2016-04-13 6 views

Ich muss mehrere Dateianhänge senden, die in der Datenbank vorhanden sind, mit diesem Code ARBEITET, UM NUR EINE DATEI ZU SCHICKEN (irgendeine von Schleife wählend). Aber ich muss mehr als nur die Datei senden. Bitte helfen Sie mir in dieser Angelegenheit, ich schätze es sehr. Bitte frag mich was. Vielen Dank.Senden von mehreren Dateianhängen per E-Mail. smarty/php

////////// THE FORM PAGE

<form novalidate="novalidate" action="{$CMS_base_url}admin/employee_view_email.php?id={$id}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
    <input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" value="{$id}" /> 

    {if is_array ($cvs) && $cvs != "" } 
     <table class="table table-hover"> 
        <th class="col-md-2">Create date</th> 
        <th class="col-md-7">Document name/Description</th> 
        <th class="col-md-3">Select All <input type="checkbox" name="all" id="all" value="1" onclick="checkUncheckAll(this);" /></th> 
        <th class="col-md-3">Download</th> 

      {foreach from=$cvs key=k item=i} 
         <td><input type="checkbox" name="txt_existed_cv_attach" id="txt_existed_cv_attach" value="{$i.id}" /></td> 
         <td><a href="{$CMS_base_url}admin/employee_cv_download.php?id={$i.id}&amp;u_id={$i.employee_id}">Download</a></td> 
        <td>{lang mkey='error' skey='noResult'}</td> 
        <td>Upload a new document to send by Admin Email {lang mkey='info' skey='fileAttachments'}</td> 
        <td colspan="2"><input class="btn-u btn-u-dark-blue" type="file" name="txt_cv_attach" id="txt_cv_attach" multiple="multiple"></td> 

    <input type="submit" name="bt_send_atach" value="SEND EMAIL TO ADMIN" class="btn-u btn-u-lg btn-u-dark-blue pull-left" /> 

////////// PAGE zum Holen ('admin/employeeView.tpl') der PAGE FORM

$id = (int)$_GET['id']; 
$smarty->assign('id', $id); 
$employee = Employee::find_by_id($id); 

require (CMS_LIB_PATH.DS.'class.cv.php'); 

///... more classes for employee/user to fetching the related page 

$cvs = CV::manageEmployeeCV($id); 
if (is_array($cvs) and !empty($cvs)) 
    $temp = array(); 
    foreach($cvs as $cv) 
     $showTo = lang('select','cvShowType'); 

     $temp[$i]['id']    = $cv->id; 

     $temp[$i]['name']   = $cv->originalName; 
     $temp[$i]['type']   = $cv->fileType; 
     $temp[$i]['tmp_name']  = CMS_SITE_ROOT.DS.'curriculum_vitae_file'.DS.$cv->fileName; 
     $temp[$i]['error']   = 0; 
     $temp[$i]['size']   = $cv->fileSize; 

     $temp[$i]['title']   = $cv->title; 
     $temp[$i]['description'] = $cv->description; 
     $temp[$i]['showTo']   = $showTo[$cv->showTo]; 
     $temp[$i]['defaultCV']  = $cv->defaultCV; 
     $temp[$i]['createdAt']  = strftime(dateFormat, strtotime($cv->createdAt)); 
     $temp[$i]['modifyAt']  = strftime(dateFormat, strtotime($cv->modifyAt)); 
     $temp[$i]['noViews']  = $cv->noViews; 
     $temp[$i]['employee_id'] = $cv->employeeIDFK; 
    $smarty->assign('cvs', $temp); 


$smarty->assign('employee', $employee); 
$smarty->assign('lang', $lang); 
$smarty->assign('message', $session->getMessage()); 
$smarty->assign('rendered_page', $smarty->fetch('admin/employeeView.tpl')); 

////////// CLASS.CV.PHP einer Seite mit Datenbank-Abfrage für LINE

public static function getCVByEmployee($id=0, $employee_id=0) 
     global $database, $db; 
     $sql = " SELECT * FROM ". self::$table_name; 
     $sql .= " WHERE id=".$db->escape_value($id)." AND employeeIDFK=".(int)$employee_id; 
     $sql .= " LIMIT 1 "; 
     $result = self::find_by_sql($sql); 
     return !empty($result) ? array_shift($result) : false; 

//. $ db-> escape_value ($ id). // Andere Seite mit mehr DATABASE KLASSEN

public function escape_value ($string){ 
      if($this->magic_quotes_active){ $string=stripslashes($string); } 
      $string = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->connection, $string); 
      if(!$this->magic_quotes_active){ $string= addslashes($string); } 
     return $string; 

////////// EMAIL PROCESS PAGE ..... admin/employee_view_email.php? Id = {$ id}

$id = (int)$_GET['id']; 
$smarty->assign('id', $id); 
$employee = Employee::find_by_id($id); 

///... more classes for employee/user data to send my email 

include_once CMS_LIB_PATH.DS.'class.cv.php'; 

