2017-01-09 1 views

Ich benutze diesen Code, um ein Android-Gerät mit einem anderen Gerät zu verbinden, aber es gibt keine Möglichkeit, dies zu tun, gibt es immer ein Problem mit der UUID.Bluetooth Verbindungsprobleme

Dort wird der Code des BluetoothConnectionService ist

package com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test; 

import android.app.ProgressDialog; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.util.Log; 

import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.nio.charset.Charset; 
import java.util.UUID; 

* Created by Lukas on 08.01.2017. 

public class BluetoothConnectionService { 
    private static final String TAG = "BluetoothConnectionServ"; 

    private static final String appName = "MYAPP"; 

    private static final UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE = 

    private final BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; 
    Context mContext; 

    private AcceptThread mInsecureAcceptThread; 

    private ConnectThread mConnectThread; 
    private BluetoothDevice mmDevice; 
    private UUID deviceUUID; 
    ProgressDialog mProgressDialog; 

    private ConnectedThread mConnectedThread; 

    public BluetoothConnectionService(Context context) { 
     mContext = context; 
     mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); 

    This thread runs while listening for incoming connections. It behaves 
    like a server-side client. It runs until a connection is accepted 
    private class AcceptThread extends Thread { 

     // The local server socket 
     private final BluetoothServerSocket mmServerSocket; 

     public AcceptThread(){ 
      BluetoothServerSocket tmp = null; 

      // Create a new listening server socket 
       tmp = mBluetoothAdapter.listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord(appName, MY_UUID_INSECURE); 

       Log.d(TAG, "AcceptThread: Setting up Server using: " + MY_UUID_INSECURE); 
      }catch (IOException e){ 
       Log.e(TAG, "AcceptThread: IOException: " + e.getMessage()); 

      mmServerSocket = tmp; 

     public void run(){ 
      Log.d(TAG, "run: AcceptThread Running."); 

      BluetoothSocket socket = null; 

       // This is a blocking call and will only return on a 
       // successful connection or an exception 
       Log.d(TAG, "run: RFCOM server socket start....."); 

       socket = mmServerSocket.accept(); 

       Log.d(TAG, "run: RFCOM server socket accepted connection."); 

      }catch (IOException e){ 
       Log.e(TAG, "AcceptThread: IOException: " + e.getMessage()); 

      //talk about this is in the 3rd 
      if(socket != null){ 

      Log.i(TAG, "END mAcceptThread "); 

     public void cancel() { 
      Log.d(TAG, "cancel: Canceling AcceptThread."); 
      try { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "cancel: Close of AcceptThread ServerSocket failed. " + e.getMessage()); 


    This thread runs while attempting to make an outgoing connection 
    with a device. It runs straight through; the connection either 
    succeeds or fails. 
    private class ConnectThread extends Thread { 
     private BluetoothSocket mmSocket; 

     public ConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device, UUID uuid) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "ConnectThread: started."); 
      mmDevice = device; 
      deviceUUID = uuid; 

     public void run(){ 
      BluetoothSocket tmp = null; 
      Log.i(TAG, "RUN mConnectThread "); 

      // Get a BluetoothSocket for a connection with the 
      // given BluetoothDevice 
      try { 
       Log.d(TAG, "ConnectThread: Trying to create InsecureRfcommSocket using UUID: " 
       tmp = mmDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(deviceUUID); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "ConnectThread: Could not create InsecureRfcommSocket " + e.getMessage()); 

      mmSocket = tmp; 

      // Always cancel discovery because it will slow down a connection 

      // Make a connection to the BluetoothSocket 

      try { 
       // This is a blocking call and will only return on a 
       // successful connection or an exception 

       Log.d(TAG, "run: ConnectThread connected."); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       // Close the socket 
       try { 
        Log.d(TAG, "run: Closed Socket."); 
       } catch (IOException e1) { 
        Log.e(TAG, "mConnectThread: run: Unable to close connection in socket " + e1.getMessage()); 
       Log.d(TAG, "run: ConnectThread: Could not connect to UUID: " + MY_UUID_INSECURE); 

      //will talk about this in the 3rd video 
     public void cancel() { 
      try { 
       Log.d(TAG, "cancel: Closing Client Socket."); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "cancel: close() of mmSocket in Connectthread failed. " + e.getMessage()); 

    Start the chat service. Specifically start AcceptThread to begin a 
    session in listening (server) mode. Called by the Activity onResume() 
    public synchronized void start() { 
     Log.d(TAG, "start"); 

     // Cancel any thread attempting to make a connection 
     if (mConnectThread != null) { 
      mConnectThread = null; 
     if (mInsecureAcceptThread == null) { 
      mInsecureAcceptThread = new AcceptThread(); 

