2016-04-01 9 views

Ich habe mit der Datenbank-Demo von der jsTree-Website gespielt (https://www.jstree.com/demo_sitebrowser/index.php). Ich habe es auf meinen Server heruntergeladen und einfach $ .jstree.defaults.core.data.url geändert und einige Listener entfernt. Der Code ist dies jetzt:Syntaxfehler in jsTree

<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 
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     <link rel="stylesheet" href="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/themes/default/style.min.css" /> 
     html, body { background:#ebebeb; font-size:10px; font-family:Verdana; margin:0; padding:0; } 
     #container { min-width:320px; margin:0px auto 0 auto; background:white; border-radius:0px; padding:0px; overflow:hidden; } 
     #tree { float:left; min-width:319px; border-right:1px solid silver; overflow:auto; padding:0px 0; } 
     #data { margin-left:320px; } 
     #data textarea { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; border:0; background:white; display:block; line-height:18px; } 
     #data, #code { font: normal normal normal 12px/18px 'Consolas', monospace !important; } 
     <div id="container" role="main"> 
      <div id="tree"></div> 
      <div id="data"> 
       <div class="content code" style="display:none;"><textarea id="code" readonly="readonly"></textarea></div> 
       <div class="content folder" style="display:none;"></div> 
       <div class="content image" style="display:none; position:relative;"><img src="" alt="" style="display:block; position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; padding:0; max-height:90%; max-width:90%;" /></div> 
       <div class="content default" style="text-align:center;">Select a node from the tree.</div> 

     <script src="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/libs/jquery.js"></script> 
     <script src="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/jstree.min.js"></script> 
     $(function() { 
      $(window).resize(function() { 
       var h = Math.max($(window).height() - 0, 420); 
       $('#container, #data, #tree, #data .content').height(h).filter('.default').css('lineHeight', h + 'px'); 

        'core' : { 
         'data' : { 
          'url' : './JSON/GetChildren', 
          'data' : function (node) { 
           return { 'id' : node.id }; 
         'force_text' : true, 
         'check_callback' : true, 
         'themes' : { 
          'responsive' : false 
       .on('changed.jstree', function (e, data) { 
        if(data && data.selected && data.selected.length) { 
         $.get('?operation=get_content&id=' + data.selected.join(':'), function (d) { 
          $('#data .default').text(d.content).show(); 
        else { 
         $('#data .content').hide(); 
         $('#data .default').text('Select a file from the tree.').show(); 

Beim Laden wird jsTree ./JSON/GetChildren?id=# Anfordern der ersten Ebene Knoten für die Darstellung, die diese zurück: Ich habe um mit der Datenbank Demo von der jsTree Website (https://www.jstree.com/demo_sitebrowser/index.php) gespielt. Ich habe es auf meinen Server heruntergeladen und einfach $ .jstree.defaults.core.data.url geändert und einige Listener entfernt. Der Code ist jetzt das:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/themes/default/style.min.css" /> 
     html, body { background:#ebebeb; font-size:10px; font-family:Verdana; margin:0; padding:0; } 
     #container { min-width:320px; margin:0px auto 0 auto; background:white; border-radius:0px; padding:0px; overflow:hidden; } 
     #tree { float:left; min-width:319px; border-right:1px solid silver; overflow:auto; padding:0px 0; } 
     #data { margin-left:320px; } 
     #data textarea { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; border:0; background:white; display:block; line-height:18px; } 
     #data, #code { font: normal normal normal 12px/18px 'Consolas', monospace !important; } 
     <div id="container" role="main"> 
      <div id="tree"></div> 
      <div id="data"> 
       <div class="content code" style="display:none;"><textarea id="code" readonly="readonly"></textarea></div> 
       <div class="content folder" style="display:none;"></div> 
       <div class="content image" style="display:none; position:relative;"><img src="" alt="" style="display:block; position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; padding:0; max-height:90%; max-width:90%;" /></div> 
       <div class="content default" style="text-align:center;">Select a node from the tree.</div> 

     <script src="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/libs/jquery.js"></script> 
     <script src="//static.jstree.com/latest/assets/dist/jstree.min.js"></script> 
     $(function() { 
      $(window).resize(function() { 
       var h = Math.max($(window).height() - 0, 420); 
       $('#container, #data, #tree, #data .content').height(h).filter('.default').css('lineHeight', h + 'px'); 

        'core' : { 
         'data' : { 
          'url' : './JSON/GetChildren', 
          'data' : function (node) { 
           return { 'id' : node.id }; 
         'force_text' : true, 
         'check_callback' : true, 
         'themes' : { 
          'responsive' : false 
       .on('changed.jstree', function (e, data) { 
        if(data && data.selected && data.selected.length) { 
         $.get('?operation=get_content&id=' + data.selected.join(':'), function (d) { 
          $('#data .default').text(d.content).show(); 
        else { 
         $('#data .content').hide(); 
         $('#data .default').text('Select a file from the tree.').show(); 

