2016-04-22 2 views

Ich habe zwei Liste von Qquery aus meiner Sicht.Manipulieren Sie Werte aus zwei Listen Multiselect mit Javascript mit Angular

...other code...  
     <select name="from[]" class="js-multiselect form-control" size="9" ng-model="registerForm.plantFrom" ng-options="i.plantId as i.plantName for i in plantsData" multiple="multiple" > 

      ... buttons to move information both side from the list.. 

     <select name="to[]" id="js_multiselect_to_1" class="form-control" size="9" ng-model="registerForm.plantTo" multiple="multiple"> 
    ...other code... 

Also die Idee ist, dass in Winkelcode Werte aus der rechten Liste erhalten. Ich bekomme Werte mit ng-Modell, aber es erhält nicht die PlantId oder PlanName.

Angular js Konsole

Object {workstationName: "d", workstationIp: "", entryId: 2, plantFrom: Array[1]} 

von Ng-Modell bekomme ich nur ein Array mit einem Element, und es ist nicht von ng-Modell = "registerForm.plantTo". Was kann ich tun?

Hinweis: ich Mehrfachauswahl JQuery-Code von hier: http://www.jqueryrain.com/?qmi2lw8H



Ich glaube, Sie brauchen nicht jQuery Plugin eine Mehrfachauswahl wählen Sie mit mehreren Werten zu erstellen. Sie können wählen mit Attribut multiple und den Rest mit AngularJs.

Sie könnten dafür eine Direktive erstellen und AngularJs die Modelle der beiden Listen speichern lassen.

Bitte werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Demo unten oder in diesem fiddle.

Es gibt einige Ausdrücke in der Demo, die später nicht benötigt werden und nur dort, um die ausgewählten Daten anzuzeigen.

Die Demo ähnelt dieser jsfiddle.

angular.module('demoApp', ['aw-picklist']) 
    .controller('mainController', mainController); 

angular.module('aw-picklist', []) 
    .directive('pickList', PickList); 

// jquery multiselect data format 
// static data for demo 
var val = { 
    01: { 
    id: 01, 
    text: 'Isis' 
    02: { 
    id: 02, 
    text: 'Sophia' 
    03: { 
    id: 03, 
    text: 'Alice' 
    04: { 
    id: 04, 
    text: 'Isabella' 
    05: { 
    id: 05, 
    text: 'Manuela' 
    06: { 
    id: 06, 
    text: 'Laura' 
    07: { 
    id: 07, 
    text: 'Luiza' 
    08: { 
    id: 08, 
    text: 'Valentina' 
    09: { 
    id: 09, 
    text: 'Giovanna' 
    10: { 
    id: 10, 
    text: 'Maria Eduarda' 
    11: { 
    id: 11, 
    text: 'Helena' 
    12: { 
    id: 12, 
    text: 'Beatriz' 
    13: { 
    id: 13, 
    text: 'Maria Luiza' 
    14: { 
    id: 14, 
    text: 'Lara' 
    15: { 
    id: 15, 
    text: 'Julia' 

function mainController($window) { 
    var vm = this; 
    vm.options = { 
    data: val 
    vm.resultList = {}; 
    vm.alert = function(result) { 

function PickList() { 
    var defaults = {}; 

    return { 
    scope: { 
     options: '=', 
     result: '=' 
    templateUrl: 'component/pickListTmpl.html', 
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) { 

     var opts = angular.extend({}, defaults, scope.options); 

     //var $el = $(element).multiselect(opts); // jquery plugin not required 

     function copy(pickListSelect, source, target) { 
     // add data to new list 
     var i, id; 
     // copy to new lsit & remove old element 
     for (i = 0; i < pickListSelect.length; i++) { 
      id = pickListSelect[i].id; 
      target.data[id] = target.data[id] || {}; 
      angular.extend(target.data[id], pickListSelect[i]); 

      delete source.data[pickListSelect[i].id]; 

     pickListSelect = []; 

     angular.extend(scope, { 
     pickListSelect: [], 
     pickListResultSelect: [], 
     result: { 
      data: {} 
     add: function() { 
      var id; 
      // copy(selection, source, target) 
      copy(scope.pickListSelect, scope.options, scope.result); 
     addAll: function() { 
      angular.merge(scope.result.data, scope.options.data); 
      scope.options.data = {}; 
     remove: function() { 
      copy(scope.pickListResultSelect, scope.result, scope.options); 
     removeAll: function() { 
      angular.merge(scope.options.data, scope.result.data); 
      scope.result.data = {}; 

