2016-10-04 3 views

habe ich irgendwann mit diesem Problem zu kämpfen und ich kann nicht den Grund finden, warum dieses Leck passiert ist.doppelt frei oder Korruption (! Prev) und ich kann nicht herausfinden, warum in C

Was ich vortäusche, ist, eb und db zu bestellen, wie ich fileblock bestelle, so bestelle ich zuerst dateiblock mit seinen EB- und DB-Gedächtnisstücken. Danach möchte ich diese in der Struktur gespeicherten Daten in db, eb und fileblock kopieren. Ich möchte also nur die Daten in der mittleren Struktur neu ordnen.

I fügen hier den Code und, nachdem es ich erklären, mehr in die Tiefe das Problem und die Tests habe ich durchgeführt:

struct reorder_blocks_s 
    int64_t pos; 
    int64_t originalPos; 
    int64_t nextPos; 
    int64_t newSeekLenPos; 
    int64_t ctrl[3]; 
    uint8_t *dataBlock; 
    uint8_t *extraBlock; 

static void initReorderBlocks (struct reorder_blocks_s *structure, 
           uint64_t size) 
    memset(structure, 0, sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s)); 

static void reorderBlocks (uint8_t *fileblock, uint8_t *db, uint8_t *eb, 
          int64_t ctrllen, int64_t dblen, int64_t eblen, 
          int64_t newsize) 
uint32_t count = 0; 
int64_t ctrl[3]; 
int64_t ctrl2[3]; 
uint8_t *auxFileblock = fileblock; 
uint8_t *auxDb = db; 
uint8_t *auxEb = eb; 
uint8_t buf[8]; 
uint16_t problematicCount = 0; 
uint64_t currentPos = 0; 
uint32_t maxToSave = 0; 
bool firstTime = true; 

struct reorder_blocks_s *newFileBlock; 
newFileBlock = malloc (sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s) * 
         (ctrllen/24) + 1); 

struct reorder_blocks_s *problematicFields; 
problematicFields = malloc (sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s) * 
           (ctrllen/24) + 1); 

struct reorder_blocks_s * auxProblematicFields; 
int64_t *bytesNeededToSave = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)*(ctrllen/24)); 

struct reorder_blocks_s auxReorderStructure; 
struct reorder_blocks_s auxProblematicStructure; 

/* Init the structures. */ 
initReorderBlocks(newFileBlock, ctrllen/24); 
initReorderBlocks(&auxReorderStructure, 1); 

/* First it would be needed to go throght fileblock (ctrlblock) storing all 
    * the data in the structure to be arranged. 
// printf("ctrllen, dblen, eblen: %ld, %ld, %ld\n", ctrllen, dblen, eblen); 
//printf("Imprimo los newFileBlock SIN ORDENAR\n"); 
//printf("Direccion de memoria de db:%ld\n", db); 
//printf("Direccion de memoria de eb:%ld\n", eb); 
uint32_t dbSUM = 0; 
uint32_t ebSUM = 0; 
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < ctrllen/24; i++) 
    ctrl[0] = offtin(fileblock); 
     ctrl[1] = offtin(fileblock+8); 
     ctrl[2] = offtin(fileblock+16); 
    if(ctrl[0] != 0) 
     newFileBlock[i].dataBlock = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ctrl[0]); 
     newFileBlock[i].dataBlock = NULL; 

    if(ctrl[1] != 0) 
     newFileBlock[i].extraBlock = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ctrl[1]); 
     newFileBlock[i].dataBlock = NULL; 

    if (firstTime) 
     newFileBlock[i].originalPos = 0; 
     firstTime = false; 
     newFileBlock[i].originalPos = currentPos; 

    newFileBlock[i].pos = count; 

    /* Copy ctrl 24 bytes into the structure field ctrl. */ 
    memcpy(&(newFileBlock[i].ctrl), ctrl, sizeof(int64_t) * 3); 
    if(newFileBlock[i].dataBlock != NULL) 
     memcpy(newFileBlock[i].dataBlock, db, sizeof(uint8_t) * ctrl[0]); 
    if(newFileBlock[i].extraBlock != NULL) 
     memcpy(newFileBlock[i].extraBlock, eb, sizeof(uint8_t) * ctrl[1]); 

    if(memcmp(newFileBlock[i].extraBlock, eb, sizeof(uint8_t) * ctrl[1])) 
     printf("ERROR GRRRRR\n"); 

// printf("ctrl[0]: %ld\t ctrl[1]: %ld\t ctrl[2]: %ld\t y posicion de memoria \ 
//   original: %ld\n", newFileBlock[i].ctrl[0], newFileBlock[i].ctrl[1] 
//   , newFileBlock[i].ctrl[2], newFileBlock[i].originalPos); 

    db   += ctrl[0]; 
    eb   += ctrl[1]; 
    currentPos += ctrl[0] + ctrl[2]; 
    fileblock += 24; 
    dbSUM += ctrl[0]; 
    ebSUM += ctrl[1]; 

