2017-08-02 4 views

Ich habe eine HTML form mit einigen Texteingabe und einige Dateieingaben. Ich versuche, den Text und die Bilder mit ajax in die Datenbank hochzuladen, um sie auszuführen. Ich habe versucht, Lösungen here und here btut funktioniert weder für mich. Hier sind meine CodesSenden Formular mit Text und Bildern mit PHP und Ajax


<form action="genformexec.php" name="genreg" id="genreg" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
     <label class="type" for="ccode">*Your confirmation code is the series of numbers sent to your mail after payment verification</label> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="ccode" id="ccode" placeholder="Confirmation Code"> 
     <input class="half" type="email" name="uemail" id="uemail" placeholder="Email Address"> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="fname" id="fname" placeholder="First Name"> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="lname" id="lname" placeholder="Last Name"> 
     <input class="full" type="text" name="cname" id="cname" placeholder="Company Name"> 
     <input class="full" type="text" name="crcnum" id="crcnum" placeholder="Company RC/BN Number"> 
     <input class="full" type="text" name="uaddress" id="uaddress" placeholder="Residential Address"> 
     <input class="full" type="text" name="caddress" id="caddress" placeholder="Company Address"> 
     <textarea class="full" rows="7" name="briefdes" id="briefdes" placeholder="Brief description about your company"></textarea> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="uname" id="uname" placeholder="Username"> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="uphone" id="uphone" placeholder="Phone Number"> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="pword" id="pword" placeholder="Password"> 
     <input class="half" type="text" name="cfpword" id="cfpword" placeholder="Re-Type Password"> 
     <div class="profImage"><img id="logo_prev" src=""></div><br> 
     <label for="profimages">Upload Company Logo/Profile Picture</label><br><br> 
     <input type="file" onchange="logo_prev()" name="profimages" id="profimages"> 
     <div class="coverimage"><img id="cover_prev"src=""></div> 
     <label for="coverimage">Upload a cover image for your profile</label><br><br> 
     <input type="file" onchange="cover_prev()" name="coverimage" id="coverimage"> 
     <input type="file" name="profimages" id="profimages"> 
     <label class="type">Receive request about</label> 
     <div class="postLimit"> 
     <p class="limitType">Food Commodities</p> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Fresh Yam">Fresh Yam</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Garri">Garri</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Banana and Plantain">Banana and Plantain</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Plantain Flour">Plantain Flour</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Cassava Flour">Cassava Flour</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Chilli Pepper">Chilli Pepper</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Kola Nut">Kola Nut</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Palm Oil">Palm Oil</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Smoked Fish">Smoked Fish</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Dried Vegetable">Dried Vegetable</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Cray Fish">Cray Fish</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Shea Butter">Shea Butter</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Cassava Chips">Cassava Chips</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Fresh Onions">Fresh Onions</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Curry Leaves">Curry Leaves</div> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Bitter Kola">Bitter Kola</div><br><br><br> 
     <div class="checkin"><input type="checkbox" name="postValue[]" value="Bitter Kola, Fresh Yam, Garri, Banana and Plantain, Plantain Flour, Cassava Flour, Chilli Pepper, Kola Nut, Palm Oil, Smoked Fish, Dried Vegatables, Cray Fish, Shea Butter, Cassava Chips, Fresh Onions, Curry Leaves">All</div> 
     <label class="type" for="regas">You are registering as:</label> 
     <input type="text" class="full readonly" readonly name="regas" id="regas" value="Exporter"> 
     <label class="type" for="package">Package type:</label> 
     <input type="text" class="full readonly" readonly name="package" id="package" value="Bronze"> 
     <input type="submit" name="regSubmit" id="regSubmit" value="Submit"> 

Ajax Anfrage

$("#genreg").submit(function(e) { 
    var formData = new FormData($(this)[0]); 
     url: "genformexec.php", 
     type: "POST", 
     data: formData, 
     async: false, 
     success: function (msg) { 
     cache: false, 
     contentType: false, 
     processData: false 

PHP Script

require_once ("db.php"); 
$db = new MyDB(); 

if (isset($_POST['regSubmit'])) 
    $fname = strip_tags(@$_POST['fname']); 
    $lname = strip_tags(@$_POST['lname']); 
    $cname = strip_tags(@$_POST['cname']); 
    $crnum = strip_tags(@$_POST['crcnum']); 
    $uaddress = strip_tags(@$_POST['uaddress']); 
    $caddress = strip_tags(@$_POST['caddress']); 
    $briefdes = strip_tags(@$_POST['briefdes']); 
    $uname = strip_tags(@$_POST['uname']); 
    $uphone = strip_tags(@$_POST['uphone']); 
    $pword = $_POST['pword']; 
    $cfpword = $_POST['cfpword']; 
    $uemail = $_POST['uemail']; 
    $regas = strip_tags(@$_POST['regas']); 
    $package = strip_tags(@$_POST['package']); 
    $imagedir = './profimages/'; 
    $profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['name']; 
    $profimagestmpname = $_FILES['profimages']['tmp_name']; 
    $profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['type']; 
    $profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['size']; 
    $regdate = date('d/m/Y'); 
    $ccode = strip_tags(@$_POST['ccode']); 
    $posttype = join(", ", $_POST['postValue']); 
    $status = "0"; 
    $verified = "0"; 
    $zero = "0"; 
    $website = strip_tags(@$_POST['website']); 
    $coverimage = $_FILES['coverimage']['name']; 
    $coverimagetmpname = $_FILES['coverimage']['tmp_name']; 
    $coverimage = $_FILES['coverimage']['type']; 
    $coverimage = $_FILES['coverimage']['size']; 

