2010-12-10 5 views

Die Implementierung kann seen here sein.Der rechte Rand meines Bildes verschwindet, wenn auf den Link geklickt wird - CSS, jQuery

Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche "3 Quadrate" klicken, sehen Sie sich den Rand ganz rechts an - er verschwindet. Das Gleiche passiert, wenn Sie auf die "4 Quadrate" klicken.

Wenn Sie jedoch zur Standardansicht zurückkehren - also die 2 Quadrate -, erscheint die Umrandung wieder. Was könnte das verursachen und wie repariere ich es?

ist die relevanten HTML:

<div id="compare_view"> 

    <div id="viewbar" class="compv-navbar"> 
     <a href=""><img src="images/2-up-icon-grey.png" alt="2-up-view" data-id="2"></a> | 
     <a href=""><img src="images/3-up-icon-grey.png" alt="3-up-view" data-id="3"></a> | 
     <a href=""><img src="images/4-up-icon-grey.png" alt="4-up-view" data-id="4"></a> | 
     <span id="viewname" class="view_name">2-up</span> 

<div id="slider-code"> 
    <a class="buttons prev" href="#"></a> 
    <div class="viewport"> 
     <ul class="overview">   
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe.jpg" /></li> 
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe-bw.jpg" /></li> 
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe-red.jpg" /></li>    
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe-dark.jpg" /></li> 
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe.jpg" /></li> 
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe-red.jpg" /></li> 
      <li><img src="images/red-stripe-dark.jpg" /></li>   
    <a class="buttons next" href="#"></a> 

Hier ist die CSS:

#slider-code { 
    height: 125px; 
    margin: auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */ 

#slider-code .viewport { 
/* margin-left: auto; -- With this enabled, the arrows don't work. 
    margin-right: auto; */ 
    margin: 0 auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */ 
    width: 540px; 
    height: 125px; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    position: relative; 
    float: left; 


#slider-code .viewport .overview img { 
    border: 4px solid #f6f6f7; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
    -moz-border-radius: 4px; 
    -khtml-border-radius: 4px; 
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px; 

#slider-code .buttons { 
    display: block; 
    margin: 0 auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */ 
    float: left; 
    vertical-align: middle; 

#slider-code .prev { 
    width: 32px; 
    height: 32px; 
    background: transparent url('../images/left-arrow.png') no-repeat 0 0; 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    margin: 0 0 0 5px; /* top, right, bottom, left */ 
    position: relative; 
/* top: 190.5px; */ 

#slider-code .next { 
    width: 32px; 
    height: 32px; 
    background: transparent url('../images/right-arrow.png') no-repeat 0 0; 
    margin: 0 0 0 5px; /* 30px 0 0 10px; */ 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    position: relative; 

#slider-code .disable { 
    /* for IE */ 
    /* for everything else */ 

#slider-code .overview { 
    list-style: none; 
    position: absolute; 
    padding: 0; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
    left: 0; 
    top: 0; 

#slider-code .overview li { 
    float: left; 
    margin: 0 8px auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */ 
    padding: 1px; 
    height: 121px; 
    border: 0px solid #dcdcdc; 
    width: 236px; 

.view_name { 
    font-family: "Helvetica", serif; 
    color: #f9f4c0; 
    font-style: normal; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    font-size: 11px; 
    word-spacing: 0px; 
    letter-spacing: 0px; 
    background: #1a1a1a;  
    padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px; /* top, right, bottom, left */   
    -moz-border-radius: 5px; 
    -khtml-border-radius: 5px; 
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px; 

Hier ist die JS:

//Go Global with our varibles 
    var oImg, sliderCode, sliderViewPort, win_width; 
    var oImg_height, oImg_width, oImg_ratio, tImg_width, tImg_height, sliderCode_w, sliderCode_h, ul_width; 
    var rImg_width, rImg_height, view_new_w, view_new_h, li_w, rUl_width; 

    function setUp(numImages) { 
     oImg_height = oImg.height(); //size of original image height 
     oImg_width = oImg.width(); //size of original image width 
     oImg_ratio = oImg_height/oImg_width; //aspect ratio of original image 
     tImg_width = (win_width * 0.915)/num_of_images; // Target image width = (90% of the window)/2 
     tImg_height = tImg_width * oImg_ratio; // Target image height, resized according to the original image ratio. 
     sliderCode_w = $('#slider-code').width(); 
     sliderCode_h = $('#slider-code').height(); 
     var ul_width = $('#slider-code .viewport ul').width(); 

