2017-04-26 3 views

Ich kann nicht herausfinden, warum meine Countdownclock-Funktion nach dem Erreichen von 00:00 wieder startet. Es geht um 00:00 Uhr, startet dann aber wieder von dem aus, was ich eingegeben habe. Ich glaube, ich muss eine Bedingung wie eine Weile #time! = "00:00" hinzufügen, aber ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, wie.Meine Countdownclock-Funktion läuft weiter

function startTimer(duration, display) { 
    var start = Date.now(), 

    function timer() { 
    // get the number of seconds that have elapsed since 
    // startTimer() was called 
    diff = duration - (((Date.now() - start)/1000) | 0); 

    // does the same job as parseInt truncates the float 
    minutes = (diff/60) | 0; 
    seconds = (diff % 60) | 0; 

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; 
    seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; 

    display.textContent = minutes + ":" + seconds; 

    if (diff <= 0) { 
     // add one second so that the count down starts at the full duration 
     // example 05:00 not 04:59 
     start = Date.now() + 1000; 

    // we don't want to wait a full second before the timer starts 
    setInterval(timer, 1000); 

window.onload = function() { 
    var choice = prompt("Minutes to launch") 
    var setTheClock = 60 * choice, 
    display = document.querySelector('#time'); 
    startTimer(setTheClock, display); 
<body style="width: 100vw; padding: 0; border: 0; margin: 0;"> 
    <div style="width: 60vh; padding: 0; border: 0; margin: 0 auto;"> 
    <p id="time" style="font-family:futura; font-size: 20vh; text-align: center; padding: 0; border: 0; margin-top: 40vh"></p> 



Sie müssen das Intervall löschen. Setzen Sie das Intervall auf eine Variable und löschen Sie es, wenn es fertig ist, sonst wird es weitergehen.

function startTimer(duration, display) { 
    var start = Date.now(), 

    function timer() { 
    var interval; 
    // get the number of seconds that have elapsed since 
    // startTimer() was called 
    diff = duration - (((Date.now() - start)/1000) | 0); 

    // does the same job as parseInt truncates the float 
    minutes = (diff/60) | 0; 
    seconds = (diff % 60) | 0; 

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; 
    seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; 

    display.textContent = minutes + ":" + seconds; 

    if (diff <= 0) { 
     // add one second so that the count down starts at the full duration 
     // example 05:00 not 04:59 
     start = Date.now() + 1000; 

    // we don't want to wait a full second before the timer starts 
    interval = setInterval(timer, 1000); 

window.onload = function() { 
    var choice = prompt("Minutes to launch") 
    var setTheClock = 60 * choice, 
    display = document.querySelector('#time'); 
    startTimer(setTheClock, display); 
<body style="width: 100vw; padding: 0; border: 0; margin: 0;"> 
    <div style="width: 60vh; padding: 0; border: 0; margin: 0 auto;"> 
    <p id="time" style="font-family:futura; font-size: 20vh; text-align: center; padding: 0; border: 0; margin-top: 40vh"></p> 


Need {Intervall} –


TBH @codenoir zu erklären, ich habe nicht viel Erfahrung mit Intervalle. Es scheint zu funktionieren, aber ich würde denken, dass ich es erklären müsste. Aber wie? –


Nur die Variablendeklaration für Intervall. Irgendwo oben, "var interval;". Das ist alles. –


Sie müssen die interval in einer Variablen speichern und löschen, wenn die Gesamtzeit 0

Arbeitslösung erhält.

function startTimer(duration, display) { 
    var start = Date.now(), 

    function timer() { 
    // get the number of seconds that have elapsed since 
    // startTimer() was called 
    diff = duration - (((Date.now() - start)/1000) | 0); 

    // does the same job as parseInt truncates the float 
    minutes = (diff/60) | 0; 
    seconds = (diff % 60) | 0; 

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; 
    seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; 

    display.textContent = minutes + ":" + seconds; 

    if (diff <= 0) { 
     // add one second so that the count down starts at the full duration 
     // example 05:00 not 04:59 
     start = Date.now() + 1000; 
\t clearInterval(countDownTimer); \t 

    // we don't want to wait a full second before the timer starts 
    countDownTimer = setInterval(timer, 1000); 

window.onload = function() { 
    var choice = prompt("Minutes to launch") 
    var setTheClock = 60 * choice, 
    display = document.querySelector('#time'); 
    startTimer(setTheClock, display); 
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