2017-05-19 5 views

Ich schreibe ein Dokument, das in ein PDF strickt und ich brauche jede Zeile nummeriert, so dass die Rezensenten auf bestimmte Sätze verweisen können. Ich habe etwas über die Nummerierung von Chunks gelesen, aber wie wäre es nur mit Text?Nummer jeder Textzeile in rmarkdown PDF



Fügen Sie das lineno-Paket zur Kopfzeile hinzu. Hier ist ein Beispiel

Datei .Rmd
title: "Line Number Example" 
    - \usepackage{lineno} 
    - \linenumbers 

There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 

There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 
There is a lot of text that goes here. There is a lot of text that goes here. 

Und das Ergebnis sieht wie folgt aus: enter image description here

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