2016-12-17 4 views

Ich mache ein kleines Projekt in PHP-MySQL. In einer Webvorschau gibt es ein div mit IDs. Das div enthält Texte. Mein Problem besteht darin, die Div-ID, die Textlänge und die Position des Textes in diesem Div zu finden, wenn ein Teil des Textes ausgewählt ist. Ist es mit Javascript möglich? Bitte hilf mir. Danke im Voraus.ID des ausgewählten Textes

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript --> 
    <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.js"></script> 

    <style type="text/css"> 
    .custom-menu { 
display: none; 
z-index: 1000; 
position: absolute; 
overflow: hidden; 
border: 1px solid #CCC; 
white-space: nowrap; 
font-family: sans-serif; 
background: #FFF; 
color: #333; 
border-radius: 5px; 
padding: 0; 

    /* Each of the items in the list */ 
    .custom-menu li { 
padding: 8px 12px; 
cursor: pointer; 
list-style-type: none; 
transition: all .3s ease; 

.custom-menu li:hover { 
background-color: #DEF; 

    #overlay { 
visibility: hidden; 
position: absolute; 
left: 0px; 
top: 0px; 
    z-index: 1000; 

    #overlay div { 
margin: 100px auto; 
background-color: #fff; 
border:1px solid #000; 



     $privewmodel = new PriviewModel(); 
    if(isset($_SESSION["preview"])) {$privewmodel = $_SESSION["preview"];} 


     foreach($privewmodel->getTOPIC_NAME() as $topicname) 
      if($count==0) { 
     echo $topicname .'<br/><ul>'; 



    echo '<li>'.$topicname.'</li>'; 



     <div style="padding: 2%"> 
     foreach($privewmodel->getTOPIC_TEXT() as $topictext) 
     if($count==0) { 
     echo '<b>ভূমিকাঃ </b><br/><div id="'.$count.'" readonly rows="15"     cols="150">'.$topictext .'</div><br/>'; 



echo '<div id="'.$count.'" readonly rows="15" cols="150">'.$topictext.'</div><br/><br/>'; 



     <div id="overlay"> 
    <form name="addhyperlink" method="post" action="../controller/UpdatePreviewController.php"> 

      <?php  foreach($privewmodel->getOnlytopic() as $topicname) 

     echo '<input type="radio" value="'.$topicname->topic_id.'" name="hyperlink" required/> '.$topicname->topic_name.'<br/>' ; 

      } ?> 
      <input id="sel" type="hidden" name="seltext" value="">  
     <input type ="submit">  
    <ul class='custom-menu'> 
    <li data-action="first">Add hyperlink</li> 
    <li data-action="second">Add embeded media</li> 
    <li data-action="third">Add kichu ekta</li> 


     // JAVASCRIPT (jQuery) 

     // Trigger action when the contexmenu is about to be shown 
     $(document).bind("contextmenu", function (event) { 
      var text = getSelectionText(); 


     // Avoid the real one 

      // Show contextmenu 

      // In the right position (the mouse) 
    top: event.pageY + "px", 
    left: event.pageX + "px" 

     document.getElementById("sel").value = text; 


     // If the document is clicked somewhere 
     $(document).bind("mousedown", function (e) { 

    // If the clicked element is not the menu 
    if (!$(e.target).parents(".custom-menu").length > 0) { 

    // Hide it 

     // If the menu element is clicked 
     $(".custom-menu li").click(function(){ 

// This is the triggered action name 
switch($(this).attr("data-action")) { 

    // A case for each action. Your actions here 
    case "first": addhyperlink(); break; 
    case "second": alert("second"); break; 
    case "third": alert("third"); break; 

// Hide it AFTER the action was triggered 

     function addhyperlink() 
    el = document.getElementById("overlay"); 
    el.style.visibility = (el.style.visibility == "visible") ? "hidden" : "visible"; 
    t = (document.all) ? document.selection.createRange().text : document.getSelection(); 


     function getSelectionText(){ 
var selectedText = ""; 
if (window.getSelection){ // all modern browsers and IE9+ 
    selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); 
return selectedText; 

     function getdivID() 
    var ID = window.getSelection().valueOf("id"); 

    alert(ID); // here lies the problem 


     <?php include("../include/footer.php");?> 

Mögliches Duplikat [HTML ausgewählten Textes] (http://stackoverflow.com/ Fragen/4176923/html-of-selected-text) – Niloct


Teilen Sie Ihren Code –


Ich habe es hinzugefügt – agnichakra



Hier ist der HTML-Code

<input id="sel" type="hidden" name="seltext" value=""> 
<input id="selid" type="hidden" name="selid" value=""> 
<input id="selstartpos" type="hidden" name="selstartpos" value=""> 
<input id="selendpos" type="hidden" name="selendpos" value=""> 
<input type ="submit"> 

und der angegebene geortet Javascript-Code ist


    // JAVASCRIPT (jQuery) 

    // Trigger action when the contexmenu is about to be shown 
$(document).bind("contextmenu", function (event) { 
    var text = getSelectionText(); 
    var id = getSelectionParentElement(); 
    var selrange = getSelectionCharOffsetsWithin(id); 


     // Avoid the real one 

    // Show contextmenu 

    // In the right position (the mouse) 
    top: event.pageY + "px", 
    left: event.pageX + "px" 

    document.getElementById("sel").value = text; 
    document.getElementById("selid").value = id.id; 
    document.getElementById("selstartpos").value = selrange.start; 
    document.getElementById("selendpos").value = selrange.end; 


    // If the document is clicked somewhere 
    $(document).bind("mousedown", function (e) { 

    // If the clicked element is not the menu 
    if (!$(e.target).parents(".custom-menu").length > 0) { 

    // Hide it 

// If the menu element is clicked 
    $(".custom-menu li").click(function(){ 

    // This is the triggered action name 
    switch($(this).attr("data-action")) { 

    // A case for each action. Your actions here 
    case "first": addhyperlink(); break; 
    case "second": alert("second"); break; 
    case "third": alert("third"); break; 

    // Hide it AFTER the action was triggered 

function addhyperlink() 
    el = document.getElementById("overlay"); 
    el.style.visibility = (el.style.visibility == "visible") ? "hidden" : "visible"; 
    t = (document.all) ? document.selection.createRange().text : document.getSelection(); 


    function getSelectionText(){ 
    var selectedText = ""; 
    if (window.getSelection){ // all modern browsers and IE9+ 
    selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); 
    return selectedText; 

    function getSelectionCharOffsetsWithin(element) { 
    var start = 0, end = 0; 
    var sel, range, priorRange; 
    if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") { 
    range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); 
    priorRange = range.cloneRange(); 
    priorRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); 
    start = priorRange.toString().length; 
    end = start + range.toString().length; 
    } else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined" && 
     (sel = document.selection).type != "Control") { 
    range = sel.createRange(); 
    priorRange = document.body.createTextRange(); 
    priorRange.setEndPoint("EndToStart", range); 
    start = priorRange.text.length; 
    end = start + range.text.length; 
    return { 
    start: start, 
    end: end 

    function getSelectionParentElement() { 
    var parent = null, 
    if (window.getSelection) { 
    selection = window.getSelection(); 
    if (selection.rangeCount) { 
     parent = selection.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer; 
     if (parent.nodeType != 1) { 
      parent = parent.parentNode; 
} else if ((selection = document.selection) && selection.type != "Control") { 
    parent = selection.createRange().parentElement(); 
return parent; 

Vielen Dank ... die Antwort ist sehr hilfreich. Ich habe den richtigen Code ... – agnichakra

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