Ich erstelle mein erstes Spiel, einen Labyrinthtyp, mit Kollisionserkennung. Ich verschiebe derzeit das 'Werkzeug' div mit kontinuierlicher Bewegung (hat immer noch ein paar Bugs) und überprüfe auf Kollisionen.Kollisionserkennung/Eigenschaft 'defaultView' von undefined nicht lesen

Als ich meine Kollisionselemente in die Prüfung, am Ende des Codes, übergebe, erhalte ich eine Fehlermeldung 'Eigenschaft' defaultView 'von undefined nicht lesen'.


$(document).ready(() => { 
    console.log('DOMContentLoaded on app'); 

    //Build walls 
    const tx = 100; 
    const bx = 600; 
    const ly = 10; 
    const my = 650; 
    const ry = 750; 
    const $main = $('main'); 
    const thick = 10; 
    const goal = 100; 
    let wallArray = []; 

    //outline walls 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ly, thick, my - ly - goal)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, my, thick, ry - my)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ry, bx - tx + thick, thick)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(bx, ly, thick, ry - ly)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ly, bx - tx, thick)); 
    // inside walls 
    $main.append(buildWalls(200, 300, 75, thick)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(400, 500, thick, 75)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(500, 150, 75, thick)); 

// build walls with inputs 

function buildWalls(top1, left1, height1, width1) { 
    const wall = $('<div>', { 
    class: 'wall', 
     top: top1, 
     left: left1, 
     height: height1, 
     width: width1, 

    return wall; 

    // tool, prize, and goal 

const bPx = 600; 
const bPy = 150; 
const speed = 5; 
const time = 100; 
const tool = createTool(); 
const prize = createPrize(); 
const moveFunctions = moving(tool, bPy, bPx, speed); 

function createTool() { 
    return $('<div>') 
    .addClass('tool black') 
    .attr('id', 'tool') 
    .css({ left: bPx, top: bPy }) 

function createPrize() { 
    return $('<div>') 
    .attr('id', 'prize') 
    .css({ left: 50, top: 550 }) 

// for moving the tool around 

function moving($el, bPy, bPx, speed) { 
    let drag = 0; 
    return { 
    moveUp() { 
     bPy -= speed; 
     drag = drag *= -1; 
     // $el.css('top', bPy); 
     // console.log($el); 
    moveLeft() { 
     bPx -= speed; 
     drag = -1; 
    moveDown() { 
     bPy += speed; 
     drag = 1; 
    moveRight() { 
     bPx += speed; 
     drag = 1; 
    looper() { 
     left: bPx += drag, 
     top: bPy += drag, 

// }; 
setInterval(moveFunctions.looper, time); 

// key controls 
$(document).keydown((event) => { 
    const key = event.which; 
    switch (key) { 
    // let keepMoving = 0; 
    // move object left 
    case 37: 
    // move object right 
    case 39: 
    // move object up 
    case 38: 
     console.log('{tool} up'); 
     checkCbreak; llisions(); 
    // move object down 
    case 40: 
    // stop movement... used for when collision happens 
    case 32: 

// get blocks corners .. wall, tool, item 
function getPositions(block) { 
    const $block = $(block); 
    const pos = $block.position(); 
    const width = $block.width(); 
    const height = $block.height(); 
    return [[pos.left, pos.left + width], [pos.top, pos.top + height]]; 

// compare if they have overlaping coordinates 
function comparePositions(p1, p2) { 
    const x1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2; 
    const x2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1; 
    return !!(x1[1] > x2[0] || x1[0] === x2[0]); 

function checkCollisions() { 
    const block = $('.wall')[0]; 
    const pos = getPositions(block); 
    const pos2 = getPositions(this); 
    const horizontalMatch = comparePositions(pos[0], pos2[0]); 
    const verticalMatch = comparePositions(pos[1], pos2[1]); 
    const match = horizontalMatch && verticalMatch; 
    if (match) { alert('COLLISION!!! Finally !!!'); } 


margin: auto; 
text-align: center; 
.black { 
    background-color: black; 
.red { 
    background-color: red; 

.tool { 
    border: 2px solid black; 
    border-radius: 2px; 
    width: 20px; 
    height: 20px; 
    background-color: green; 
    position: absolute; 
    z-index: 300; 
.wall { 
    background-color: black; 
    position: absolute; 
.goal { 
    background-color: gold; 
    position: absolute; 
.prize { 
    border: 2px solid black; 
    border-radius: 2px; 
    width: 20px; 
    height: 20px; 
    background-color: gold; 
    position: absolute; 
    z-index: 299; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> 
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js" integrity="sha256-DZAnKJ/6XZ9si04Hgrsxu/8s717jcIzLy3oi35EouyE=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 
<script src="main.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async defer></script> 

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe!


