; 
       for (int j = 0; j < authors.length(); j++) { 
        JSONArray authors = finalObject.getJSONArray("authors"); 
        author = authors.getString(i); 


      return infoList; 

     } catch (IOException e){ 
     } catch (JSONException e) { 
     } finally { 
      if (connection != null) 
      try { 
       if (bufferedReader != null){ 
      }catch (IOException e){ 

     return null; 


    protected void onPostExecute(List<VolumeInfo> result) { 

     BookAdapter adapter = new BookAdapter(getApplicationContext(), R.layout.book_row_layout, result); 

public class BookAdapter extends ArrayAdapter{ 

    private List<VolumeInfo> InfoList; 
    private int resource; 
    private LayoutInflater inflater; 
    public BookAdapter(Context context, int resource, List<VolumeInfo> objects) { 
     super(context, resource, objects); 
     InfoList = objects; 
     this.resource = resource; 
     inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 


    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 

     if(convertView == null){ 
      convertView = inflater.inflate(resource, null); 

     ImageView ivBookIcon; 
     TextView tvTitle; 
     TextView tvAuthor; 
     TextView tvDescription; 

     ivBookIcon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.ivBookIcon); 
     tvTitle = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.tvTitle); 
     tvAuthor = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.tvauthor); 
     tvDescription = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.tvDescription); 


     tvAuthor.setText((CharSequence) InfoList.get(position).getAuthors()); 

     return convertView; 


Ich mag die Autoren aus der JSON von Google Books API nehmen und es in der Listenansicht auf tvAuthor.setText((CharSequence) InfoList.get(position).getAuthors()); Position in getView Methode der BookAdapter Klasse anzuzeigen.

Aber wenn ich versuche, Daten von diesem zu bekommen: in doInBackground Methode gibt es Fehler zeigt kann nicht konvertieren lis zu string, der Fehler ist in info.setAuthors(author);.

for (int j = 0; j < authors.length(); j++) { 
         JSONArray authors = finalObject.getJSONArray("authors"); 
         author = authors.getString(i); 


Auch wenn man versucht, die App es Kraft zu laufen schließt geben Null-Zeiger-Ausnahme in der Listenansicht hier:

BookAdapter adapter = new BookAdapter(getApplicationContext(),R.layout.book_row_layout, result); 

Hier ist meine Modellklasse für JSON-Daten:

public class VolumeInfo { 

private String title; 
private String authors; 
private String publisher; 
private String publishedDate; 
private String description; 
private List<IndustryIdentifier> industryIdentifiers = new ArrayList<IndustryIdentifier>(); 
private ReadingModes readingModes; 
private Long pageCount; 
private String printType; 
private Double averageRating; 
private Long ratingsCount; 
private String maturityRating; 
private Boolean allowAnonLogging; 
private String contentVersion; 
private ImageLinks imageLinks; 
private String language; 
private String previewLink; 
private String infoLink; 
private String canonicalVolumeLink; 
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 

* @return 
*  The title 
public String getTitle() { 
    return title; 

* @param title 
*  The title 
public String setTitle(String title) { 
    this.title = title; 
    return title; 

* @return 
*  The authors 
public String getAuthors() { 
    return authors; 

* @param authors 
*  The authors 
public void setAuthors(String authors) { 
    this.authors = authors; 

* @return 
*  The publisher 
public String getPublisher() { 
    return publisher; 

* @param publisher 
*  The publisher 
public void setPublisher(String publisher) { 
    this.publisher = publisher; 

* @return 
*  The publishedDate 
public String getPublishedDate() { 
    return publishedDate; 

* @param publishedDate 
*  The publishedDate 
public void setPublishedDate(String publishedDate) { 
    this.publishedDate = publishedDate; 

* @return 
*  The description 
public String getDescription() { 
    return description; 

* @param description 
*  The description 
public void setDescription(String description) { 
    this.description = description; 

* @return 
*  The industryIdentifiers 
public List<IndustryIdentifier> getIndustryIdentifiers() { 
    return industryIdentifiers; 

* @param industryIdentifiers 
*  The industryIdentifiers 
public void setIndustryIdentifiers(List<IndustryIdentifier> industryIdentifiers) { 
    this.industryIdentifiers = industryIdentifiers; 

* @return 
*  The readingModes 
public ReadingModes getReadingModes() { 
    return readingModes; 

