2016-09-09 4 views

Ich versuche, eine PNG-Map-Datei mit Gradnetze zu plotten. Das Rastermaß sollte der Breite und Höhe der Map-Datei entsprechen (siehe Ende des Scripts). Obwohl die linke und obere Ausdehnung korrekt angezeigt werden, entsprechen die untere und rechte Ausdehnung nicht den Kartenabmessungen. Ich spielte auch mit den Extent-Werten in der Map-Funktion herum und nur der linke und obere Extent sind reaktionsfähig. Irgendwelche Vorschläge? d3.js Gradnetz nicht reagieren

<!doctype html> 
<meta charset="utf-8"> 

<script src="./js/d3.js"></script> 
<script src="./js/topojson.js"></script> 
<script src="./js/jquery3.1.0.min.js"></script> 


.MapPad { 
    padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; 

.graticule { 
    fill: none; 
    stroke: #000; 
    stroke-opacity: .15; 

.graticule.outline { 
    stroke: black; 
    stroke-opacity: 1; 
    stroke-width: 2px; 
    stroke-dasharray: initial; 

.LonLatLabel { 
    font-family: helvetica; 
    font-size: 22px; 
    dominant-baseline: central; 
    text-anchor: middle; 



    <div id='cont1_1'></div> 

    <script charset="utf-8"> 
    //The function to plot the maps 

    function plotMaps (container, width, height, rasterBounds, demFile){ 

    var projection = d3.geoMercator() 
     .translate([0, 0]); 

    var b = [projection(rasterBounds[0]), projection(rasterBounds[1])], 
     s = 1/Math.max((b[1][0] - b[0][0])/width, (b[1][1] - b[0][1])/height), 
     t = [(width - s * (b[1][0] + b[0][0]))/2, (height - s * (b[1][1] + b[0][1]))/2] 
    //update projection 

    // geo path generator 
    var path = d3.geoPath() 

    var map = d3.select(container).append('svg') 
     .attr('width', width) 
     .attr('height', height) 
     .attr('class', 'MapPad'); 

    //define the data layers before drawing to ensure the order of appearance 
    var gratLines = map.append('g'); 
    var demLayer = map.append('g'); 
    var samplPointsLayer = map.append('g'); 
    var outline = map.append('g'); 

    //make the graticule 
    var graticule = d3.geoGraticule().extent([[rasterBounds[0][0], rasterBounds[1][0]], [rasterBounds[0][1], rasterBounds[1][1]]]).step([1, 1]); 

     .attr("class", "graticule") 
     .attr("d", path); 

    // get the coordinates of the line paths and use them as labels 
     .text(function(d) { 
      if (d.coordinates[0][0] == d.coordinates[1][0]) {return (d.coordinates[0][0]);} 
      else if (d.coordinates[0][1] == d.coordinates[1][1]) {return (d.coordinates[0][1]);} 
     .attr('transform', function(d) { return ('translate(' + projection(d.coordinates[0])[0] + ',' + projection(d.coordinates[1])[1] + ')') 

    //outline of the map 
     .attr("class", "graticule outline") 
     .attr("d", path); 

    /*var color = d3.scale.ordinal() 
     .domain(["1", "2", "3"]) 
     .range(["#ffd633", "#aaff00" , "#267300"]); 

     .attr('xlink:href', demFile) 
     .attr('width', width) 
     .attr('height', height); 

    d3.json('SamplingPoints.json', function(err, data) { 
     .attr('r', 5) 
     .each(function(d) { 
     var lonlat = projection(d.geometry.coordinates); 
      .attr('cx', lonlat[0]) 
      .attr('cy', lonlat[1]) 
      .style('fill', 'black') 
      .style("opacity", .5) 


    //calculate the number with which the size of each map should be divided 
    var mainWidth = 230 

    //Plot the maps in each div 
    var widthAlps = 4665; 
    var heightAlps = 3589; 
    var resCoefAlps = widthAlps/mainWidth 
    var rasterBoundsAlps = [[ 5.907077970880465 , 45.29815864865324 ] , [ 11.330836684119511 , 48.15780097787413 ]]; 

    plotMaps('#cont1_1', widthAlps/resCoefAlps, heightAlps/resCoefAlps, rasterBoundsAlps, 'dem_alps.png'); 



Hier ist das Ergebnis:

enter image description here



Problem gelöst! Die Werte für [xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymax] in der Funktion d3.geoGraticule(). Extent() sollten wie folgt lauten:

[RasterBounds [0] [0], RasterBounds [0] [1]], [RasterBounds [1] [0], RasterBounds [1] [1]]]