2016-10-12 2 views

ich versuche das FB-SDK zu erhalten mit meinem Reagieren Native App auf iOS zu arbeiten, aber ich laufe in den Fehler:Reagieren Native iOS - Kann nicht lesen Eigenschaft 'logInWithReadPermissions' undefinierter

React-Mutter - Die Eigenschaft 'logInWithReadPermissions' von undefined

kann nicht auf Knopfdruck gelesen werden.

Ich habe folgte bereits vor:

1. npm install rnpm -g 
2. rnpm link react-native-fbsdk 
3. remove the following lines from subspecs in ios/PodFile 
4. pod install 
5. go to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/getting-started, download FB ios SDK, and unzip to ~/Documents/FacebookSDK 
6. open F8v2.xcworkspac with xcode, and drag Bolts.framework,FBSDKCoreKit.framework, FBSDKLoginKit.framework, FBSDKShareKit.framework in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to Frameworks under F8V2 project. 
7. run react-native run-ios .It should work now. If have build issue, drag the three FB...Kit.framework to RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj too. 

Kein Glück.

Der Teilstrom wie folgt aussieht:


<LoginButton source="First screen" /> 


'use strict'; 

const React = require('react'); 
const {StyleSheet} = require('react-native'); 
const F8Button = require('F8Button'); 

const { logInWithFacebook } = require('../actions'); 
const {connect} = require('react-redux'); 

class LoginButton extends React.Component { 
    props: { 
    style: any; 
    source?: string; // For Analytics 
    dispatch: (action: any) => Promise; 
    onLoggedIn: ?() => void; 
    state: { 
    isLoading: boolean; 
    _isMounted: boolean; 

    constructor() { 
    this.state = { isLoading: false }; 

    componentDidMount() { 
    this._isMounted = true; 

    componentWillUnmount() { 
    this._isMounted = false; 

    render() { 
    if (this.state.isLoading) { 
     return (
      style={[styles.button, this.props.style]} 
      caption="Please wait..." 
      onPress={() => {}} 

    return (
     style={[styles.button, this.props.style]} 
     caption="Log in with Facebook" 
     onPress={() => this.logIn()} 

    async logIn() { 
    const {dispatch, onLoggedIn} = this.props; 

    this.setState({isLoading: true}); 
    try { 
     await Promise.race([ 
    } catch (e) { 
     const message = e.message || e; 
     if (message !== 'Timed out' && message !== 'Canceled by user') { 
    } finally { 
     this._isMounted && this.setState({isLoading: false}); 

    onLoggedIn && onLoggedIn(); 

async function timeout(ms: number): Promise { 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
    setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timed out')), ms); 

var styles = StyleSheet.create({ 
    button: { 
    alignSelf: 'center', 
    width: 270, 

module.exports = connect()(LoginButton); 


'use strict'; 

var { 
} = require('react-native-fbsdk'); 

const emptyFunction =() => {}; 
const mapObject = require('fbjs/lib/mapObject'); 

type AuthResponse = { 
    userID: string; 
    accessToken: string; 
    expiresIn: number; 
type LoginOptions = { scope: string }; 
type LoginCallback = (result: {authResponse?: AuthResponse, error?: Error}) => void; 

let _authResponse: ?AuthResponse = null; 

async function loginWithFacebookSDK(options: LoginOptions): Promise<AuthResponse> { 
    const scope = options.scope || 'public_profile'; 
    const permissions = scope.split(','); 

    const loginResult = await LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(permissions); 
    if (loginResult.isCancelled) { 
    throw new Error('Canceled by user'); 

    const accessToken = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); 
    if (!accessToken) { 
    throw new Error('No access token'); 

    _authResponse = { 
    userID: accessToken.userID, // FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: userId -> userID 
    accessToken: accessToken.accessToken, 
    expiresIn: Math.round((accessToken.expirationTime - Date.now())/1000), 
    return _authResponse; 

var FacebookSDK = { 
    init() { 
    // This is needed by Parse 
    window.FB = FacebookSDK; 

    login(callback: LoginCallback, options: LoginOptions) { 
     (authResponse) => callback({authResponse}), 
     (error) => callback({error}) 

    getAuthResponse(): ?AuthResponse { 
    return _authResponse; 

    logout() { 

    * Make a API call to Graph server. This is the **real** RESTful API. 
    * Except the path, all arguments to this function are optional. So any of 
    * these are valid: 
    * FB.api('/me') // throw away the response 
    * FB.api('/me', function(r) { console.log(r) }) 
    * FB.api('/me', { fields: 'email' }); // throw away response 
    * FB.api('/me', { fields: 'email' }, function(r) { console.log(r) }); 
    * FB.api('/12345678', 'delete', function(r) { console.log(r) }); 
    * FB.api(
    *  '/me/feed', 
    *  'post', 
    *  { body: 'hi there' }, 
    *  function(r) { console.log(r) } 
    * ); 
    * param path {String} the url path 
    * param method {String} the http method 
    * param params {Object} the parameters for the query 
    * param cb  {Function} the callback function to handle the response 
    api: function(path: string, ...args: Array<mixed>) { 
    const argByType = {}; 
    args.forEach((arg) => { argByType[typeof arg] = arg; }); 

    const httpMethod = (argByType['string'] || 'get').toUpperCase(); 
    const params = argByType['object'] || {}; 
    const callback = argByType['function'] || emptyFunction; 

    // FIXME: Move this into RNFBSDK 
    // GraphRequest requires all parameters to be in {string: 'abc'} 
    // or {uri: 'xyz'} format 
    const parameters = mapObject(params, (value) => ({string: value})); 

    function processResponse(error, result) { 
     // FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: result is Object on iOS and string on Android 
     if (!error && typeof result === 'string') { 
     try { 
      result = JSON.parse(result); 
     } catch (e) { 
      error = e; 

     const data = error ? {error} : result; 

    const request = new GraphRequest(path, {parameters, httpMethod}, processResponse); 
    new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(request).start(); 

module.exports = FacebookSDK; 

Haben Sie eine Lösung gefunden? –



ich verwendet habe, die react-native-fbsdk und es funktioniert. Dieses Modul hat;

Möglicherweise müssen Sie sich die Leseberechtigungen für Ihre Komponente ansehen.


Sie können sehen, dass ich es Berechtigungen für das öffentliche Profil füttern: const scope = options.scope || 'öffentliches Profil'; const Berechtigungen = scope.split (','); – user1072337

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