'this' in' checkCollisions' ist nicht, was Sie denken, dass es ist. Sie rufen es ohne den Kontext auf, nur 'checkCollisions()'. Sie sollten sich des Problems jedoch bereits bewusst sein, da sich ein console.log direkt über der Zeile befindet, an der 'this' übergeben wird. – Teemu



Diese Innenseite getCollision bezieht sich eigentlich auf ein Fenster, das sich auf Ihr sich bewegendes Objekt beziehen sollte.

Ich habe einige Änderungen vorgenommen, um bewegliches Element während der Berechnung von getCollision zu erhalten.

1) Fügen Sie die Methode getElelment() zur Klasse moving hinzu. 2) Verwenden Sie diese Methode, um getCollision zu berechnen.

$(document).ready(() => { 
    console.log('DOMContentLoaded on app'); 

    //Build walls 
    const tx = 100; 
    const bx = 600; 
    const ly = 10; 
    const my = 650; 
    const ry = 750; 
    const $main = $('main'); 
    const thick = 10; 
    const goal = 100; 
    let wallArray = []; 

    //outline walls 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ly, thick, my - ly - goal)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, my, thick, ry - my)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ry, bx - tx + thick, thick)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(bx, ly, thick, ry - ly)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(tx, ly, bx - tx, thick)); 
    // inside walls 
    $main.append(buildWalls(200, 300, 75, thick)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(400, 500, thick, 75)); 
    $main.append(buildWalls(500, 150, 75, thick)); 

// build walls with inputs 

function buildWalls(top1, left1, height1, width1) { 
    const wall = $('<div>', { 
    class: 'wall', 
     top: top1, 
     left: left1, 
     height: height1, 
     width: width1, 

    return wall; 

    // tool, prize, and goal 

const bPx = 600; 
const bPy = 150; 
const speed = 5; 
const time = 100; 
const tool = createTool(); 
const prize = createPrize(); 
const moveFunctions = moving(tool, bPy, bPx, speed); 

function createTool() { 
    return $('<div>') 
    .addClass('tool black') 
    .attr('id', 'tool') 
    .css({ left: bPx, top: bPy }) 

function createPrize() { 
    return $('<div>') 
    .attr('id', 'prize') 
    .css({ left: 50, top: 550 }) 

// for moving the tool around 

function moving($el, bPy, bPx, speed) { 
    let drag = 0; 
    return { 
     return $el; 
    moveUp() { 
     bPy -= speed; 
     drag = drag *= -1; 
     // $el.css('top', bPy); 
     // console.log($el); 
    moveLeft() { 
     bPx -= speed; 
     drag = -1; 
    moveDown() { 
     bPy += speed; 
     drag = 1; 
    moveRight() { 
     bPx += speed; 
     drag = 1; 
    looper() { 
     left: bPx += drag, 
     top: bPy += drag, 

// }; 
setInterval(moveFunctions.looper, time); 

// key controls 
$(document).keydown((event) => { 
    const key = event.which; 
    switch (key) { 
    // let keepMoving = 0; 
    // move object left 
    case 37: 
    // move object right 
    case 39: 
    // move object up 
    case 38: 
     console.log('{tool} up'); 
    // move object down 
    case 40: 
    // stop movement... used for when collision happens 
    case 32: 

// get blocks corners .. wall, tool, item 
function getPositions(block) { 
    const $block = $(block); 
    const pos = $block.position(); 
    const width = $block.width(); 
    const height = $block.height(); 
    return [[pos.left, pos.left + width], [pos.top, pos.top + height]]; 

// compare if they have overlaping coordinates 
function comparePositions(p1, p2) { 
    const x1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2; 
    const x2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1; 
    return !!(x1[1] > x2[0] || x1[0] === x2[0]); 

function checkCollisions() { 
    const block = $('.wall')[0]; 
    const pos = getPositions(block); 
    const pos2 = getPositions(moveFunctions.getElement()); 
    const horizontalMatch = comparePositions(pos[0], pos2[0]); 
    const verticalMatch = comparePositions(pos[1], pos2[1]); 
    const match = horizontalMatch && verticalMatch; 
    if (match) { alert('COLLISION!!! Finally !!!'); } 

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe Manoj! –

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