2017-02-12 2 views

Mein Programm ist im Grunde auf Sprache zu Text. Ich benutze LiveSpeechRecognizer CMU Sphinx. Mein Programm läuft ohne Fehler, aber es druckt keine Wörter. Ich meine, es druckt zufällige Wörter aus meiner Grammatikdatei.LiveSpeechRecognizer druckt zufällige Wörter

ich mein Samsung Handy Kopfhörer als mein Mikrofon

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package SpeechRec; 
import java.io.IOException; 

import javax.sound.sampled.*; 

import edu.cmu.sphinx.api.*; 
* @author divyanshu kunwar 
public class SpeechRec{ 

    // Variables 
    private String result; 

    // Threads 
    Thread speechThread; 
    Thread resourcesThread; 

    // LiveRecognizer 
    private LiveSpeechRecognizer recognizer; 

    * Constructor 
    public SpeechRec() { 

     // Loading Message 

     // Configuration 
     Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); 

     // Load model from the jar 

     // if you want to use LanguageModelPath disable the 3 lines after which 
     // are setting a custom grammar-> 

     // Grammar 

     try { 
      recognizer = new LiveSpeechRecognizer(configuration); 
     } catch (IOException ex) { 

     // Start recognition process pruning previously cached data. 

     // Start the Thread 

    * Starting the main Thread of speech recognition 
    protected void startSpeechThread() { 

     // alive? 
     if (speechThread != null && speechThread.isAlive()) 

     // initialise 
     speechThread = new Thread(() -> { 
      try { 
       while (true) { 
        * This method will return when the end of speech is 
        * reached. Note that the end pointer will determine the end 
        * of speech. 
        SpeechResult speechResult = recognizer.getResult(); 
        if (speechResult != null) { 

         result = speechResult.getHypothesis(); 
         System.out.println("You said: [" + result + "]\n"); 
         // logger.log(Level.INFO, "You said: " + result + "\n") 

        } else{} 

      } catch (Exception ex) { 


     // Start 


    * Starting a Thread that checks if the resources needed to the 
    * SpeechRecognition library are available 
    protected void startResourcesThread() { 

     // alive? 
     if (resourcesThread != null && resourcesThread.isAlive()) 

     resourcesThread = new Thread(() -> { 
      try { 

       // Detect if the microphone is available 
       while (true) { 
        if (AudioSystem.isLineSupported(Port.Info.MICROPHONE)) { 
         // logger.log(Level.INFO, "Microphone is available.\n") 
        } else { 
         // logger.log(Level.INFO, "Microphone is not 
         // available.\n") 


        // Sleep some period 

      } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 

     // Start 

    * Takes a decision based on the given result 
    public void makeDesicion(String result) { 
     //implemented in the part 2 

    * Java Main Application Method 
    * @param args 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     // // Be sure that the user can't start this application by not giving 
     // the 
     // // correct entry string 
     // if (args.length == 1 && "SPEECH".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) 
     new SpeechRec(); 
     // else 
     // Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Give me 
     // the correct entry string.."); 



Grammar File: 
#JSGF V1.0; 
grammar grammar; 

public <numbers> = (one | two | three| four| five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten); 
public <words>=(how | where); 

You said: [one] 

21:01:38.251 INFO liveCMN    35.23 -8.72 -11.38 11.38 2.68 -13.93 3.08 1.74 -8.43 -1.72 -0.49 -8.30 -3.83 
21:01:38.519 INFO speedTracker   This Time Audio: 0.76s Proc: 0.73s Speed: 0.96 X real time 
21:01:38.519 INFO speedTracker   Total Time Audio: 2.93s Proc: 0.99s 0.34 X real time 

You said: [one] 

21:01:38.519 INFO memoryTracker   Mem Total: 434.00 Mb Free: 303.12 Mb 
21:01:38.519 INFO memoryTracker   Used: This: 130.88 Mb Avg: 124.48 Mb Max: 130.88 Mb 
21:01:40.233 INFO speedTracker   This Time Audio: 0.30s Proc: 0.19s Speed: 0.64 X real time 
You said: [two] 

21:01:40.233 INFO speedTracker   Total Time Audio: 3.23s Proc: 1.18s 0.37 X real time 
21:01:40.233 INFO memoryTracker   Mem Total: 434.00 Mb Free: 295.40 Mb 
21:01:40.233 INFO memoryTracker   Used: This: 138.60 Mb Avg: 129.18 Mb Max: 138.60 Mb 
21:01:41.777 INFO liveCMN    35.55 -8.33 -10.84 13.40 3.05 -13.95 4.24 1.77 -9.87 -2.61 -1.27 -8.00 -3.56 
21:01:42.853 INFO liveCMN    35.35 -7.67 -10.27 11.74 2.97 -13.25 3.25 1.60 -9.12 -2.91 -1.70 -7.04 -3.10 
21:01:42.990 INFO speedTracker   This Time Audio: 1.29s Proc: 1.25s Speed: 0.97 X real time 
21:01:42.990 INFO speedTracker   Total Time Audio: 4.52s Proc: 2.43s 0.54 X real time 

You said: [one] 

21:01:42.990 INFO memoryTracker   Mem Total: 434.00 Mb Free: 279.92 Mb 
21:01:42.991 INFO memoryTracker   Used: This: 154.08 Mb Avg: 135.41 Mb Max: 154.08 Mb 

ich diese Worte nicht gesagt. Bitte helfen Sie.


Seine Rede zu Text. –



Holen Sie sich das richtige Mikrofon, das ohne Rauschen aufzeichnet.