    /* fileblock pointer pointing to the memory initial address of ctrl block. */ 
    fileblock = auxFileblock; 

    /* Restore db and eb pointers to their initial addresses. */ 
// printf("ANTES DE RESTORE. Direccion de memoria de db: %ld\n", db); 
// printf("ANTES DE RESTORE. Direccion de memoria de eb: %ld\n", eb); 
    db = auxDb; 
    eb = auxEb; 
// printf("Direccion de memoria de db :%ld\n", db); 
// printf("Direccion de memoria de eb: %ld\n", eb); 
// printf("dbSUM: %ld\n", dbSUM); 
// printf("ebSUM: %ld\n", ebSUM); 

    /* Once the data has been stored its is time to order all the structure, 
    * modifiying from the lower address to the higher one. 
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < ctrllen/24; ++i) 
    for (int64_t j = i + 1; j < ctrllen/24; ++j) 
     if ((newFileBlock[i].originalPos > newFileBlock[j].originalPos)) 
     memcpy(&auxReorderStructure, &newFileBlock[i], sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s)); 
     memcpy(&newFileBlock[i], &newFileBlock[j], sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s)); 
     memcpy(&newFileBlock[j], &auxReorderStructure, sizeof(struct reorder_blocks_s)); 

    /* Clean the data block and the extra block is recommended before setting 
    * them again.FAILING IF I USE IT!!!! 
    //why are those memsets affecting the code!!! 
// memset(db, 0x00, newsize + 1); 
// memset(eb, 0x00, newsize + 1); 
// for (int64_t i = 0; i < dblen + 1; i++) 
// { 
// *db = 0x00; 
// db += 1; 
// } 
// for (int64_t i = 0; i < eblen + 1; i++) 
// { 
// *eb = 0x00; 
// eb += 1; 
// } 
// db = auxDb; 
// eb = auxEb; 

// uint32_t dbcounter = 0; 
// uint32_t ebcounter = 0; 
    /* Regenerate db block and eb block. */ 
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < ctrllen/24; i++) 
    /* Copy to the newFileBlock structure the reordered data to be modified and 
    * the extra data aswell. 
    if (newFileBlock[i].dataBlock != NULL) 
    memcpy(db, newFileBlock[i].dataBlock, sizeof(uint8_t) * newFileBlock[i].ctrl[0]); 
    db += newFileBlock[i].ctrl[0]; 
    if (newFileBlock[i].extraBlock != NULL) 
     memcpy(eb, newFileBlock[i].extraBlock, newFileBlock[i].ctrl[1]); 
     eb += newFileBlock[i].ctrl[1]; 
// dbcounter += newFileBlock[i].ctrl[0]; 
// ebcounter += newFileBlock[i].ctrl[1]; 
// printf("ctrl[0]: %ld\t ctrl[1]: %ld\t ctrl[2]: %ld\t y posicion de memoria \ 
//   original: %ld\n", newFileBlock[i].ctrl[0], newFileBlock[i].ctrl[1] 
//   , newFileBlock[i].ctrl[2], newFileBlock[i].originalPos); 

    for(int64_t i = 0; i < ctrllen/24; i++) 
    if (newFileBlock[i].dataBlock != NULL) 
    if (newFileBlock[i].extraBlock != NULL) 

    auxDb = NULL; 
    auxEb = NULL; 

int myFunctionToBeUsed(uint8_t* oldp, const int64_t oldsize, uint8_t* newp, 
      const int64_t newsize, uint8_t* patch, const int64_t patchsz) 
    int64_t dblen,eblen; 
    int64_t ctrllen; 
    uint8_t *db,*eb; 
    uint8_t *fileblock; 

    /* Here a lot of complex operations took place in order to calculate db, eb and fileblock. It has been extracted from bsdiff code so it is already tested. */ 



    reorderBlocks(fileblock, db, eb, ctrllen, dblen, eblen, newsize); 

    /* The leak comes up as I free those and with a big file (1MB), with smaller ones it works well. */ 


Ich habe überprüft, dass ich die gleiche eb und db Anfangs innerhalb der bin immer angesprochen Funktion und dass ich die entsprechende Anzahl von Bytes in den Speicher kopiere (das ursprüngliche Diffprogramm wird nicht neu angeordnet und es funktioniert, ich ordne EB und db genau so um, wie ich die Dateiblockreihenfolge geändert habe). Ich kann weder db noch eb memten, ich habe das ohne Umordnung versucht, also habe ich einfach in die struct und wieder in eb und db kopiert, und ich habe memcmp verwendet, um die Ergebnisse zu vergleichen, indem ich memcmp-Ergebnisse zu ZERO diffundiert habe Änderung sollte das Ergebnis NULL sein.

