2016-07-27 9 views

Ich mache ein Spiel und das Spiel braucht ein Paddel, das einen Ball reflektiert, aber als ich den Code schrieb, um festzustellen, ob der Ball das Paddel schlägt, spiegelte das Paddel nicht den Ball, Kann mir jemand helfen?Paddel reflektiert keinen Ball


<!DOCTYPE html> 


    <title>First Game - Section 1 to 2</title> 



     <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600" style="background-color: #000"></canvas> 

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="main.JS"></script> 




var canvas; //canvas 
var ctx; //context 

var ballX; //balls x pos 
var ballY; //balls y pos 
var ballSpeedX; //balls speed in x direction 
var ballSpeedY; //balls speed in Y direction 

var paddleX; //paddles x pos 
var paddleY; //paddles y pos 
const PADDLE_WIDTH = 100; //paddles width 
const PADDLE_HEIGHT = 10; //paddles height 

const BRICK_WIDTH = 100; //width of bricks 
const BRICK_HEIGHT = 50; //height of bricks 
var brickGride = []; 

var mouseX = 0; 
var mouseY = 0; 


$("document").ready(function() { 

    //set values to variables 
    canvas = $("#canvas")[0]; //call canvas 
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); //get context 

    ballX = 200; 
    ballY = 100; 
    ballSpeedX = 3; 
    ballSpeedY = 3; 

    paddleX = canvas.width/2 - PADDLE_WIDTH/2; //center paddle 
    paddleY = canvas.height - 40; // 560 (40px from bottom of canvas); 

    var fps = 120; //set fps 

    setInterval(function() { 

     draw(); //draw objects 
     animate(); //animte objects 
     collision(); //detect collision 

     $(canvas).bind("mousemove", paddleControl); //move paddle 

    }, 1000/fps); 



function draw() { 

    //clear canvas 
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 

    drawBall(ballX, ballY, 10, "white"); //call function that draws ball 

    drawPaddle(paddleX, paddleY, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT, "white"); //call function that draws paddle 


function animate() { 

    //animate ball 
    ballX += ballSpeedX; 
    ballY += ballSpeedY; 


function collision() { 

    //check if ball hits wall 

    //x walls 
    if (ballX >= canvas.width) { //right 

     ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX; 

    if (ballX <= 0) { //left 

     ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX; 


    //y walls 
    if (ballY <= 0) { //top 

     ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY; 

    if (ballY >= canvas.height) { //bottom 



    //Detect if ball hits paddle 

    //get paddles top, bottom, right, and left sides 
    var paddleTop = paddleY; //top 
    var paddleBottom = paddleTop + PADDLE_HEIGHT; //bottom 
    var paddleRight = paddleLeft + PADDLE_WIDTH; //right 
    var paddleLeft = paddleX; //left 

    if (ballY > paddleTop && // below the top of paddle 
     ballY < paddleBottom && // above bottom of paddle 
     ballX > paddleLeft && // right of the left side of paddle 
     ballX < paddleRight) { // left of the left side of paddle 

     ballSpeedY *= -1; 

     var paddleCenter = paddleX + PADDLE_WIDTH/2; //center of paddle 
     var ballToPaddle = ballX - paddleCenter; //distance from the ball to the center of paddle 
     ballSpeedX = ballToPaddle * 0.35; //ball control 

function paddleControl(e) { 
    //get mouse pos 
    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); 
    var root = document.documentElement; 

    mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left - root.scrollLeft; 
    mouseY = e.clientY - rect.top - root.scrollTop; 

    paddleX = mouseX; 


function ballReset() { 

    ballX = canvas.width/2 - 5; 
    ballY = canvas.height/2 - 5; 



function drawBall(x, y, r, color) { 

    ctx.fillStyle = color; 
    ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2); 


function drawPaddle(x, y, w, h, color) { 

    ctx.fillStyle = color; 
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); 


bieten den kürzesten Code, der Fehler reproduziert – madalinivascu



Ihr Problem der Tippfehler in dieser Linie in collision ist:

var paddleRight = paddleLeft + PADDLE_WIDTH; //right 

Dies sollte lauten:

var paddleRight = paddleX + PADDLE_WIDTH; //right 

Ich glaube, paddleLeft ist eigentlich undefined, wenn die Ausführung diese Linie erreicht.

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