2017-01-11 1 views

Ich suche nach Hilfe, wenn das Ereignis "SPELL_INTERRUPT" ausgelöst wird, damit ich einen Timer im Spiel World of Warcraft anzeigen kann.Erstellen eines Timers auf Ereignis in Warcraft in Lua

Dies ist the code bisher

-- [interruptSpellID] = lockoutDuration, -- Spell Name (Class) 

[2139] = 6, -- Counterspell (Mage) 
[1766] = 5, -- Kick (Rogue) 
[96231] = 4, -- Rebuke (Paladin) 
[147362] = 3, -- Counter Shot (Hunter) 
[6552] = 4, -- Pummel (Warrior) 
[115781] = 6, -- Optical Blast (Warlock) 
[47528] = 4, -- Mind Freeze (Death Knight) 
[19647] = 6, -- Spell Lock (Warlock) 
[173320] = 5, -- Spear Hand Strike (Monk) 
[2139] = 6, -- Counterspell (Mage) 
[106839] = 4, -- Skull Bash (Druid) 
[57994] = 3, -- Wind Shear (Shaman) 
[187707] = 3, -- Muzzle (Hunter) 
[183752] = 3, -- Consume Magic (Demon Hunter) 

-- If this is "DBM", DBM's timers will be used. If this is "SW", Blizzard's stopwatch will be used. 
local MODE = "DBM" 

-- The text to display on DBM Timers. 
-- %SPELL% will be replaced with the name of the interrupt spell you cast. 
-- %ISPELL% will be replaced with the name of the spell you interrupted 
-- %DUR% will be replaced with the duration of the lockout. 

local BARTEXT = "%SPELL% interrupted %ISPELL%. Locked out for %DUR% seconds" 

local ARENA1_GUID; 
local ARENA2_GUID; 
local ARENA3_GUID; 

local ShowTimer; -- Declare the ShowTimer variable as local 

if MODE == "DBM" and DBM then -- If MODE is "DBM" and there's a global variable DBM 

local DBM = DBM -- Create a local alias to DBM 
local gsubTable = {} -- This table is used to handle text substitutions with gsub 

ShowTimer = function(seconds, interruptSpell, interruptedSpell) -- Define the ShowTimer function 
gsubTable.SPELL = interruptSpell -- Populate the fields of the table 
gsubTable.ISPELL = interruptedSpell 
gsubTable.DUR = seconds 
local text = BARTEXT:gsub("%%(%a+)%%", gsubTable) -- Replace each occurrence of %SPELL%, %ISPELL% or %DUR% with the corresponding field of gsubTable and assing the result to the text variable 

DBM:CreatePizzaTimer(seconds, text) -- Create the timer 

else -- Either MODE isn't "DBM", or there's no global variable DBM 

ShowTimer = function(seconds) 
Stopwatch_StartCountdown(0, 0, seconds) 


local f = CreateFrame("Frame") -- Create a frame and register some events. 
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) -- Every time an event we're watching fires, call the corresponding method of the frame (e.g. PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD calls f:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()) 
self[event](self, ...) 

function f:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() -- This fires towards the end of the intitial login process. 
ARENA1_GUID = UnitGUID("arena1") -- Record the arena1 GUID 
ARENA2_GUID = UnitGUID("arena2") -- Record the arena2 GUID 
ARENA3_GUID = UnitGUID("arena3") -- Record the arena3 GUID 
TARGET_GUID = UnitGUID("target") -- Record the Target's GUID 
PLAYER_GUID = UnitGUID("player") -- Record the player's GUID 
self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") -- Unregister this event, we don't care about it any more. 

-- This fires any time someone does something combat-related near the player 
function f:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timestamp, event, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, ...) 

local spellId, spellName, spellSchool, extraSpellID, extraSpellName, extraSchool = ... -- Get the extra arguments from the vararg 
local lockout = SPELL_LOCKOUTS[spellId] -- Check if we have a lockout time for this interrupt spell 

if lockout then -- If we do, show a timer. 
ShowTimer(lockout, spellName, extraSpellName) 

Der Timer zeigt aber wird angezeigt, ob das Interrupt tatsächlich einen Zauber unterbrochen. Ich brauche es, um den Timer NUR zu zeigen, nachdem ein Zauber durch eine der in SPELL_LOCKOUTS angegebenen SpellIDs unterbrochen wurde.

Ich weiß, dass in den letzten paar Zeilen (Zeile 81 bis 86) ich eine and-Anweisung hinzufügen muss, aber ich weiß nicht ganz, wie ich es ausdrücken soll.

Jede Hilfe wäre sehr willkommen!


http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_COMBAT_LOG_EVENT zusätzlichen Ressourcen geändert werden – Zunit



Ich wurde von jemandem über das Spiel beantwortet. Es brauchte von

if lockout then Showtimer 


if lockout and event=="SPELL_INTERRUPT" then Showtimer 
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