2012-11-18 5 views
Finds and returns the closest Fraction to self that has denominator at most max_denominator. This method is useful for finding rational approximations to a given floating-point number: 

>>> from fractions import Fraction 
>>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000) 
Fraction(355, 113) 

Es sollte nicht so etwas wie versuchen a/999, b/998, c/997 .. und finden Sie die besten Näherungswerte.Wie wird python's bruchs.limit_denominator implementiert?



Das fractions Modul ist in Python geschrieben und Sie können nur den Quellcode ansehen. Es enthält den folgenden Kommentar.

# Algorithm notes: For any real number x, define a *best upper 
    # approximation* to x to be a rational number p/q such that: 
    # (1) p/q >= x, and 
    # (2) if p/q > r/s >= x then s > q, for any rational r/s. 
    # Define *best lower approximation* similarly. Then it can be 
    # proved that a rational number is a best upper or lower 
    # approximation to x if, and only if, it is a convergent or 
    # semiconvergent of the (unique shortest) continued fraction 
    # associated to x. 
    # To find a best rational approximation with denominator <= M, 
    # we find the best upper and lower approximations with 
    # denominator <= M and take whichever of these is closer to x. 
    # In the event of a tie, the bound with smaller denominator is 
    # chosen. If both denominators are equal (which can happen 
    # only when max_denominator == 1 and self is midway between 
    # two integers) the lower bound---i.e., the floor of self, is 
    # taken. 

Sieht aus wie eine binäre Suche, bei der x zwischen "bester unterer" und "bester oberer" Näherung gequetscht wird –

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