2017-01-10 3 views

Ich versuche, ein sehr schön-bunten Feuerwerk mit Tkinter (Python) zu erstellen, Obwohl es für mich nicht funktioniert hat. Das Problem ist, dass die Feuerwerkskörper in der Explosion (Rocket-Klasse) nicht aufhören und ich habe keine Ahnung warum. Ich habe schon viele Dinge ausprobiert, aber es ist nicht besser geworden.mit Tkinter Fireworks zu erstellen

** Hinweis: die Klasse, von der ich spreche, heißt Rocket, wo sich das Partikel bewegt und explodiert und hört nicht auf zu explodieren ** - ich habe die Partikelklasse und die Feuerwerksklasse verwendet, also müsste man nicht lesen der ganze Code nur diese Teile.

Mein Code:

import tkinter as tk 
from time import time, sleep 
from random import choice, uniform, randint 
from math import sin, cos, radians 
from sys import modules 

GRAVITY = 30 # you can play around with this if you want 

class Particle: 
    """Generic class for particles. 

    Particles can be emitted by Fireworks objects. They are displayed for a 
    specified lifespan and then removed from the canvas. 

     cv (Tk.canvas): the canvas in which the particle is drawn. 
     cid (Tk.canvas): the tkinter canvas id for the particle. 
     x (float): x-coordinate of the particle. 
     y (float): y-coordinate of the particle. 
     vx (float): x-velocity of the particle (in pixels per second). 
     vy (float): y-velocity of the particle (in pixels per second). 
     color (str): color of the particle. 
     age (float): age of the particle. 
     lifespan (float): lifespan of the particle (in seconds). 


    def __init__(self, cv=None, color='white', x=0., y=0., 
       vx=0., vy=0., lifespan=5.): 
     """Init Particle objects. 

      cv (Tk.canvas): the canvas in which the particle is drawn. 
      x (float): x-coordinate of the particle. 
       Defaults to 0.0. 
      y (float): y-coordinate of the particle. 
       Defaults to 0.0. 
      vx (float): x-velocity of the particle (in pixels per second). 
       Defaults to 0.0. 
      vy (float): y-velocity of the particle (in pixels per second). 
       Defaults to 0.0. 
      color (str): color of the particle. 
       Defaults to 'white'. 
      lifespan (float): lifespan of the particle (in seconds). 
       Defaults to 5.0. 

     self.cv = cv 
     self.cid = None 
     self.x, self.y = x, y 
     self.vx, self.vy = vx, vy 
     self.color = color 
     self.age, self.lifespan = 0, lifespan 

    def update(self, dt): 
     """Update position and velocity after dt seconds have passed. 

      dt (float): the time that has passed after the last update (in s). 

     self.age += dt 
     if self.alive(): 
      self.vy += GRAVITY * dt 
      self.x += self.vx * dt 
      self.y += self.vy * dt 
      self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx * dt, self.vy * dt) 
     elif self.cid is not None: 
      self.cid = None 

    def alive(self): 
     """Check if particle is still within its lifespan.""" 
     return self.age <= self.lifespan 

class SquareParticle(Particle): 
    """A Particle with a quadratic shape""" 
    def __init__(self, x=0., y=0., size=2., **kwargs): 
     super().__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs) 
     self.cid = self.cv.create_polygon(
      x - size, y - size, x + size, y - size, 
      x + size, y + size, x - size, y + size, 

class TriangleParticle(Particle): 
    """A Particle with a triangular shape""" 
    def __init__(self, x=0., y=0., size=2., **kwargs): 
     super().__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs) 
     self.cid = self.cv.create_polygon(
      x - size, y - size, x + size, 
      y - size, x, y + size, 

class CircularParticle(Particle): 
    """A Particle with a circular shape.""" 
    def __init__(self, x=0., y=0., size=2., **kwargs): 
     super().__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs) 
     self.cid = self.cv.create_oval(
      x - size, y - size, x + size, 
      y + size, fill=self.color) 

class Fireworks: 
    """Generic class for fireworks. 

    The main "behavior" of a fireworks is specified via its update method. 
    E.g., new particles can be emitted and added to the particle list. The 
    Fireworks base class automatically updates all particles from the particle 
    list in its update method. 

     cv (Tk.canvas): the canvas in which the fireworks is drawn. 
     age (float): age of the fireworks. 
     particles (list of Particle): list of generated particles. 


    def __init__(self, cv=None): 
     """Init Fireworks objects. 

      cv (Tk.canvas): the canvas in which the particle is drawn. 

     self.cv = cv 
     self.age = 0 
     self.particles = [] 

    def update(self, dt): 
     """Update the fireworks' particles and remove dead ones. 

      dt (float): the time that has passed after the last update (in s). 

     self.age += dt 
     for p in self.particles: 
     for i in range(len(self.particles) - 1, -1, -1): 
      if not self.particles[i].alive(): 
       del self.particles[i] 

class Volcano(Fireworks): 
    """A volcano that continuously emits colored particles. 

     x (float): x-coordinate of the volcano. 
     pps (float): the number of particles to spawn per second. 
     colors (list of string): the colors of the particles to spawn.""" 

    def __init__(self, cv, x, pps, colors): 
     """Init Volcano objects. 

      cv (Tk.canvas): the canvas in which the particle is drawn. 
      x (float): x-coordinate of the volcano. 
      pps (float): the number of particles to spawn per second. 
      colors (list of string): the colors of the particles to spawn. 

     self.cid = cv.create_polygon(x - 12, 530, # size and color are fixed 
            x + 12, 530, # (can be parametrized) 
            x, 500, 
     self.x = x 
     self.pps = pps 
     self.colors = colors 
     self._tospawn = 0 

    def update(self, dt): 
     """Continuously emits new random particles and updates them. 

