2016-07-09 6 views

Ich habe eine Situation, in der ich ein Obj-c-Projekt in Swift konvertieren. Es ist wie folgtkonvertieren objective-c dynamic binding to swift 2

// few lazy property initializers as, 
    @property (nonatomic, strong) MyObject *property1; 
    @property (nonatomic, strong) MyObject *property2; 
    @property (nonatomic, strong) MyObject *property3; 

    // I keep an index value to map these into a dictionary for reference 
    - (NSDictionary *)indexMap 
    if (!_indexMap) 
    _indexMap = @{ 
    @(index1) : [NSValue valueWithPointer:@selector(property1)], 
    @(index2) : [NSValue valueWithPointer:@selector(property2)], 
    return _indexMap; 

// other dictionary for index to class map 
- (NSDictionary *)classMap 
return @{ 

NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassA") : @(index1), 
NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassB") : @(index1), 
NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassC") : @(index1), 

NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassD") : @(index2), 
NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassE") : @(index2), 

NSStringFromClass(@"MyClassF") : @(index3), 

// finally i have method to pass in the class name & it will first find corresponding index, then use the index to return the property selector. 

Mein Anliegen ist, was ist die schnelle wie dies zu tun?


Oh, Gott sei Dank wir dies in Swift nicht tun kann. – Sulthan



Ein Weg, dies zu tun wäre, eine Liste von Callbacks zu führen, die die Initialisierung durchführen. Hier ist eine Lösung, die sehr flexibel ist, obwohl einfachere Alternativen sicherlich möglich sind:

class ComponentManager { 

    // Global singleton: ComponentManager.sharedManager 
    static let sharedManager = ComponentManager() 

    // Define a callback type which is used to create instances. 
    // This is the lazy initialiser. 
    typealias Constructor =() -> NSObject? 

    private var constructor = [String: Constructor]() 
    private var instances = [String: NSObject]() 

    func register(name: String, constructor: Constructor) { 
     self.constructor[name] = constructor 

    func instanceNamed(name: String) -> NSObject? { 

     if let instance = instances[name] { 
      return instance 

     guard let constructor = constructor[name] else { 
      return nil 

     guard let instance = constructor() else { 
      return nil 

     instances[name] = instance 

     return instance 

es zu benutzen:

class A: NSObject { 
    let foo: String 
    init(foo: String) { 
     self.foo = foo 

class B: NSObject { 
    let bar: Int 
    init(bar: Int) { 
     self.bar = bar 

let manager = ComponentManager.sharedManager 

// Register our classes. 
// Note the callback functions which actually perform the 
// initialisation, these are only called when the class is requested the 
// first time. 
manager.register("A") { return A(foo: "fizz") } 
manager.register("B") { return B(bar: 47) } 

// Create some instances 
let a = manager.instanceNamed("A") as? A 
let b = manager.instanceNamed("B") as? B 
let a2 = manager.instanceNamed("A") as? A 

print("a = \(a?.foo)") 
print("a2 = \(a?.foo)") 
print("b = \(b?.bar)") 
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