2016-06-14 14 views

Hallo Ich habe eine Pivot-Tabelle eingerichtet, die ich auf einem VBA-Befehl aktualisieren muss. Wenn ich jedoch den Pivot-Befehl aktualisiere, werden einige der erforderlichen Spaltenbeschriftungswerte ausgeschlossen. Ich glaube, ich muss den Pivot Cache ändern, der ursprünglich eingerichtet wurde, aber nicht sicher, wie? (Kann mir jemand raten, wie dies zu tun?)Pivot-Cache aktualisieren VBA

Der Code ich benutze ist unten:

Worksheets("Summary by Account").PivotTables("PivotTable1").RefreshTable 

Dim pt As PivotTable 
Dim pf As PivotField 
Dim pi As PivotItem 
For Each pt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables 
    pt.ManualUpdate = True 
    pt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone 
    For Each pf In pt.PivotFields 
     If pf.Orientation <> 0 Then 
      If pf.Orientation = xlPageField Then 
       pf.CurrentPage = "(All)" 
       For Each pi In pf.PivotItems 
        pi.Visible = True 
       Next pi 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next pf 
    pt.ManualUpdate = False 
Next pt 
Set pi = Nothing 
Set pf = Nothing 
Set pt = Nothing 
Set wks = Nothing 

With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Nominal/Category") 
    .PivotItems("(blank)").Visible = False 
End With 



ich den folgenden Code bin mit meiner Pivot-Tabelle Cache zu aktualisieren, meine Quelldatei in einem entfernten befindet Arbeitsmappe, so dass Sie die Parameter an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen können.

Const Pivot_sht_str    As String = "Summary by Account" 
Const Pivot_name_str   As String = "PivotTable1" 
Dim pt       As PivotTable 

Dim Data_FilePath    As String 
Dim Data_book     As String 
Dim Data_sht_str    As String 
Dim Data_sht     As Worksheet 
Dim Data_range     As Range 
Dim Data_range_str    As String 
Dim lrow      As Long 

' Asign Pivot table to pt 
Set pt = Worksheets(Pivot_sht_str).PivotTables(Pivot_name_str) 

' Asign Pivot's Data source parameters >> this part is needed only if source for PIVOT table is data in another workbook 
Data_FilePath = "\\Folder\Nested Folder\Nested Folder 2\" 'modify to your needs 
Data_book = "File_Name.xlsx" 'modify to your needs 
Data_sht_str = "Worksheet Name" 'modify to your needs 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
On Error Resume Next 
Workbooks.Open (Data_FilePath & Data_book) 

Set Data_sht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(Data_sht_str) 
lrow = Data_sht.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).row 
Data_range_str = Data_sht.Name & "!" & Range("$A$1:$P$" & lrow).Address '.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) ' adjust Columns to your needs 
Set Data_range = Data_sht.Range(Data_range_str) 

' check if Data Range consists of a legal range, Workbook and worksheet are legal 
If Not Data_range Is Nothing Then 
    Data_range_str = Data_FilePath & "[" & Data_book & "]" & Data_sht.Name & "!" & Range("$A$1:$P$" & lrow).Address 

    'Change Pivot Table Data Source Range Address (refresh it's cache data) 
    pt.ChangePivotCache ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, Data_range_str, xlPivotTableVersion12) ' verify last parameter to have the correct Excel version 
    On Error Resume Next 

    ActiveWorkbook.Close (False) ' Workbooks(Data_FilePath & Data_book).Close savechanges:=False 
End If 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

If Data_range Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 

Mein Verfahren Schwenk Caches mit neuen Informationen zu aktualisieren ist, um alle Daten auf einem separaten Blatt innerhalb der Arbeitsbuch und in einer sich erstreckenden Bereich Formel Bereich genannt setzen zu speichern - mit dieser Formel


Dann, in VBA, verwenden Sie:


Hoffe, dass hilft!


Ich verwende diesen Code, um alle Pivot-Tabellen-Caches in der gesamten Arbeitsmappe zurückzusetzen und zu verhindern, dass die Pivot-Tabellen-Dropdown-Filter fehlende Elemente anzeigen, die in den zugrunde liegenden Daten nicht vorhanden sind.

Sub PivotCacheReset() 
' When a data set is pivoted and then some of the underlying data is 
' removed, even after a refresh old removed values can still remain in the 
' pivot filter. This macro changes the properties of all pivot tables in 
' the active workbook, to prevent missing items from appearing, or clear 
' items that have appeared. It also resets all pivot table caches in the 
' active workbook. 

    Dim wb As Workbook 
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 

    Dim iWs As Worksheet 
    Dim pvt As PivotTable 
    Dim iProtectState As Boolean 

    ' Loop through each worksheet. 
    For Each iWs In wb.Worksheets 

     ' If the worksheet is protected, unprotect it. Remember 
     ' it was protected so that it can be re-protected later. 
     iProtectState = False     ' Reset variable that remembers if each sheet is protected. 
     If iWs.ProtectContents = True Then 
      ' Worksheet is protected. 
      iWs.Unprotect      ' Unprotect the worksheet. 
      iProtectState = True     ' Remember that this worksheet was protected. 
     End If 

     ' Loop through each pivot table in the sheet. 
     For Each pvt In iWs.PivotTables 
      pvt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone ' Don't allow missing items in the pivot table filters. 
      pvt.PivotCache.Refresh    ' Reset the pivot table cache including any missing items. 
     Next pvt 

     ' If the worksheet was originally protected, re-protect it. 
     If iProtectState = True Then iWs.Protect 

    Next iWs 

End Sub 
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