2016-07-19 22 views

Ich schreibe ein Programm in Powershell, mit dem Benutzer Snapshot auf einem VmWare-Server erstellen können. Alles ist in Ordnung, aber wenn ich den Befehl "New-Snapshot -Name ..." starte, erscheint ein Fortschrittsbalken oben auf der Konsole.Vorhandenen Fortschrittsbalken in Powershell abrufen

Ich möchte diesen Fortschrittsbalken bekommen und in die GUI setzen.

Hier ist der Code:

function OnApplicationLoad { 
    return $true 
function OnApplicationExit { 
    $script:ExitCode = 0 
function Call-Forms_VmWare-SnapshotTester { 
    [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Drawing") | Out-Null 
    [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null 
    $InitialFormWindowState = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState 
    $form1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
    $groupboxVISServers = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 
    $labelVmwvcsa5 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
    $labelVcenterora1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
    $labelvmwvcsa5State = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
    $labelvcenterora1State = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
    $dataGridViewVMList = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView 
    $dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn 
    $dataGridViewServerColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn 
    $buttonGo = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
    $groupboxState = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 
    $labelState = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 

    $Form_StateCorrection_Load = { 
     $form1.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState 
    $Form_Cleanup_FormClosed = { 
     Disconnect-VIServer vmwvcsa5 -Force -Confirm:$false 
     Disconnect-VIServer vcenterora1 -Force -Confirm:$false 
     try { 
     } catch [Exception] { } 
     Write-Host "Chargement du SnapIN..." 
     $labelState.Text = "Chargement du SnapIN..." 
     if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { 
      Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core 
     Write-Host "Chargement du SnapIN terminé." 
     $labelState.Text = "Chargement du SnapIN terminé." 
     Write-Host "Tentative de connexion aux VServers..." 
     $labelState.Text = "Tentative de connexion aux VServers..." 
     Connect-VIServer server1 
     If ($?) { 
      $labelvmwvcsa5State.Text = "Connecté" 
     } Else { 
      $labelvmwvcsa5State.Text = "Connexion impossible" 
     Connect-VIServer server2 
     If ($?) { 
      $labelvcenterora1State.Text = "Connecté" 
     } Else { 
      $labelvcenterora1State.Text = "Connexion impossible" 
     Write-Host "Tentative de connexion aux VServers terminées." 
     $labelState.Text = "Tentative de connexion aux VServers terminées." 
     Write-Host "Récupération des VMs..." 
     $labelState.Text = "Récupération des VMs..." 
     $flistVM = ".\utils\listeVM.txt" 
     $listeVM = (Resolve-Path $flistVM).Path 
     $vms = (Get-VM | Sort Name) 
     $vms = $vms.Name.ToUpper() 
     Write-Host "Récupération des VMs terminée." 
     $labelState.Text = "Récupération des VMs terminée." 
     Write-Host "Programme prêt !" 
     $labelState.Text = "Programme prêt !" 
    Function f_FillDataGridView { 
     ForEach ($Srv in $vms) { 
      $iRow = $dataGridViewVMList.Rows.add() 
      $dataGridViewVMList.Rows[$iRow].cells[1].value = $srv 
      $dataGridViewVMList.Rows[$iRow].Cells[1].ReadOnly = $true 

     $myDate = (Get-Date).ToString('ddMMyyyy') 
     ForEach ($row in $dataGridViewVMList.rows) { 
      If ($row.cells[0].value -eq $True) { 
       Write-Host $row.cells[1].value 
       $VM = $row.cells[1].value 
       $labelState.Text = "Création de snapshot en cours sur $VM" 
       $snapName = "SNAPSHOTTESTER-$myDate" 
       New-Snapshot -Name $snapName -Description "Test de création et de suppression de snapshot" -Memory -Quiesce -VM $VM 
       If ($?) { 
        $labelState.Text = "Création de snapshot OK sur $VM" 
       } Else { 
        $labelState.Text = "Erreur lors de la création de snapshot sur $VM" 
       Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 

       $snap = Get-Snapshot -Name $snapName -VM $VM 
       Remove-Snapshot -Snapshot $snap 
       If ($?) { 
        $labelState.Text = "Suppression de snapshot OK sur $VM" 
       } Else { 
        $labelState.Text = "Erreur lors de la suppression de snapshot sur $VM" 
       $labelState.Text = "Test terminé sur $VM" 
       Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 