Beim Laden wird jsTree ./JSON/GetChildren?id=# zum Rendern der ersten Ebene Knoten anfordert, die diese zurück:

    "id": 389, 
    "text": "consequat", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 316, 
    "text": "orci luctus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 356, 
    "text": "tellus non", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 328, 
    "text": "dictum", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 335, 
    "text": "auctor ullamcorper", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 355, 
    "text": "id mollis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 351, 
    "text": "Morbi sit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 358, 
    "text": "sit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 391, 
    "text": "odio Phasellus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 327, 
    "text": "nunc", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 346, 
    "text": "eu", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 386, 
    "text": "lorem", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 333, 
    "text": "metus vitae velit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 367, 
    "text": "orci Ut", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 336, 
    "text": "auctor", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 322, 
    "text": "quis diam Pellentesque", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 303, 
    "text": "dolor", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 302, 
    "text": "Aliquam auctor velit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 304, 
    "text": "turpis nec", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 349, 
    "text": "Aliquam", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 382, 
    "text": "Duis a", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 339, 
    "text": "euismod mauris", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 310, 
    "text": "facilisis facilisis magna", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 385, 
    "text": "cursus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 345, 
    "text": "auctor", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 369, 
    "text": "non hendrerit id", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 330, 
    "text": "Curabitur consequat lectus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 320, 
    "text": "ornare", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 332, 
    "text": "mauris Suspendisse aliquet", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 365, 
    "text": "dolor Nulla semper", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 361, 
    "text": "convallis convallis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 344, 
    "text": "enim", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 348, 
    "text": "quam", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 375, 
    "text": "nec", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 384, 
    "text": "ornare", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 342, 
    "text": "amet ultricies", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 363, 
    "text": "sociis natoque penatibus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 326, 
    "text": "tincidunt neque", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 353, 
    "text": "ipsum porta elit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 395, 
    "text": "pharetra Quisque ac", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 400, 
    "text": "imperdiet nec", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 352, 
    "text": "sed turpis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 381, 
    "text": "quis accumsan convallis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 393, 
    "text": "nisl", 
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    "id": 317, 
    "text": "volutpat ornare", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 323, 
    "text": "Sed", 
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    "id": 376, 
    "text": "arcu", 
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    "id": 315, 
    "text": "amet ante Vivamus", 
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    "id": 359, 
    "text": "euismod ac fermentum", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 368, 
    "text": "gravida non sollicitudin", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 305, 
    "text": "Aliquam", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 360, 
    "text": "Integer sem", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 340, 
    "text": "velit eget", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 341, 
    "text": "erat semper", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 354, 
    "text": "lacinia orci consectetuer", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 390, 
    "text": "ridiculus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 357, 
    "text": "lobortis quis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 301, 
    "text": "Nullam", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 319, 
    "text": "Etiam", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 324, 
    "text": "ut nisi", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 347, 
    "text": "dictum augue", 
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    "id": 396, 
    "text": "Quisque ornare", 
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    "id": 325, 
    "text": "nec mollis vitae", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 364, 
    "text": "risus Nulla eget", 
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    "id": 337, 
    "text": "eu ligula Aenean", 
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    "id": 379, 
    "text": "dis parturient", 
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    "id": 343, 
    "text": "faucibus orci", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 312, 
    "text": "imperdiet nec", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 318, 
    "text": "ipsum sodales", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 338, 
    "text": "lorem vitae odio", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 397, 
    "text": "nec mauris blandit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 374, 
    "text": "vitae erat Vivamus", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 398, 
    "text": "elit Curabitur sed", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 308, 
    "text": "rhoncus Nullam velit", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 388, 
    "text": "Duis", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 370, 
    "text": "lorem", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 311, 
    "text": "id", 
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    "id": 314, 
    "text": "sit amet", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 383, 
    "text": "metus In nec", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 394, 
    "text": "consectetuer ipsum nunc", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 307, 
    "text": "dui Cum", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 380, 
    "text": "arcu ac", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 329, 
    "text": "molestie", 
    "children": true 
    "id": 362, 
    "text": "posuere enim", 
    "children": true 

Ich bin jedoch ein „Syntaxfehler“ getting Meldung und ich sehe nicht, woher es kommt. JSON ist gültig, jstree lädt und fordert es an, also was passiert?



Ich habe das. Das Problem war, dass der Header ./JSON/GetChildren?id=# nicht auf application/json festgelegt wurde.