    $csql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM paymentverification WHERE code = $ccode"; 

    $psql = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM paymentverification WHERE code = ?"); 

    $psql->bindParam(1, $ccode, SQLITE3_TEXT); 

    $cret = $db->querySingle($csql); 
    $pret = $psql->execute(); 

    if ($cret == 1) 
    while ($prow = $pret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) 
     $cpackage = $prow['package']; 

    if ($cpackage == $package) 

    $cql = <<<EOF 
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE ccode = $ccode; 

$count = $db->querySingle($cql); 

if ($count == 1) 
    echo "This code as already been used"; 
    if ($pword != $cfpword) 
     echo 'The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again!.'; 
     if (strlen($pword) <= 8) 
      echo 'Your password must be more than 8 characters'; 

       $imagepath = $imagedir . $profimages; 
       $imagepath_2 = $imagedir . $coverimage; 

       $imageresult = move_uploaded_file($profimagestmpname, $imagepath); 
       $imageresult_2 = move_uploaded_file($coverimagetmpname, $imagepath_2); 

       if (!$imageresult && !$imageresult_2) 
        echo "Error uploading Company Logo/Profile Picture"; 
       if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) 
        $profimages = addslashes($profimages); 
        $imagepath = addslashes($imagepath); 
        $coverimage = addslashes($coverimage); 
        $imagepath_2 = addslashes($imagepath_2); 

       $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO users (fname, lname, cname, crcnum, caddress, uaddress, briefdes, uemail, uphone, uname, regas, pword, cfpword, profimages, package, regdate, ccode, posttype, status, verified, website, coverimage) 
       VALUES (:fname, :lname, :cname, :crnum, :caddress, :uaddress, :briefdes, :uemail, :uphone, :uname, :regas, :pword, :cfpword, :profimages, :package, :regdate, :ccode, :posttype, :status, :verified, :website, :coverimage)'); 

       $stmt->bindValue(':fname', $fname, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':lname', $lname, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':cname', $cname, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':crnum', $crnum, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':caddress', $caddress, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':uaddress', $uaddress, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':briefdes', $briefdes, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':uemail', $uemail, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':uphone', $uphone, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':regas', $regas, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':regdate', $regdate, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':uname', $uname, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       //Come back to password_hash password $stmt->bindValue(':pword', password_hash($pword, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':pword', password_hash($pword, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':cfpword', password_hash($cfpword, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':profimages', $imagepath, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':package', $package, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':ccode', $ccode, SQLITE3_INTEGER); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':posttype', $posttype, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':status', $status, SQLITE3_INTEGER); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':verified', $verified, SQLITE3_INTEGER); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':website', $website, SQLITE3_TEXT); 
       $stmt->bindValue(':coverimage', $imagepath_2, SQLITE3_TEXT); 

       $result = $stmt->execute(); 

       if ($result) 
        echo "Account Successfully Created"; 
        echo "Sorry!.....There was an issue creating your account. Please try again"; 
     echo "You payed for the $cpackage package"; 

Also, was ist das Problem mit irgendeinem der MU-Codes und wie repariere ich das und mache es so. Tut mir leid, wenn ich unnötige Codes poste (ich dachte nur, dass sie alle nötig sind, um mir zu helfen).


Erhalten Sie auf die Ajax-Funktion? – Scott


Ich versuche, auf die Datenbank zu posten oder was meinst du mit der Ajax-Funktion? – diagold


Ich versuche zu verstehen, wo dein Problem liegt. Ich nehme an, dass der Beitrag an die Ajax-Funktion gelangt, dass die Daten tatsächlich zur Abfrage gelangen, aber nicht eingefügt werden? – Scott



Sie überschreiben die Dateigrößen mit unterschiedlichen Werten:

$profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['name']; 
$profimagestmpname = $_FILES['profimages']['tmp_name']; 
$profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['type']; 
$profimages = $_FILES['profimages']['size']; 

wie etwas sein sollte:

$profImagesName = $_FILES['profimages']['name']; 
$profImagesTmpName = $_FILES['profimages']['tmp_name']; 
$profImagesType = $_FILES['profimages']['type']; 
$profImagesSize = $_FILES['profimages']['size']; 

Und dann verwenden:

$imagedir = './profimages/'; 
$imagepath = $imagedir . $profImagesName; 
move_uploaded_file($profImagesTmpName, $imagepath); 

Diese für geändert werden sollte alle Bilder - Ich weiß nicht, ob es das Problem vollständig beheben wird, aber es sollte behoben werden.


Vielen Dank für das hinweisend. Aber das Problem wurde nicht behoben. – diagold


Zu Ihrer Information: http://phppot.com/php/php-ajax-image-upload/

<form id="uploadForm" action="upload.php" method="post"> 
<input name="name" type="text" class="input" /> 
<label>Upload Image File:</label><br/> 
<input name="userImage" type="file" class="inputFile" /> 
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btnSubmit" /> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function (e){ 
url: "upload.php", 
type: "POST", 
data: new FormData(this), 
contentType: false, 
cache: false, 
success: function(data){ 
error: function(){}    
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