2016-07-04 7 views

Ich verwende Scripting Bridge, um Spotify von meiner OSX-Anwendung aus zu steuern.ScriptingBridge -> kann der Eigenschaft nicht zuweisen: 'self' ist unveränderbar

Ich erstelle ein Anwendungsobjekt, wie so:

var spotify: AnyObject = SBApplication(bundleIdentifier: "com.spotify.client")! 

dann, wenn ich versuche zu tun:

spotify.soundVolume = 10 

Ich erhalte den Fehler

cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable 

Was mache ich falsch ? Ich sollte die Lautstärke nach Spotify in der Dokumentation setzen können: https://developer.spotify.com/applescript-api/

* Spotify.h 

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h> 
#import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h> 

@class SpotifyApplication, SpotifyTrack, SpotifyApplication; 

enum SpotifyEPlS { 
    SpotifyEPlSStopped = 'kPSS', 
    SpotifyEPlSPlaying = 'kPSP', 
    SpotifyEPlSPaused = 'kPSp' 
typedef enum SpotifyEPlS SpotifyEPlS; 

* Spotify Suite 

// The Spotify application. 
@interface SpotifyApplication : SBApplication 

@property (copy, readonly) SpotifyTrack *currentTrack; // The current playing track. 
@property NSInteger soundVolume; // The sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum) 
@property (readonly) SpotifyEPlS playerState; // Is Spotify stopped, paused, or playing? 
@property double playerPosition; // The player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds. 
@property (readonly) BOOL repeatingEnabled; // Is repeating enabled in the current playback context? 
@property BOOL repeating; // Is repeating on or off? 
@property (readonly) BOOL shufflingEnabled; // Is shuffling enabled in the current playback context? 
@property BOOL shuffling; // Is shuffling on or off? 

- (void) nextTrack; // Skip to the next track. 
- (void) previousTrack; // Skip to the previous track. 
- (void) playpause; // Toggle play/pause. 
- (void) pause; // Pause playback. 
- (void) play; // Resume playback. 
- (void) playTrack:(NSString *)x inContext:(NSString *)inContext; // Start playback of a track in the given context. 


// A Spotify track. 
@interface SpotifyTrack : SBObject 

@property (copy, readonly) NSString *artist; // The artist of the track. 
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *album; // The album of the track. 
@property (readonly) NSInteger discNumber; // The disc number of the track. 
@property (readonly) NSInteger duration; // The length of the track in seconds. 
@property (readonly) NSInteger playedCount; // The number of times this track has been played. 
@property (readonly) NSInteger trackNumber; // The index of the track in its album. 
@property (readonly) BOOL starred; // Is the track starred? 
@property (readonly) NSInteger popularity; // How popular is this track? 0-100 
- (NSString *) id; // The ID of the item. 
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // The name of the track. 
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *artworkUrl; // The URL of the track%apos;s album cover. 
@property (copy, readonly) NSImage *artwork; // The property is deprecated and will never be set. Use the 'artwork url' instead. 
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *albumArtist; // That album artist of the track. 
@property (copy) NSString *spotifyUrl; // The URL of the track. 


* Standard Suite 

// The application's top level scripting object. 
@interface SpotifyApplication (StandardSuite) 

@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // The name of the application. 
@property (readonly) BOOL frontmost; // Is this the frontmost (active) application? 
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *version; // The version of the application. 


Zeigen Sie Ihren Swift-Code. – Alexander


Ich zeigte die einzigen 2 relevanten Zeilen ...? – user3916570


Wo führst du 'spotify.soundVolume = 10' aus? Sehr wahrscheinlich führen Sie diese versuchte Mutation in einer Methode von _structure_ ('struct') durch, falls Sie diese Methode als' muting' ('mutating func ...') markieren müssen. – dfri



Es stellt sich eine tragfähige Option aus, um tatsächlich etwas tun, wie folgt aus:

spotify.setValue (sender.integerValue, forKey: " soundVolume ")

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