    AcceptThread starts and sits waiting for a connection. 
    Then ConnectThread starts and attempts to make a connection with the other devices AcceptThread. 

    public void startClient(BluetoothDevice device,UUID uuid){ 
     Log.d(TAG, "startClient: Started."); 

     //initprogress dialog 
     mProgressDialog = ProgressDialog.show(mContext,"Connecting Bluetooth" 
       ,"Please Wait...",true); 

     mConnectThread = new ConnectThread(device, uuid); 

    Finally the ConnectedThread which is responsible for maintaining the  BTConnection, Sending the data, and 
    receiving incoming data through input/output streams respectively. 
    private class ConnectedThread extends Thread { 
     private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket; 
     private final InputStream mmInStream; 
     private final OutputStream mmOutStream; 

     public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "ConnectedThread: Starting."); 

      mmSocket = socket; 
      InputStream tmpIn = null; 
      OutputStream tmpOut = null; 

      //dismiss the progressdialog when connection is established 
      }catch (NullPointerException e){ 

      try { 
       tmpIn = mmSocket.getInputStream(); 
       tmpOut = mmSocket.getOutputStream(); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 

      mmInStream = tmpIn; 
      mmOutStream = tmpOut; 

     public void run(){ 
      byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // buffer store for the stream 

      int bytes; // bytes returned from read() 

      // Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs 
      while (true) { 
       // Read from the InputStream 
       try { 
        bytes = mmInStream.read(buffer); 
        String incomingMessage = new String(buffer, 0, bytes); 
        Log.d(TAG, "InputStream: " + incomingMessage); 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        Log.e(TAG, "write: Error reading Input Stream. " + e.getMessage()); 

     //Call this from the main activity to send data to the remote device 
     public void write(byte[] bytes) { 
      String text = new String(bytes, Charset.defaultCharset()); 
      Log.d(TAG, "write: Writing to outputstream: " + text); 
      try { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "write: Error writing to output stream. " + e.getMessage()); 

     /* Call this from the main activity to shutdown the connection */ 
     public void cancel() { 
      try { 
      } catch (IOException e) { } 

    private void connected(BluetoothSocket mmSocket, BluetoothDevice mmDevice) { 
     Log.d(TAG, "connected: Starting."); 

     // Start the thread to manage the connection and perform transmissions 
     mConnectedThread = new ConnectedThread(mmSocket); 

    Write to the ConnectedThread in an unsynchronized manner 
    @param out The bytes to write 
    @see ConnectedThread#write(byte[]) 
    public void write(byte[] out) { 
     // Create temporary object 
     ConnectedThread r; 

     // Synchronize a copy of the ConnectedThread 
     Log.d(TAG, "write: Write Called."); 
     //perform the write 


Das ist mein Haupt Datei:

package com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test; 

import android.Manifest; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; 
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; 
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.content.Intent; 
import android.content.IntentFilter; 
import android.os.Build; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.widget.AdapterView; 
import android.widget.Button; 
import android.widget.EditText; 
import android.widget.ListView; 

import java.nio.charset.Charset; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.UUID; 

public class NappyCheck extends AppCompatActivity implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener { 
    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; 
    public Button button1; 
    Button button2; 

    Button button3; 
    Button button4; 
    Button button5; 

    EditText etSend; 

    BluetoothConnectionService mBluetoothConnection; 
    private static final UUID My_UUID_INSECURE = UUID.fromString("8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66"); 
    BluetoothDevice mBTDevice; 

    public ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> mBTDevices = new ArrayList<>(); 
    public DeviceListAdapter mDeviceListAdapter; 
    ListView lvNewDevices; 

    BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; 

    //1BroadcastReceiver Bluetooth enable/Disable 
    private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver1 = new BroadcastReceiver() { 
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
      String action = intent.getAction(); 
      if (action.equals(mBluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED)) { 
       final int state = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_STATE, mBluetoothAdapter.ERROR); 

       switch (state) { 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF: 
         Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: STATE OFF"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_OFF: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver1: STATE TURNING OFF"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver1: STATE ON"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_ON: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver1: STATE TURNING ON"); 

    //2BroadcastReceiver Bluetooth Sichtbarkeit 
    private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver2 = new BroadcastReceiver() { 
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
      final String action = intent.getAction(); 
      if (action.equals(mBluetoothAdapter.ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED)) { 
       int mode = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_SCAN_MODE, mBluetoothAdapter.ERROR); 

       switch (mode) { 
        case BluetoothAdapter.SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver2: Discoverable Enabled"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver2: Discoverable Disabled. Able to receive connections"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver2: Discoverable Disabled. Not able to receive connections"); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTING: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver2: Connecting..."); 
        case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTED: 
         Log.d(TAG, "mBroadcastReceiver2: Connected."); 

