2017-12-31 39 views

ich ein Wörterbuch raw_data haben [ 'list'], die Werte wie so strukturiert haben:Auszug aus verschachtelten Schlüssel in eine Liste

k, v in sorted(raw_data['list'].items()): 
    print(k, v) 

1001473688 {'resolved_id': '1001473688', 'item_id': '1001473688', 'word_count': '149', 'excerpt': '“The fraudulence paradox was that the more time and effort you put into trying to appear impressive or attractive to other people, the less impressive or attractive you felt inside — you were a fraud.', 'time_favorited': '0', 'favorite': '0', 'given_url': 'http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/564841-the-fraudulence-paradox-was-that-the-more-time-and-effort', 'is_index': '0', 'status': '0', 'sort_id': 3795, 'authors': {'3445796': {'author_id': '3445796', 'item_id': '1001473688', 'name': 'David Foster Wallace', 'url': 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4339.David_Foster_Wallace'}}, 'time_read': '0', 'has_image': '0', 'has_video': '0', 'given_title': 'Quote by David Foster Wallace: “The fraudulence paradox was that the more t', 'resolved_title': '“The fraudulence paradox was that the more time and effort you put into trying to appear impressive or attractive to other people, the less impressive or attractive you felt inside — you were a fraud. And the more of a fraud you felt like, the harder you tried to convey an impressive or likable image of yourself so that other people wouldn’t find out what a hollow, fraudulent person you really were. Logically, you would think that the moment a supposedly intelligent nineteen-year-old became aware of this paradox, he’d stop being a fraud and just settle for being himself (whatever that was) because he’d figured out that being a fraud was a vicious infinite regress that ultimately resulted in being frightened, lonely, alienated, etc. But here was the other, higher-order paradox, which didn’t even have a form or name — I didn’t, I couldn’t.”', 'resolved_url': 'http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/564841-the-fraudulence-paradox-was-that-the-more-time-and-effort', 'time_added': '1438693251', 'time_updated': '1439849583', 'is_article': '1'} 

Einige der Werte innerhalb raw_data [ 'list'] Wörterbuch a ‚Tags haben 'Schlüssel wie folgt:

{'excerpt': '', 
'favorite': '0', 
'given_title': 'carlcheo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/which-programming-language-should-i', 
'given_url': 'http://carlcheo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/which-programming-language-should-i-learn-first-pdf.pdf', 
'has_image': '0', 
'has_video': '0', 
'is_article': '0', 
'is_index': '0', 
'item_id': '999554490', 
'resolved_id': '999554490', 
'resolved_title': '', 
'resolved_url': 'http://carlcheo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/which-programming-language-should-i-learn-first-pdf.pdf', 
'sort_id': 3026, 
'status': '0', 
'tags': {'programming': {'item_id': '999554490', 'tag': 'programming'}}, 
'time_added': '1454096378', 
'time_favorited': '0', 
'time_read': '0', 
'time_updated': '1454096385', 
'word_count': '0'} 

ich brauche die Schlüssel alle zu extrahieren ‚Tags‘ Tasten (auch bekannt als den Schlüssel der ‚Tags‘ Werte) in eine Liste. Ich habe nicht viel Erfahrung mit verschachtelten Wörterbüchern und kämpfe darum herauszufinden, wie ich eine geschachtelte For-Schleife schreiben sollte (wenn das der eleganteste Weg zur Lösung ist). Bitte lass mich deine Gedanken wissen. Vielen Dank!


'1001473688 { 'resolved_id': '1001473688', ......}' ist nicht gültig. – RoadRunner


Entschuldigung, ich habe eine Bearbeitung gemacht, um zu klären, .., was hilft –


Wollen Sie die Tags in Ihrer Liste einzigartig sein? – schwobaseggl



sollte folgende verschachtelte Verständnis arbeiten:

tags = [tag for v in raw_data['list'].values() for tag in v.get('tags', {})] 

, die funktioniert. Vielen Dank!! –

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