2017-12-20 3 views

Ich habe zwei datagridview, in denen ich Daten manuell hinzufügen. Erstens ist es für Vermögenswerte und zweitens für die Haftung. Ist es möglich, dies in einem einzigen datagridview in einem vertikalen Format hinzuzufügen. Ich kann sie nur nacheinander arrangieren. Ich brauche eine Grenze zwischen ihnen in der einzelnen datagridview. Zunächst ist es möglich? Mein Code istDatagridview in zwei Teile teilen


` private void btnshow_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)

     int a = 0, b = 0; 
     decimal opstk = 0, clstk = 0,val=0; 
     string dateas = dtpdate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 

     string qry = "select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from (select master_id, head_id, head_name, current_balance from heads where master_id='A' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='"+dateas+"' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id order by head_id"; 
     DataTable dt = obj.table(qry); 
     a = dt.Rows.Count; 
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = dt.Rows[i]["head_id"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = dt.Rows[i]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = dt.Rows[i]["op"]; 

     string qry2 = "select 'Total' as head_name,sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='A' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='"+dateas+"' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
     //string qry2 = "select 'Total' as head_name, sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id,head_name from heads where master_id='A'and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number= l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
     DataTable dt2 = obj.table(qry2); 
     dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[0].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
     dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[3].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["op"]; 
     string qry1 = "select x.head_id, head_name, coalesce(op,0) as op from (select master_id, head_id, head_name, current_balance from heads where master_id='B' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id order by head_id"; 
     DataTable dt1 = obj.table(qry1); 
     b = dt1.Rows.Count; 
     for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) 
      dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = dt1.Rows[i]["head_id"]; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = dt1.Rows[i]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dt1.Rows[i]["op"]) * -1; 
     string qry3 = "select 'Total' as head_name, sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='B' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
     DataTable dt3 = obj.table(qry3); 
     dataGridView2.Rows[b].Cells[0].Value = dt3.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
     dataGridView2.Rows[b].Cells[3].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dt3.Rows[0]["op"]) * -1; 

     string qry4 = "select 'Closing Stock' as head_name, sum(stock) as op from (select sum(costbase*current_stock) as stock from itemstock ik,items i where i.item_id=ik.item_id union select sum(debit-credit) as stock from view_total_trans where transdate >='"+dateas+"') as x"; 
     DataTable dt4 = obj.table(qry4); 
     dataGridView1.Rows[a + 1].Cells[0].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
     dataGridView1.Rows[a + 1].Cells[3].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["op"]; 

     opstk =Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[3].Value) + Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a+1].Cells[3].Value); 
     clstk = Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView2.Rows[b].Cells[3].Value); 
     val = opstk - clstk; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].Cells[0].Value = "Net Loss"; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].Cells[3].Value = val; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 

      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 2].Cells[3].Value = clstk + val; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 2].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 2].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[3].Value = opstk; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[0].Value = "Net Profit"; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[3].Value = val * -1; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 

      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].Cells[3].Value = clstk; 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
      dataGridView2.Rows[b + 1].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].Cells[3].Value = opstk+Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a+2].Cells[3].Value); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00##"; 

eine Grenze - so meinst du eine Linie? Verwenden Sie Windows Forms oder WPF? – Raizzen



ich eine Spalte als Barriere verwendet, um zwischen durch seine Breite auf Minimum und es ist Hintergrundfarbe zu unterstützen . Der Code ist wie folgt