* @param readingModes 
*  The readingModes 
public void setReadingModes(ReadingModes readingModes) { 
    this.readingModes = readingModes; 

* @return 
*  The pageCount 
public Long getPageCount() { 
    return pageCount; 

* @param pageCount 
*  The pageCount 
public void setPageCount(Long pageCount) { 
    this.pageCount = pageCount; 

* @return 
*  The printType 
public String getPrintType() { 
    return printType; 

* @param printType 
*  The printType 
public void setPrintType(String printType) { 
    this.printType = printType; 

* @return 
*  The averageRating 
public Double getAverageRating() { 
    return averageRating; 

* @param averageRating 
*  The averageRating 
public void setAverageRating(Double averageRating) { 
    this.averageRating = averageRating; 

* @return 
*  The ratingsCount 
public Long getRatingsCount() { 
    return ratingsCount; 

* @param ratingsCount 
*  The ratingsCount 
public void setRatingsCount(Long ratingsCount) { 
    this.ratingsCount = ratingsCount; 

* @return 
*  The maturityRating 
public String getMaturityRating() { 
    return maturityRating; 

* @param maturityRating 
*  The maturityRating 
public void setMaturityRating(String maturityRating) { 
    this.maturityRating = maturityRating; 

* @return 
*  The allowAnonLogging 
public Boolean getAllowAnonLogging() { 
    return allowAnonLogging; 

* @param allowAnonLogging 
*  The allowAnonLogging 
public void setAllowAnonLogging(Boolean allowAnonLogging) { 
    this.allowAnonLogging = allowAnonLogging; 

* @return 
*  The contentVersion 
public String getContentVersion() { 
    return contentVersion; 

* @param contentVersion 
*  The contentVersion 
public void setContentVersion(String contentVersion) { 
    this.contentVersion = contentVersion; 

* @return 
*  The imageLinks 
public ImageLinks getImageLinks() { 
    return imageLinks; 

* @param imageLinks 
*  The imageLinks 
public void setImageLinks(ImageLinks imageLinks) { 
    this.imageLinks = imageLinks; 

* @return 
*  The language 
public String getLanguage() { 
    return language; 

* @param language 
*  The language 
public void setLanguage(String language) { 
    this.language = language; 

* @return 
*  The previewLink 
public String getPreviewLink() { 
    return previewLink; 

* @param previewLink 
*  The previewLink 
public void setPreviewLink(String previewLink) { 
    this.previewLink = previewLink; 

* @return 
*  The infoLink 
public String getInfoLink() { 
    return infoLink; 

* @param infoLink 
*  The infoLink 
public void setInfoLink(String infoLink) { 
    this.infoLink = infoLink; 

* @return 
*  The canonicalVolumeLink 
public String getCanonicalVolumeLink() { 
    return canonicalVolumeLink; 

* @param canonicalVolumeLink 
*  The canonicalVolumeLink 
public void setCanonicalVolumeLink(String canonicalVolumeLink) { 
    this.canonicalVolumeLink = canonicalVolumeLink; 

public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
    return this.additionalProperties; 

public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
    this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 

Bitte Hilfe. Hier

ist die Google Books API Probe JSON-Daten, die ich Parse bin versucht: http://pastebin.com/Zvq7JkbN


'ArrayList.toString()' konvertiert eine 'ArrayList' in eine' String'. – ifly6


Wenn Sie ein Objekt aus JSON serialisieren müssen, verwenden Sie einfach Guava und stellen Sie eine Klassendatei zur Verfügung. – ifly6


Ihr Code ist sehr fehlerhaft. Sie erstellen InfoList, fügen jedoch nichts hinzu. Sie sollten in jeder Schleife eine neue VolumeInfo erstellen und zur InfoList hinzufügen. Sie ersetzen auch weiterhin den Autor-Wert in jedem lopp, anstatt anzuhängen. – lionscribe



ich nicht durch den gesamten Code ging.

Aber hier ist der Code zum Konvertieren von List in String [].

List<String> arr = new ArrayList<>(); 
    arr.add("Hi "); 
    arr.add("Hello "); 
    arr.add("How "); 
    arr.add("are "); 
    arr.add("you? "); 
    String[] str = arr.toArray(new String[arr.size()]); 
    foreach(String s: str){ 
     ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.TEXTVIEWID)).append(s) 
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