2017-07-25 3 views

Mein Bildformat ist "YUV422_8_UYVY", die AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422 Format gepackt, ich bin versucht es in Planar "AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P" zu konvertieren, aber nicht in der Lage erfolgreich zu sein noch, unten, ist der Code, an dem ich arbeite.Packet (AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422) zu Planar (AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P) Formatkonvertierung

Fehlermeldung: [swscaler @ 004b3fa0] deprecetd Pixelformat verwendet, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie festgelegt haben Range richtig

sich ergebende Bild (Datei) mit 0 k Größe

was wäre der letztes Argument von av_image_alloc() zur Umwandlung wie 16,32 etc

mein Ziel Paket yuv Bild in planaren YUV-Format

static AVCodecContext  *pCodecCtx; 
    static AVFormatContext  *pFormatCtx; 
    static AVCodec    *pCodec; 
    static AVOutputFormat*  fmt; 
    static AVFrame    *RawPic; 
    static AVFrame    *ScalePic; 
    static AVPacket   pkt; 
    static AVStream*   video_st; 
    static FILE    *file; 
    static struct SwsContext *sws_ctx; 

enum AVPixelFormat  src_pix_fmt  = AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422; 
enum AVPixelFormat  dst_pix_fmt  = AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P; 

int main() { 

     FILE *in_file   = NULL;    //packed Source 
     FILE *out_file   = NULL;    //planar output 
     int  in_width  = 2448;    //YUV's width 
     int  in_height  = 2050;    //YUV's heigh 

     int  out_width  = 2448;    //YUV's width 
     int  out_height  = 2050;    //YUV's heigh 

     unsigned long int  ret; 

     in_file = fopen("c:\\yuv422_8_uyvy.yuv","rb");  //Source Input File 
     if(in_file == NULL) { printf("\n\tinput File Opening error...!!"); exit(1); } 

     out_file = fopen("d:\\test_Planar.yuv", "wb");    //Source Input File 
     if(out_file == NULL) { printf("\n\toutput File Opening error...!!"); exit(1); } 
     else     { printf("\n\tOutput File Created...!!"); } 

//------Loads the whole database of available codecs and formats------ 
     printf("\t\n\tCodac database Loaded...\n"); 

//------Contex Variable assignment-------------------------------- 
     pFormatCtx    = avformat_alloc_context();  
     fmt      = NULL; 
     fmt      = av_guess_format("mjpeg",NULL,NULL); 
     pFormatCtx->oformat  = fmt; 

     video_st = avformat_new_stream(pFormatCtx, 0); if (video_st==NULL) return -1; 

     pCodecCtx    = video_st->codec; 
     pCodecCtx->codec_id  = fmt->video_codec; 
     pCodecCtx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; 
     pCodecCtx->pix_fmt  = src_pix_fmt; 
     printf("\t\n\tContex Variable assigned...\n"); 

//------Allocate Source Image Buffer-------------------------------- 
     AVFrame *RawPic = av_frame_alloc(); 
     if(!RawPic) { printf("\nCould not allocate Raw Image frame\n"); exit(1);} 
     RawPic->format = pCodecCtx->pix_fmt; 
     RawPic->width = in_width; 
     RawPic->height = in_height;  
     ret = av_image_alloc(RawPic->data,RawPic->linesize,in_width,in_height,src_pix_fmt, 16); 
     if(ret < 0) { printf("\nCould not allocate raw picture buffer\n"); exit(1);} 
     printf("\n\tAllocate Source Image Buffer"); 

//------Allocate Desitnation Image Buffer------------------- 
     AVFrame *ScalePic = av_frame_alloc(); 
     if(!ScalePic) { printf("\nCould not allocate Scale Image frame\n"); exit(1);}  
     ScalePic->format = pCodecCtx->pix_fmt; 
     ScalePic->width  = out_width; 
     ScalePic->height = out_height;  
     ret = av_image_alloc(ScalePic->data,ScalePic->linesize,out_width,out_height,dst_pix_fmt, 32); 
     if(ret < 0) { printf("\nCould not allocate Scale picture buffer\n"); exit(1);} 
     dst_bufsize = ret; 
     printf("\n\tAllocate Destination Image Buffer"); 

//------Create scaling context------------------------------sws_getContex 
     printf("\t\n\tCreating Scaling context..[sws_getContext]\n"); 

     sws_ctx = sws_getContext(in_width,  in_height,  src_pix_fmt, 
            out_width,  out_height,  dst_pix_fmt, 
            SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
     if(!sws_ctx) { printf("\nContext Error..\n"); } 
     printf("\t\n\tScaling context...Created\n"); 

//------Create scaling context---OR CONVERTED TO DESTINATION FORMAT--  
     sws_scale(sws_ctx, RawPic->data, RawPic->linesize, 0, in_height, ScalePic->data, ScalePic->linesize);  
     printf("\t\n\tCreating Scaling context...sws_scale...done\n"); 

     int num_bytes = avpicture_get_size(src_pix_fmt,in_width,in_height); 
     uint8_t* ScalePic_Buffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(num_bytes*sizeof(int8_t));  

//-----Write Scale Image to outputfile---------------------------- 

//---Release all memory and close file---------------------------------- 





Es gibt Haufen Fehler konvertieren Sie in Ihrem Codes gemacht. Ich kann Ihnen ein paar Hinweise geben, aber Sie sollten versuchen, alles zu erledigen, damit es endlich funktioniert.

