2017-07-06 2 views
select x_pick.prod_code, 
from x_pick, 
    -- True Qty-- 
     (case when SUM(aerosolqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(aerosolvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(aerosolqty)/SUM(aerosolvisit) end) as aerosolratio, 
     (case when SUM(hazqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(hazvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(hazqty)/SUM(hazvisit) end) as hazratio, 
     (case when SUM(hvqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(hvvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(hvqty)/SUM(hvvisit) end) as hvratio, 
     (case when SUM(hlopqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(hlopvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(hlopqty)/SUM(hlopvisit) end) as hlopratio, 
     (case when SUM(plqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(plvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(plqty)/SUM(plvisit) end) as plratio, 
     (case when SUM(miniloadqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(miniloadvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(miniloadqty)/SUM(miniloadvisit) end) as miniloadratio, 
     (case when SUM(aprqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(aprvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(aprqty)/SUM(aprvisit) end) as aprratio, 
     (case when SUM(apr2qty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(apr2visit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(apr2qty)/SUM(apr2visit) end) as apr2ratio, 
     (case when SUM(aprawkqty) = 0 then 0 when SUM(aprawkvisit) = 0 then 0 else SUM(aprawkqty)/SUM(aprawkvisit) end) as aprawkratio, 
     (SUM(aerosolqty + hazqty + hvqty + hlopqty + plqty + miniloadqty + aprqty + apr2qty + aprawkqty)) as grandtotal, 
     (SUM(aerosolvisit + hazvisit + hvvisit + hlopvisit + plvisit + miniloadvisit + aprvisit + apr2visit + aprawkvisit)) as grandvisit 

     (select area.normal_pick_area, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Aerosol' then trueqty else 0 end) as aerosolqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Aerosol' then truevisits else 0 end) as aerosolvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Haz Shed' then trueqty else 0 end) as hazqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Haz Shed' then truevisits else 0 end) as hazvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'High Value' then trueqty else 0 end) as hvqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'High Value' then truevisits else 0 end) as hvvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'HLOP' then trueqty else 0 end) as hlopqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'HLOP' then truevisits else 0 end) as hlopvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Pallet Live' then trueqty else 0 end) as plqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Pallet Live' then truevisits else 0 end) as plvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR' then trueqty else 0 end) as aprqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR' then truevisits else 0 end) as aprvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Miniload' then trueqty else 0 end) as miniloadqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'Miniload' then truevisits else 0 end) as miniloadvisit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR 2' then trueqty else 0 end) as apr2qty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR 2' then truevisits else 0 end) as apr2visit, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR Awkward' then trueqty else 0 end) as aprawkqty, 
      (case when area.normal_pick_area = 'APR Awkward' then truevisits else 0 end) as aprawkvisit 
     from (
       case when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'TP' then 'Miniload' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'MTP' then 'Miniload' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'PL' then 'Pallet Live' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'HLOP' then 'HLOP' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'STILLAGE' then 'High Value' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'ZA' then 'Aerosol' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'ZH' then 'Haz Shed' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'APR' 
        and Substr(x_pick.pick_location, 3, 2) < '22' 
        and x_prod.bncd_awkward_item = 'YES' then 'APR Awkward' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'APR' 
        and Substr(x_pick.pick_location, 3, 2) < '22' 
        and x_prod.bncd_awkward_item = 'NO' then 'APR' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'APR' 
        and Substr(x_pick.pick_location, 3, 2) > '21' 
        and x_prod.bncd_awkward_item = 'NO' then 'APR 2' when x_prod.normal_pick_area = 'APR' 
        and Substr(x_pick.pick_location, 3, 2) > '21' 
        and x_prod.bncd_awkward_item = 'YES' then 'TD1' else 'Unknown' end 
        from x_pick,x_prod) area, qtyvisit, 
         ((select sub1.loc_count,x_pick.pick_qty, 
          (case when sub1.loc_count < 2 then x_pick.pick_qty else x_pick.pick_qty/sub1.loc_count end) as trueqty, 
          (case when sub1.loc_count < 2 then 1 else 1/sub1.loc_count end) as truevisits 
        from x_pick,sub1) truev from 
        Count(distinct (x_apr_loc.location)) as loc_count 
        x_apr_loc.prod_code(+) = x_pick.prod_code 
        group by 
        x_pick.prod_code)) sub1) 
     ) master 

where x_pick.prod_code(+) = sub1.prod_code 
    and x_pick.prod_code = x_apr_loc.prod_code(+) 
    and x_pick.prod_code = x_prod.prod_code 
    and x_pick.order_id = x_order.order_id 
    and x_pick.pick_state in (
     'WAIT REPLEN', 
    and x_order.order_state in (

Hallo, ich eine Störung erhalte, die grandvisit ist eine ungültige Kennung, und ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich es mit anderen Kennungen entweder bekommen. Jedes Licht, das auf dieses Licht geworfen würde, wäre erstaunlich. Ich kann nicht verstehen, warum es sich von anderen unterscheidet.SQL ungültige Identifier Abfrage


Markieren Sie die DBMS, die Sie verwenden. Dieser Code ist produktspezifisch. – jarlh


Niemand wird durch dieses Durcheinander gehen. Wahrscheinlich ein kleiner Fehler, aber Sie müssen selbst etwas Licht in die Sache bringen. –



Sie können nicht die alias Namen in derselben select Klausel verweisen, wo es generiert wird.

SELECT Sum(aerosolvisit + hazvisit + hvvisit + hlopvisit 
      + plvisit + miniloadvisit + aprvisit + apr2visit 
      + aprawkvisit) AS grandvisit 

grandratio Zur Berechnung Sie den folgenden Ausdruck verwenden, die den Aliasnamen Sie grandvisit

     WHEN Sum(grandtotal) = 0 THEN 0 
     WHEN Sum(grandvisit) = 0 THEN 0 
     ELSE Sum(grandtotal)/Sum(grandvisit) 
     END AS grandratio 

verwendet können abgeleitete Tabelle verwenden diese

     WHEN Sum(grandtotal) = 0 THEN 0 
     WHEN Sum(grandvisit) = 0 THEN 0 
     ELSE Sum(grandtotal)/Sum(grandvisit) 
     END AS grandratio 
SELECT Sum(aerosolvisit + hazvisit + hvvisit + hlopvisit 
      + plvisit + miniloadvisit + aprvisit + apr2visit 
      + aprawkvisit) AS grandvisit 
) A 

Hinweis zu tun: Sie sind Verwenden von Outer Joins im alten Stil (+=). Es ist besser, Right/Left Joins zu verwenden, die besser lesbar sind


Ich habe den ursprünglichen Beitrag mit Code, den ich nach Ihren Kommentaren bearbeitet habe, geändert. Danke für deine Hilfe, denn ich kann sehen, wo ich falsch gelaufen bin. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Sub-Abfragen so gut wie möglich verschachteln kann. –