     // console.log("Original Image Height: ", oImg_height, " Original Image Width: ", oImg_width, " Original Image Aspect Ratio: ", oImg_ratio, " Slider Code Width: ", sliderCode_w, " Slider Code Height: ", sliderCode_h, " Window Width: ", win_width, " UL Width: ", ul_width, " Target Image Width: ", tImg_width, " Target Image Height: ", tImg_height); 

     sliderCode = $('#slider-code .viewport .overview img:lt(26)').css({ 'width': tImg_width, 'height': tImg_height }); //resizes the images 

     rImg_width = sliderCode.width(); // size of resized image width 
     rImg_height = sliderCode.height(); // size of resized image width 

     $('#slider-code .next').css({ 'top': rImg_height/2 }); //This needs to be resolved for various size windows 
     $('#slider-code .prev').css({ 'top': rImg_height/2 }); 
     $('#slider-code').css({ 'width': '100%', 'height': rImg_height + 10 }); //to accomodate borders, extra padding was added to heights. To make it truly dynamic, a variable (as a percentage) of the width of the window, could be used to be added to the height 
     $('#slider-code .viewport').css({ 'width': win_width * 0.94, 'height': rImg_height + 10 }); 
     $('#slider-code .overview li').css({ 'width': rImg_width + 5 }); 
     view_new_w = sliderViewPort.width(); 
     view_new_h = sliderViewPort.height(); 
     li_w = $('#slider-code .overview li').width(); 
     rUl_width = $('#slider-code .viewport ul').width(); 

     // console.log("Viewport New Width: ", view_new_w, view_new_h, " List Item Width: ", li_w, " Resized Image Width: ", rImg_width, " Resized Image Height: ", rImg_height, " Resized UL Width: ", rUl_width); 

     $('#slider-code').tinycarousel({ controls: true, animation: true, display: 1 }); 


$(window).load(function() { 

//Cache Some Common Elements 
     oImg = $('#slider-code .viewport .overview img:eq(1)'); 
     sliderViewPort = $('#slider-code .viewport'); 

     // --------------------------- Begin Comparison Code --------------------------------------------------------   
     win_width = $(window).width(); 
     num_of_images = 2; //The number of images expected in view (2 for 2-up, 3 for 3-up, etc.) The default value is 2. 

     $("#viewbar img").click(function(e) { 
      num_of_images = parseInt($(this).attr("data-id"), 10); // This accepts the integer associated with the navbar.   
      $('#viewname').text(num_of_images + '-up'); 



     //Default set up 

     // --------------- End Comparison Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 




Ihre <li> ‚s sind 664px breit und Ihre Bilder sind um 659px breit. Sie haben eine 4px Grenze um die Bilder, so dass Sie tatsächlich eine Gesamtbreite von 659 + 4 + 4 = 667 benötigen, was die <li> 's 3px schmal macht, weshalb die rechte Seite der Grenze abgeschnitten wird.


Auf den ersten Blick scheint es, dass die Breite des Ansichtsfensters nicht ausreicht, um den Rand zu zeigen.

als hässliche Hack, die folgende Zeile in Ihrem Javascript ändern:

sliderCode = $('#slider-code .viewport .overview img:lt(26)').css({ 'width': tImg_width, 'height': tImg_height }); //resizes the images 


sliderCode = $('#slider-code .viewport .overview img:lt(26)').css({ 'width': tImg_width + 6, 'height': tImg_height }); //resizes the images 

Ich hoffe, es hilft.


Das tut es nicht ganz. Wenn ich dies tue, zerstört es den Rand auf der 2 Versionsansicht. Irgendwelche Gedanken auf einen anderen Weg? Ich zwinge es, um zu sehen, ob ich finden kann, was Sie versuchten zu tun, aber wenn Sie einen Vorschlag haben, würde es geschätzt werden. – marcamillion

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