  1. dst_bufsize = ret; sollte, sonst entfernt werden dst_bufsize 0. immer
  2. Der erste Parameter von fwrite sollte statt ScalePic->data so etwas wie ScalePic->data[0] sein wird.
  3. Sie rufen nie fread auf in_file, das bedeutet, dass Sie nie in der Quelldatei lesen.
  4. Verwenden Sie nicht avpicture_fill gegen ScalePic, es überschreibt den Inhalt in ScalePic.

Für Ihre Fragen:

  1. Der letzte Parameter von av_image_alloc ist align - der Wert für Puffergröße Ausrichtung zu verwenden.
  2. [swscaler @ 004b3fa0] deprecetd pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly Dies ist keine Fehlermeldung, sondern eine Warnung, die den Konvertierungsfehler nicht verursacht hat.

warum wir Größe Ausrichtung Puffer benötigen? und wenn erforderlich wie diesen Wert zu bestimmen, wie ich AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422 in AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P oder ein anderes Format konvertieren möchten, was wird dieser Wert sein? und was dieses zweite Argument linesize? – user3743908


Ich habe folgende Änderungen vorgenommen und beginne Bild 1 zu erhalten> Lies die Bilddatei und lege sie in RawPic-> Daten [0], 2> dst_buffer = ret bleibe intakt, aber vorher führe sws_scale aus damit das Bild (konvertierte Bilddaten) geladen wird In ScalePic-> data [0], 3> weisen Sie auch Bildpuffer für ein Bild ähnlich wie bei ScalePic zu und laden in_file in diesen Puffer. NOCH NICHT WISSEN über das letzte Argument BUFFER SIZE ALIGNMENT – user3743908


https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35678041/what-islinesize-alignment-meaning – cycycyc


ich bin erfolgreich Lage

YUV verpackt Bild in Planar-Format unter-Code zu konvertieren
FILE *in_file = NULL; //fopen("myHexFile.yuv","rb"); input PACKED 
FILE *out_file = NULL; //Output File Planar format 

int in_width  = 2448;    //YUV's width 
int in_height  = 2050;    //YUV's heigh 
int out_width  = 2448;    //YUV's width 
int out_height  = 2050;    //YUV's heigh 

int  in_linesize[4]; 
int  out_linesize[4]; 
uint8_t  *in_data[4], *out_data[4]; 

unsigned long int  out_bufsize,in_bufsize; 

in_file = fopen("myHexFile.yuv","rb"); //This is YUV422-UYVY Input packed image 

if(in_file == NULL) 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"Input File Opening error...!"); 

out_file = fopen("d:\\myHexFile_Planar.yuv", "wb");  //Source Input File 
if(out_file == NULL) 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"toutput File Opening error...!!"); 

else { this->Print2TextBox1(L"Output File Created...!!\n"); }  

//-Loads the whole database of available codecs and formats------- 
    this->Print2TextBox1(L"Codac database Loaded...\n"); 

//---Create scaling context------------------------sws_getContex 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"Creating Scaling context..\n"); 

sws_ctx = sws_getContext(in_width, in_height, src_pix_fmt, 

if(!sws_ctx) { this->Print2TextBox1(L"Context Error..\n"); } 

    //--Allocate Source Image Buffer-------------------------- 
    this->Print2TextBox1(L"Allocate Source Image Buffer...\n"); 
AVFrame *RawPic = av_frame_alloc(); 
    this->Print2TextBox1(L"Could not allocate Raw Image frame\n"); 

RawPic->format = src_pix_fmt; 
RawPic->width = in_width; 
RawPic->height = in_height; 

int num_bytes1 = avpicture_get_size(src_pix_fmt,in_width,in_height); 
uint8_t* RawPic_Buffer = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(num_bytes1*sizeof(int8_t)); 
ret =av_image_alloc(RawPic->data,in_linesize,in_width,in_height,src_pix_fmt, 1); 

if(ret < 0) 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"Could not allocate raw picture buffer\n"); 

in_bufsize = ret; 
//------Reading Input Image and Store in RawPic->Data Pointer--- 

//----Allocate Desitnation Image Buffer------------------- 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"Allocate Destination Image Buffer...\n"); 

AVFrame *ScalePic = av_frame_alloc(); 

this->Print2TextBox1(L"Could not allocate Scale Image frame\n");  

ScalePic->format = dst_pix_fmt;//pCodecCtx->pix_fmt; 
ScalePic->width  = out_width; 
ScalePic->height = out_height;  
int num_bytes2 = avpicture_get_size(dst_pix_fmt,out_width,out_height); 
uint8_t* ScalePic_Buffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(num_bytes2*sizeof(int8_t)); 

ret = av_image_alloc(ScalePic->data,out_linesize,out_width,out_height,dst_pix_fmt, 1); //16 

if(ret < 0) { this->Print2TextBox1(L"Could not allocate Scale picture buffer\n"); exit(1);} 
out_bufsize = ret; 

//-Create scaling context-OR CONVERTED TO DESTINATION FORMAT-----sws_scale 
this->Print2TextBox1(L"Creating Scaling context...sws_scale\n"); 

sws_scale(sws_ctx, RawPic->data, in_linesize, 0, ScalePic->height, ScalePic->data, out_linesize); 

//-----Write Scale Image to outputfile- 

    this->Print2TextBox1(L"Write Scale Image to outputfile..\n"); 

//---Release all memory and close file-- 