    # form1 
    $form1.ClientSize = '300, 400' 
    $form1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $form1.Name = "form1" 
    $form1.Text = "VmWare-SnapshotTester" 
    $form1.SizeGripStyle = "Hide" 
    $form1.FormBorderStyle = 'Fixed3D' 
    $form1.MaximizeBox = $false 
    # groupboxVISServers 
    $groupboxVISServers.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $groupboxVISServers.Location = '12, 12' 
    $groupboxVISServers.Name = "groupboxVISServers" 
    $groupboxVISServers.Size = '276, 80' 
    $groupboxVISServers.Text = "Connexion aux Vservers" 
    # labelVmwvcsa5 
    $labelVmwvcsa5.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $labelVmwvcsa5.Location = '12, 25' 
    $labelVmwvcsa5.Name = "labelVmwvcsa5" 
    $labelVmwvcsa5.Text = "VmwVCSA5" 
    # labelVcenterora1 
    $labelVcenterora1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $labelVcenterora1.Location = '12, 50' 
    $labelVcenterora1.Name = "labelVcenterora1" 
    $labelVcenterora1.Text = "VCenterORA1" 
    # labelvmwvcsa5State 
    $labelvmwvcsa5State.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $labelvmwvcsa5State.Location = '150, 25' 
    $labelvmwvcsa5State.Name = "labelvmwvcsa5State" 
    $labelvmwvcsa5State.Text = "Déconnecté" 
    # labelvcenterora1State 
    $labelvcenterora1State.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $labelvcenterora1State.Location = '150, 50' 
    $labelvcenterora1State.Name = "labelvcenterora1State" 
    $labelvcenterora1State.Text = "Déconnecté" 
    # dataGridViewVMList 
    $dataGridViewVMList.Location = '12, 110' 
    $dataGridViewVMList.Size = '276, 200' 
    $dataGridViewVMList.RowHeadersVisible = $false 
    $dataGridViewVMList.ColumnHeadersVisible = $false 
    $dataGridViewVMList.AllowUserToAddRows = $false 
    $dataGridViewVMList.AllowUserToResizeColumns = $false 
    $dataGridViewVMList.AllowUserToResizeRows = $false 
    # dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn 
    $dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn.Width = 25 
    # dataGridViewServerColumn 
    $dataGridViewServerColumn.Width = 230 
    # buttonGo 
    $buttonGo.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $buttonGo.Location = '12, 330' 
    $buttonGo.Size = '276, 23' 
    $buttonGo.Name = "buttonGo" 
    $buttonGo.Text = "Let's test !" 
    $buttonGo.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True 
    # groupboxState 
    $groupboxState.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $groupboxState.Location = '12, 360' 
    $groupboxState.Name = "groupboxState" 
    $groupboxState.Size = '276, 30' 
    # labelState 
    $labelState.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation' 
    $labelState.Location = '5, 11' 
    $labelState.Size = '270, 15' 
    $labelState.Name = "labelState" 
    $labelState.Text = "INIT" 
    # Init 
    $InitialFormWindowState = $form1.WindowState 
    return $form1.ShowDialog() 

if((OnApplicationLoad) -eq $true) { 
    Call-Forms_VmWare-SnapshotTester | Out-Null 

Sie können den Aufruf in einer Instanz der [PowerShell-Klasse] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.management.automation) in den Namen "New-Snapshot -Name ..." umbrechen. powershell (v = vs.85) .aspx) und dann auf Ereignisse warten, die im [Progress - Stream] (http s: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psdatastreams.progress (v = vs.85) .aspx). Zeig uns deinen GUI Code –



Wie in den Kommentaren erwähnt, wickeln Sie das New-Snapshot Cmdlets in einer PowerShell Instanz, und Sie können auf es Fortschritte Strom für die DataAdded Ereignis hören:

$buttonGo_Click = { 
    <# other stuff going on #> 

    # Create PowerShell instance 
    $SnapshotPipeline = [powershell]::Create() 

    # Add the code 
     New-Snapshot -Name $snapName -Description "Test de création et de suppression de snapshot" -Memory -Quiesce -VM $VM 

    # Define and register an event handler 
    $ProgressHandler = { 
     # write progress percent complete value to the LabelState label 
     $percentComplete = $s[$e.Index].PercentComplete 
     $labelState.Text = "Snapshot $snapName creation: $percentComplete%" 

    # Invoke the New-Snapshot pipeline 

    # Unregister event handler 

    <# other stuff going on #> 

Hmm. Seltsam, aber das geht nicht. Der Teil, den ich hinzugefügt habe, wird einfach nicht ausgeführt. – Sethnico

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