Ich versuchte mein Problem so gut wie möglich zu erklären.

Jeder Rat oder jede Hilfe wird wirklich willkommen sein.

BEARBEITET 05/10/16: Ich habe die Größe des Codes ein wenig reduziert. Wie mir geraten wurde, werde ich valgrind verwenden und die Ergebnisse einfügen.

Valgrind gib mir diesen Bericht, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich die Probleme beheben kann, habe ich die Valgrind-Dokumentation gelesen. Das, was ich, wenn ich gcc -static -g verwenden * .c -o myprogram:

valgrind --track-origins=yes ./minibsdiff gen ivanTestBin/setup1.exe ivanTestBin/setup2.exe ivanTestBin/setuppatch 
==5460== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==5460== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==5460== Using Valgrind-3.12.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==5460== Command: ./minibsdiff gen ivanTestBin/setup1.exe ivanTestBin/setup2.exe ivanTestBin/setuppatch 
==5460== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==5460== at 0x4167F8: _int_free (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x460808: fillin_rpath (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x460E04: _dl_init_paths (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43C0E3: _dl_non_dynamic_init (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43C9B7: __libc_init_first (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x4059E4: (below main) (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== Uninitialised value was created 
==5460== at 0x45DF09: brk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43A1D8: sbrk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x406106: __libc_setup_tls (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x40599C: (below main) (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==5460== at 0x41684D: _int_free (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x460808: fillin_rpath (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x460E04: _dl_init_paths (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43C0E3: _dl_non_dynamic_init (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43C9B7: __libc_init_first (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x4059E4: (below main) (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== Uninitialised value was created 
==5460== at 0x45DF09: brk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43A1D8: sbrk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x406106: __libc_setup_tls (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x40599C: (below main) (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==5460== at 0x416248: malloc_consolidate (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x417D36: _int_malloc (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x419D20: malloc (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x45884F: _IO_file_doallocate (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x413A93: _IO_doallocbuf (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x412C97: _IO_file_overflow (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x4120A3: _IO_file_xsputn (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x44AA63: vfprintf (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x40C445: printf (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x4054C3: diff (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x4057CA: main (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== Uninitialised value was created 
==5460== at 0x45DF09: brk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x43A1D8: sbrk (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x406106: __libc_setup_tls (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
==5460== by 0x40599C: (below main) (in /home/ivan/ota/binary_diff_tools/bsdiff-master/minibsdiff-master/minibsdiff) 
Generating binary patch between ivanTestBin/setup1.exe and ivanTestBin/setup2.exe 
Old file = 967168 bytes 
New file = 965632 bytes 
Computing binary delta... 
sizeof(delta('ivanTestBin/setup1.exe', 'ivanTestBin/setup2.exe')) = 39922 bytes 
Successfully created patch; patch file name: ivanTestBin/setuppatch 
==5460== HEAP SUMMARY: 
==5460==  in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks 
==5460== total heap usage: 0 allocs, 0 frees, 0 bytes allocated 
==5460== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible 
==5460== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v 
==5460== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) 

Wenn ich nicht statisch verwenden, während das Ergebnis der Zusammenstellung ist beunruhigend:


EDITED 06/10/16:

Nun, ich habe das gelöst. Das Problem war, dass ich nicht die richtige Menge zu der db und eb Verweisadresse in der für hinzufügen, in dem ich den Inhalt von newFileBlock zu db und eb wieder geladen. Ich meine, ich habe ctrl [0] und ctrl 1 verwendet und ich muss newFileBlock [i] .ctrl [0] und newFileBlock [i] .ctrl 1 verwenden. Ich habe es bereits im eingefügten Code korrigiert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



'memset (& Struktur, 0, sizeof (Struktur));' sollte 'memset (Struktur, 0, sizeof (* Struktur) * Größe) sein;'. – mch


Kannst du ['valgrind'] (http://valgrind.org/) benutzen? Wenn ja, tue es. Wenn nicht, können Sie den Code auf einen MCVE ([MCVE]) reduzieren.Beseitigen Sie einige der Funktionen; die Strukturen vereinfachen; Zeigen Sie uns die Daten, die den Absturz verursachen. –


@mch Das ist kein Kommentar. Sie sollten das als Antwort einreichen. – Sinkingpoint



Nun, ich löste dies. Das Problem war, dass ich nicht die richtige Menge zu der db und eb Verweisadresse in der für hinzufügen, in dem ich den Inhalt von newFileBlock zu db und eb wieder geladen. Ich meine, ich habe ctrl [0] und ctrl1 benutzt und ich muss newFileBlock [i] .ctrl [0] und newFileBlock [i] .ctrl [1] benutzen. Ich habe es bereits im eingefügten Code korrigiert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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