$cvFile = $_FILES['txt_cv_attach']; 
$cv_already_existed = $_POST['txt_existed_cv_attach']; 

if($cv_already_existed != '') 

     include_once CMS_LIB_PATH.DS.'class.cv.php'; 
     $cvFile = array(); 
     $user_id = $session->getUserID(); 
     $cv_f = CV::getCVByEmployee($cv_already_existed, $id); 

     $cvFile['name']  = $cv_f->originalName; 
     $cvFile['type']  = $cv_f->fileType; 
     $cvFile['tmp_name'] = CMS_SITE_ROOT.DS.'curriculum_vitae_file'.DS.$cv_f->fileName; 
     $cvFile['error'] = 0; 
     $cvFile['size']  = $cv_f->fileSize; 

    * check for upload file 
    if($cvFile['error'] == 4) 
     $errors[] = lang('error', 'noCVFileApplication'); 

    if($cvFile['error'] == 0) 
      $ext = end(explode(".", basename($cvFile['name']))); 
      $ext = strtolower($ext); 
      if(!in_array($ext, $allowed_files)) 
       $e = lang('error', 'fileNotAllowed'); 
       $e = str_replace('@[email protected]', basename($cvFile['name']) , $e); 
       $errors[] = $e; 

      if($cvFile['size'] > max_upload_cv_size) 
       $errors[] = lang('error', 'max_file_size'); 


    $full_name = $employee->full_name(); 
    $from = array("email" => no_reply_email, "name" => $full_name); 

    include CMS_LANGUAGE.DS.'emailTemplate.php'; 
    //send email to admin 
      $to  = array("email" => notify_email, "name" => site_name); 
      $emailTemplate = lang('email_template','notify_candidate_view_email'); 
      $subject = $emailTemplate['subject']; 

      $body = $emailTemplate['body']; 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $full_name , $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $employee->firstName , $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $employee->middleName, $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $employee->surname, $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $employee->address, $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $cv_f->originalName, $body); 
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $cv_f->fileType, $body);  
      $body = str_replace("@[email protected]", $user_id , $body); 

      $emailBody= array('html' => $body, 'plain' => $body); 
      $mail = sendMail($from, $to, $subject, $emailBody, $cvFile); 

    $message = '<div class="alert success">'.lang('success','email_send_to_admin').'</div>'; 
    $message = lang('error', 'errorHead'); 
    $message .= "<ul> <li />"; 
    $message .= join(" <li /> ", $employee->errors); 
    $message .= "</ul>"; 
    $message = "<div class='alert error'>".$message."</div>"; 

$smarty->assign('cvs', $temp); 
$smarty->assign('employee', $employee); 
$smarty->assign('lang', $lang); 
redirect_to(CMS_BASE_URL . 'admin/employee_view.php?id='.$id); 


function sendMail($from='', $to='', $subject='', $message='', $cvFile='', $clFile='') 
    global $smarty; 
    if($cvFile || !empty($cvFile) || is_array($cvFile)) 
      $CV_temp_path = $cvFile['tmp_name']; 
      $CV_filename = basename($cvFile['name']); 
      $CV_type  = $cvFile['type']; 
      $CV_size  = $cvFile['size']; 

    if(mail_type == 1) 

     $mail->Host  = "ukm3.siteground.biz"; 
     $mail->Port  = "465"; 
     $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; 
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true; 
     $mail->Username = "admin username"; 
     $mail->Password = "password"; 

    try { 
     $mail->AddAddress($to_email, $to_name); 
     $mail->SetFrom($from_email, $from_name); //email, name 

     $mail->Subject = $subject; 
     $mail->AltBody = $plain; 

     if(!empty($cvFile) && is_array($cvFile) && !empty($CV_filename)) 
      $mail->AddAttachment($CV_temp_path, $CV_filename, "base64", $CV_type); // attachment 

     return $mail->Send(); 

    catch (phpmailerException $e) 
     echo $e->errorMessage(); //error messages from PHPMailer 

    catch (Exception $e) 
     echo $e->getMessage(); //error messages from anything else! 



es ist schwer, den gesamten Code zu beurteilen (auch, weil die Dinge enthalten sind, das weiß ich nicht), aber es sieht aus wie hier ist das Problem:

if(!empty($cvFile) && is_array($cvFile) && !empty($CV_filename)) 
     $mail->AddAttachment($CV_temp_path, $CV_filename, "base64", $CV_type); // attachment 

Sie möchten mehrere Anhang hinzugefügt, nicht 1.

Sie das Array $ cvFile geben (schlecht benannt. Nennen Sie es so etwas wie $ cvFileArr, um es zu verdeutlichen. Jetzt sieht es wie ein einzelner Name/Pfad aus.

SO erwarte ich, dass Sie einige Schleifen über den Werten benötigen, wie diese (nicht getestet):

if(!empty($cvFile) && is_array($cvFile) && !empty($CV_filename)) { 
    foreach($cvFile as $oneFile){ 
     $mail->AddAttachment($CV_temp_path, $oneFile, "base64", $CV_type); // attachment 

Aber es ist schwer, genau zu sagen. Aber ich erwarte, dass Sie $ mail-> AddAttachment für jede Datei benötigen, die Sie haben.