      dt (float): the time that has passed after the last update (in s). 

     self._tospawn += self.pps * dt 
     color = self.colors[int(self.age/3) % len(self.colors)] 
     for i in range(int(self._tospawn)): 
      ptype = choice(
       [SquareParticle, TriangleParticle, CircularParticle]) 
      angle = uniform(-0.25, 0.25) 
      speed = -uniform(80.0, 120.0) 
      vx = sin(angle) * speed 
      vy = cos(angle) * speed 
       ptype(cv=self.cv, x=self.x, y=500, color=color, vx=vx, vy=vy)) 
     self._tospawn -= int(self._tospawn) 

class Rocket(Particle, Fireworks): 

    def __init__(self, cv, x=0., y=0., size=2., **kwargs): 
     super().__init__(cv, x=x, y=y, **kwargs) 
     self.cid = self.cv.create_oval(
      x - size, y - size, x + size, 
      y + size, fill=self.color) 
     self.x = x 
     self.pps = 100 
     self.colors = ['red'] 
     self._tospawn = 0 
     self.particles = [] 

    def update(self, dt): 
     self.age += dt 
     if self.alive(): 
      self.vy += -GRAVITY * dt 
      self.x += self.vx * dt 
      self.y += self.vy * dt 
      self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx * dt, self.vy * dt) 
     elif self.cid is not None: 
      self.cid = None 
     if self.cid is None: 
      Fireworks.update(self, dt) 
      color = self.colors[int(self.age/3) % len(self.colors)] 
      self._tospawn += self.pps * dt 
      for i in range(int(self._tospawn)): 
       ptype = choice(
       angle = uniform(-100, 100) 
       speed = -uniform(80, 120.0) 
       vx = sin(angle) * speed 
       vy = cos(angle) * speed 
       ptype(cv=self.cv, x=self.x, y=self.y, color=color, vx=vx, vy=vy)) 
       self._tospawn -= self.pps * dt 

def simulate(cv, objects): 
    """Fireworks simulation loop. 

      cv (float): the canvas in which the firework objects are drawn. 
      objects (float): the firework objects. 

    t = time() 
    while running: 
     tnew = time() 
     t, dt = tnew, tnew - t 
     for o in objects: 

def close(*ignore): 
    """Stops simulation loop and closes the window.""" 
    global running 
    running = False 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    x = 10 
    root = tk.Tk() 
    cv = tk.Canvas(root, height=600, width=800) 
    cv.create_rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600, fill="black") # sky 
    cv.create_rectangle(0, 450, 800, 600, fill="gray11") # ground 

    v1 = Volcano(cv, 400, 100, ["red", "green", "gold"]) 
    ro = Rocket(cv, 600, 500) 
    objects = [v1, ro] 

    # close with [ESC] or (x) button 
    root.bind('<Escape>', close) 
    root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close) 

    running = True 
    root.after(500, simulate, cv, objects) 
    if "idlelib" not in modules: 

Für mich ist es wichtiger zu untersteht, warum das passiert ist, so wäre es sehr schön, wenn ich innerhalb bekommen Erklärung.


Verwenden Sie 'print()', um zu sehen, welcher Teil des Codes ausgeführt wird und welche Werte Sie in Variablen haben. – furas


Ich Code ausführen und Rockec stoppt nur, wenn ich Fenster verschiebe. – furas



In Rocket hatte ich

self._tospawn += self.pps * dt 


elif self.cid is not None: 

zu bewegen Feuerwerk zu stoppen

elif self.cid is not None: 
     self.cid = None 

     self._tospawn += 10 * self.pps * dt 

    if self.cid is None: 
     Fireworks.update(self, dt) 
     color = self.colors[int(self.age/3) % len(self.colors)] 
     for i in range(int(self._tospawn)): 
      ptype = choice(
      angle = uniform(-100, 100) 
      speed = -uniform(80, 120.0) 
      vx = sin(angle) * speed 
      vy = cos(angle) * speed 
      ptype(cv=self.cv, x=self.x, y=self.y, color=color, vx=vx, vy=vy)) 
      self._tospawn -= self.pps * dt 

können Sie alle außer bewegen Framework.update()

elif self.cid is not None: 
     self.cid = None 

     self._tospawn += 10 * self.pps * dt 

     color = self.colors[int(self.age/3) % len(self.colors)] 
     for i in range(int(self._tospawn)): 
      ptype = choice(
      angle = uniform(-100, 100) 
      speed = -uniform(80, 120.0) 
      vx = sin(angle) * speed 
      vy = cos(angle) * speed 
      ptype(cv=self.cv, x=self.x, y=self.y, color=color, vx=vx, vy=vy)) 
      self._tospawn -= self.pps * dt 

    if self.cid is None: 
     Fireworks.update(self, dt) 

Vielen Dank Herr, das hilft wirklich – james


eine Erklärung dafür? – james


'Rocket.update()' wird die ganze Zeit in 'while running' ausgeführt. Es setzt 'self.cid = None', so dass es' hit self._tospawn + = self.pps * dt' immer dann startet, wenn 'self.cid' None: 'ist und 'self._tospawn + = self.pps * dt'. Es bedeutet, dass 'für i im Bereich (int (self._tospawn)):' neue Partikel immer wieder neu erzeugt. Selbst 'self._tospawn - = self.pps * dt' kann es nicht stoppen. Aber wenn Sie 'self._tospawn + = self.pps * dt' nach' elif self.cid verschieben ist nicht None: 'dann wird es nur einmal gesetzt,' for' wird nur einmal ausgeführt und 'self._tospawn - = self.pps * dt' wird es zurücksetzen, so dass das nächste Mal 'for' keine neuen Partikel erzeugt. – furas

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