private void btnshow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     int a = 0, b = 0; 
     decimal opstk = 0, clstk = 0,val=0; 
     string dateas = dtpdate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 
     string qry = "select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from (select master_id, head_id, head_name, current_balance from heads where master_id='A' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id order by head_id"; 
     DataTable dt = obj.table(qry); 
     a = dt.Rows.Count; 
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = dt.Rows[i]["head_id"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = dt.Rows[i]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = dt.Rows[i]["op"]; 
     string qry1 = "select x.head_id, head_name, coalesce(op,0) as op from (select master_id, head_id, head_name, current_balance from heads where master_id='B' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id order by head_id"; 
     DataTable dt1 = obj.table(qry1); 
     b = dt1.Rows.Count; 
     for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = dt1.Rows[i]["head_id"];// 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value = dt1.Rows[i]["head_name"];// 
      dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[7].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dt1.Rows[i]["op"]) * -1;// 
     if (a > b) 
      string qry2 = "select 'Total' as head_name,sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='A' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
      DataTable dt2 = obj.table(qry2); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[0].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[3].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["op"]; 
      string qry3 = "select 'Total' as head_name, sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='B' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
      DataTable dt3 = obj.table(qry3); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[5].Value = dt3.Rows[0]["head_name"];// 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[8].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dt3.Rows[0]["op"]) * -1;// 
      string qry4 = "select 'Closing Stock' as head_name, sum(stock) as op from (select sum(costbase*current_stock) as stock from itemstock ik,items i where i.item_id=ik.item_id union select sum(debit-credit) as stock from view_total_trans where transdate >='" + dateas + "') as x"; 
      DataTable dt4 = obj.table(qry4); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 1].Cells[0].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[a + 1].Cells[3].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["op"]; 
      opstk = Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[3].Value) + Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a + 1].Cells[3].Value); 
      MessageBox.Show("opstk " + opstk); 
      clstk = Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a].Cells[8].Value); 
      MessageBox.Show("clstk " + clstk); 
      val = opstk - clstk; 
      if (val > 0) 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[5].Value = "Net Loss";// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[8].Value = val;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].Cells[8].Value = clstk + val;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold);// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].Cells[3].Value = opstk; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[0].Value = "Net Profit"; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[3].Value = val * -1; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].Cells[8].Value = clstk;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].Cells[3].Value = opstk + Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[3].Value); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[a + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 


      string qry2 = "select 'Total' as head_name,sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='A' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
      DataTable dt2 = obj.table(qry2); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[0].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[3].Value = dt2.Rows[0]["op"]; 
      string qry3 = "select 'Total' as head_name, sum(op) as op from(select x.head_id, head_name,coalesce(op,0) as op from(select head_id, head_name,current_balance from heads where master_id='B' and not is_group order by head_id) as x left join (select head_id, sum(debit_amount-credit_amount) as op from ledger_detail ld, ledger l where ld.ledger_number=l.ledger_number and ledger_date<='" + dateas + "' group by head_id) as y on x.head_id=y.head_id) as z"; 
      DataTable dt3 = obj.table(qry3); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[5].Value = dt3.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[8].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dt3.Rows[0]["op"]) * -1;// 
      string qry4 = "select 'Closing Stock' as head_name, sum(stock) as op from (select sum(costbase*current_stock) as stock from itemstock ik,items i where i.item_id=ik.item_id union select sum(debit-credit) as stock from view_total_trans where transdate >='" + dateas + "') as x"; 
      DataTable dt4 = obj.table(qry4); 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b + 1].Cells[0].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["head_name"]; 
      dataGridView1.Rows[b + 1].Cells[3].Value = dt4.Rows[0]["op"]; 
      opstk = Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[3].Value) + Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[b + 1].Cells[3].Value); 
      clstk = Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[b].Cells[8].Value); 
      val = opstk - clstk; 
      if (val > 0) 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 2].Cells[5].Value = "Net Loss";// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 2].Cells[8].Value = val;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].Cells[8].Value = clstk + val;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold);// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].Cells[3].Value = opstk; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 2].Cells[0].Value = "Net Profit"; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 2].Cells[3].Value = val * -1; 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].Cells[8].Value = clstk;// 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].Cells[3].Value = opstk + Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[a + 2].Cells[3].Value); 
       dataGridView1.Rows[b + 3].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); 

     for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) 
      if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value == null && dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value == null && dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value == null) 

ich die Spalten nur manuell hinzufügen, die ich brauchte.