    //3BroadcastReceiver Bluetooth andere Geräte Finden 
    private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver3 = new BroadcastReceiver() { 
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
      final String action = intent.getAction(); 
      Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: ACTION FOUND."); 

      if (action.equals(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND)) { 
       BluetoothDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE); 
       Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: " + device.getName() + ": " + device.getAddress()); 
       mDeviceListAdapter = new DeviceListAdapter(context, R.layout.device_adapter_view, mBTDevices); 

    //4BroadcastReceiver Bluetooth andere Geräte Finden 
    private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver4 = new BroadcastReceiver() { 

     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
      final String action = intent.getAction(); 
      if (action.equals(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED)) { 
       BluetoothDevice mDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE); 
       if (mDevice.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) { 
        Log.d(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver: BOND_BONDED"); 
        mBTDevice = mDevice; 
       if (mDevice.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING) { 
        Log.d(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver: BOND_BONDING"); 
       if (mDevice.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { 
        Log.d(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver: BOND_NONE"); 


    protected void onDestroy() { 
     Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy: called."); 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1); 
     button2 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button2); 
     button3 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button3); 
     button4 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button4); 
     button5 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button5); 
     mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); 
     lvNewDevices = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.lvNewDevices); 
     mBTDevices = new ArrayList<>(); 
     etSend = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText); 

     //Broadcast when bond changes 
     IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED); 
     registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver4, filter); 


     button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(View view) { 

     button4.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(View view) { 

     button5.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(View view) { 
       byte[] bytes = etSend.getText().toString().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); 

    //method for starting connection 
    public void startConnection() { 
     startBTConnection(mBTDevice, My_UUID_INSECURE); 

    public void startBTConnection(BluetoothDevice device, UUID uuid) { 
     Log.d(TAG, "startBTConnection: Initializing RFCOM Bluetooth Connection"); 

     mBluetoothConnection.startClient(device, uuid); 

    public void enableDisableBT() { 
     if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "enableDisableBT: Does not have BT capabilities."); 

     if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "enableDisableBT: enabling BT."); 
      Intent enableBTIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); 

      IntentFilter BTIntent = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED); 
      registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver1, BTIntent); 

     if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "enableDisableBT: disabling BT."); 

      IntentFilter BTIntent = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED); 
      registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver1, BTIntent); 

    public void Sichtbarkeit(View view) { 
     Log.d(TAG, "btnEnableDisable_Discoverable: Sichtbar machen für 300 sek."); 

     Intent discoverableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE); 
     discoverableIntent.putExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION, 300); 

     IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(mBluetoothAdapter.ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED); 
     registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver2, intentFilter); 

    public void btnDiscover(View view) { 
     Log.d(TAG, "btnDiscover: Looking for unpaired devices."); 

     if (mBluetoothAdapter.isDiscovering()) { 
      Log.d(TAG, "btnDiscover: Canceling discovery."); 

      //check BT permissions in manifest 

      IntentFilter discoverDevicesIntent = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND); 
      registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver3, discoverDevicesIntent); 
     if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isDiscovering()) { 

      //check BT permissions in manifest 

      IntentFilter discoverDevicesIntent = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND); 
      registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver3, discoverDevicesIntent); 

    private void checkBTPermissions() { 
      int permissionCheck = this.checkSelfPermission("Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"); 
      permissionCheck += this.checkSelfPermission("Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"); 
      if (permissionCheck != 0) { 

       this.requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION}, 1001); //Any number 
     } else { 
      Log.d(TAG, "checkBTPermissions: No need to check permissions. SDK version < LOLLIPOP."); 

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int i, long l) { 

     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: you Clicked on a Device"); 
     String deviceName = mBTDevices.get(i).getName(); 
     String deviceAdress = mBTDevices.get(i).getAddress(); 

     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: deviceName = " + deviceName); 
     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: deviceAdress = " + deviceAdress); 

     //create Bond 
      Log.d(TAG, "Trying to Pair with " + deviceName); 

      mBTDevice = mBTDevices.get(i); 
      mBluetoothConnection = new BluetoothConnectionService(this); 


Und das ist die Log-Datei, nachdem ich die Verbindungstaste drücken:

01-09 18:55:28.925 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: btnDiscover: Looking for unpaired devices. 
01-09 18:55:28.949 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: checkBTPermissions: No need to check permissions. SDK version < LOLLIPOP. 
01-09 18:55:29.110 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: ACTION FOUND. 
01-09 18:55:29.120 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: [TV]Samsung LED40: 5C:F6:DC:53:3B:85 
01-09 18:55:29.423 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: ACTION FOUND. 
01-09 18:55:29.426 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: [HTS]H5500: BC:14:85:58:2E:13 
01-09 18:55:30.398 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: ACTION FOUND. 
01-09 18:55:30.402 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onReceive: LUKASSPC: 34:DE:1A:52:2D:8E 
01-09 18:55:34.626 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onItemClick: you Clicked on a Device 
01-09 18:55:34.634 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onItemClick: deviceName = LUKASSPC 
01-09 18:55:34.635 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: onItemClick: deviceAdress = 34:DE:1A:52:2D:8E 
01-09 18:55:34.635 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: Trying to Pair with LUKASSPC 
01-09 18:55:34.649 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: start 
01-09 18:55:34.663 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test W/BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback 
01-09 18:55:34.668 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: AcceptThread: Setting up Server using: 8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66 
01-09 18:55:34.670 2482-2770/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: run: AcceptThread Running. 
01-09 18:55:34.670 2482-2770/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: run: RFCOM server socket start..... 
01-09 18:55:38.704 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/MainActivity: startBTConnection: Initializing RFCOM Bluetooth Connection 
01-09 18:55:38.704 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: startClient: Started. 
01-09 18:55:38.799 2482-2482/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: ConnectThread: started. 
01-09 18:55:38.802 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test I/BluetoothConnectionServ: RUN mConnectThread 
01-09 18:55:38.802 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: ConnectThread: Trying to create InsecureRfcommSocket using UUID: 8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66 
01-09 18:55:38.811 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test W/BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback 
01-09 18:55:38.843 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: run: Closed Socket. 
01-09 18:55:38.844 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: run: ConnectThread: Could not connect to UUID: 8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66 
01-09 18:55:38.844 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: connected: Starting. 
01-09 18:55:38.850 2482-2832/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test D/BluetoothConnectionServ: ConnectedThread: Starting. 
01-09 18:55:38.853 2482-2833/com.example.lukas.nappycheck_test E/BluetoothConnectionServ: write: Error reading Input Stream. socket closed 

Mein Problem ist, dass es nicht in der Lage ist, die UUID zu verwenden, aber es ist nicht nur diese UUID. Ich habe es auch mit einer anderen UUID versucht.

Ich bin auch wegen dieses Problems

zu jedem Bluetooth-Gerät verbinden nicht in der Lage



eine globale Variable erstellen, die die UUID für das Gerät erhalten die UUID

ParcelUuid[] mDeviceUUIDs; 

hält Sie

gewählt haben
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int i, long l) { 

     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: you Clicked on a Device"); 
     String deviceName = mBTDevices.get(i).getName(); 
     String deviceAdress = mBTDevices.get(i).getAddress(); 

     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: deviceName = " + deviceName); 
     Log.d(TAG, "onItemClick: deviceAdress = " + deviceAdress); 

     //create Bond 
      Log.d(TAG, "Trying to Pair with " + deviceName); 

      mBTDevice = mBTDevices.get(i); 

      mDeviceUUIDs = mBTDevice.getUuids(); 

      mBluetoothConnection = new BluetoothConnectionService(this); 

nun die UUID auf die Connection senden

public void startConnection() { 
     startBTConnection(mBTDevice, mDeviceUUIDs); 

Innerhalb yourBluetoothConnectionService Klasse müssen Sie ein paar Dinge ändern: zuerst die Methode ‚Startclient‘ ändern ParcelUuid [] UUID anstelle eines einzigen UUID

public void startClient(BluetoothDevice device,ParcelUuid[] uuids){ 
     Log.d(TAG, "startClient: Started."); 

     //initprogress dialog 
     mProgressDialog = ProgressDialog.show(mContext,"Connecting Bluetooth" 
       ,"Please Wait...",true); 

     mConnectThread = new ConnectThread(device, uuids); 

Sie werden nun ändern, müssen zu akzeptieren, ConnectThread zu Akzeptieren Sie die ParcelUuid [] anstelle einer einzelnen UUID. Dann müssen Sie eine Schleife schreiben, um durch jede der UUIDs zu iterieren, bis eine Verbindung hergestellt wird. Ich werde diesen Teil verlassen Sie

:) - >> Alternativ können Sie auch nur die UUID aus dem Haupt-Datei erhalten, so dass sie in das Protokoll drucken, dann nur versuchen, jeden eine manuell bis eine Verbindung hergestellt wird. IE: Ändern Sie die 'My_UUID_INSECURE' in Ihrer Hauptdatei zu jedem der UUIDs aus dem Protokoll, bis es funktioniert.

Hoffe, das hilft und goodluck :)