// forked fiddle from http://www.jqueryrain.com/2016/03/picklist-jquery-multilist-picker/ 
(function($) { 

    $.fn.pickList = function(options) { 

    var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pickList.defaults, options); 

    this.fill = function() { 
     var option = ''; 

     $.each(opts.data, function(key, val) { 
     option += '<option id=' + val.id + '>' + val.text + '</option>'; 
    this.controll = function() { 
     var pickThis = this; 

     $("#pAdd").on('click', function() { 
     var p = pickThis.find("#pickData option:selected"); 

     $("#pAddAll").on('click', function() { 
     var p = pickThis.find("#pickData option"); 

     $("#pRemove").on('click', function() { 
     var p = pickThis.find("#pickListResult option:selected"); 

     $("#pRemoveAll").on('click', function() { 
     var p = pickThis.find("#pickListResult option"); 
    this.getValues = function() { 
     var objResult = []; 
     this.find("#pickListResult option").each(function() { 
      id: this.id, 
      text: this.text 
     return objResult; 
    this.init = function() { 
     var pickListHtml = 
     "<div class='row'>" + 
     " <div class='col-sm-5'>" + 
     " \t <select class='form-control pickListSelect' id='pickData' multiple></select>" + 
     " </div>" + 
     " <div class='col-sm-2 pickListButtons'>" + 
     " \t <button id='pAdd' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm'>" + opts.add + "</button>" + 
     "  <button id='pAddAll' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm'>" + opts.addAll + "</button>" + 
     " \t <button id='pRemove' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm'>" + opts.remove + "</button>" + 
     " \t <button id='pRemoveAll' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm'>" + opts.removeAll + "</button>" + 
     " </div>" + 
     " <div class='col-sm-5'>" + 
     " <select class='form-control pickListSelect' id='pickListResult' multiple></select>" + 
     " </div>" + 



    return this; 

    $.fn.pickList.defaults = { 
    add: 'Add', 
    addAll: 'Add All', 
    remove: 'Remove', 
    removeAll: 'Remove All' 


var val = { 
    01: { 
    id: 01, 
    text: 'Isis' 
    02: { 
    id: 02, 
    text: 'Sophia' 
    03: { 
    id: 03, 
    text: 'Alice' 
    04: { 
    id: 04, 
    text: 'Isabella' 
    05: { 
    id: 05, 
    text: 'Manuela' 
    06: { 
    id: 06, 
    text: 'Laura' 
    07: { 
    id: 07, 
    text: 'Luiza' 
    08: { 
    id: 08, 
    text: 'Valentina' 
    09: { 
    id: 09, 
    text: 'Giovanna' 
    10: { 
    id: 10, 
    text: 'Maria Eduarda' 
    11: { 
    id: 11, 
    text: 'Helena' 
    12: { 
    id: 12, 
    text: 'Beatriz' 
    13: { 
    id: 13, 
    text: 'Maria Luiza' 
    14: { 
    id: 14, 
    text: 'Lara' 
    15: { 
    id: 15, 
    text: 'Julia' 

var pick = $("#pickList").pickList({ 
    data: val 

$("#getSelected").click(function() { 
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.5.5/angular.js"></script> 
<div class="container" ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="mainController as mainCtrl"> 
    <div class="panel panel-default"> 
    <div class="panel-heading"> 
     <h3 class="panel-title">PickList Demo</h3> 
    <div class="panel-body"> 

     <!--<div id="pickList"></div>--> 
     <pick-list options="mainCtrl.options" result="mainCtrl.resultList"></pick-list> 
     MainController resultList = {{mainCtrl.resultList}} 
     <button class="btn btn-primary" id="getSelected" ng-click="mainCtrl.alert(mainCtrl.resultList)">Get Selected</button> 

    <script type="text/ng-template" id="component/pickListTmpl.html"> 
    <div class="row"> 
     <div class="col-sm-5"> 
     <select class="form-control pickListSelect" id="pickData" multiple ng-model="pickListSelect" ng-options="data as data.text for data in options.data track by data.id"> 
     <div class="col-sm-2 pickListButtons"> 
     <button ng-click="add()" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">add</button> 
     <button ng-click="addAll()" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">add all</button> 
     <button ng-click="remove()" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"> 
     <button ng-click="removeAll()" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">remove all 
     <div class="col-sm-5"> 
     <select class="form-control pickListSelect" id="pickListResult" multiple ng-model="pickListResultSelect" ng-options="data as data.text for data in result.data track by data.id"> 

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