2016-11-20 3 views

Ich to type the redux store wie diese versuchen: const s:Store<S,A>=createStore (todoApp) aber ich bekommeTypisierung redux Speicher mit flowtype und Fluss typisierte

identifier Store ... Could not resolve name Strömungs Fehler

eine Ahnung, wie dieses Problem beheben?

ich diese Strömung getippt Erklärungen bin mit:

// flow-typed signature: ba132c96664f1a05288f3eb2272a3c35 
// flow-typed version: c4bbd91cfc/redux_v3.x.x/flow_>=v0.33.x 

declare module 'redux' { 


    S = State 
    A = Action 


    declare type Dispatch<A: { type: $Subtype<string> }> = (action: A) => A; 

    declare type MiddlewareAPI<S, A> = { 
    dispatch: Dispatch<A>; 
    getState(): S; 

    declare type Store<S, A> = { 
    // rewrite MiddlewareAPI members in order to get nicer error messages (intersections produce long messages) 
    dispatch: Dispatch<A>; 
    getState(): S; 
    subscribe(listener:() => void):() => void; 
    replaceReducer(nextReducer: Reducer<S, A>): void 

    declare type Reducer<S, A> = (state: S, action: A) => S; 

    declare type Middleware<S, A> = 
    (api: MiddlewareAPI<S, A>) => 
     (next: Dispatch<A>) => Dispatch<A>; 

    declare type StoreCreator<S, A> = { 
    (reducer: Reducer<S, A>, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 
    (reducer: Reducer<S, A>, preloadedState: S, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 

    declare type StoreEnhancer<S, A> = (next: StoreCreator<S, A>) => StoreCreator<S, A>; 

    declare function createStore<S, A>(reducer: Reducer<S, A>, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 
    declare function createStore<S, A>(reducer: Reducer<S, A>, preloadedState: S, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 

    declare function applyMiddleware<S, A>(...middlewares: Array<Middleware<S, A>>): StoreEnhancer<S, A>; 

    declare type ActionCreator<A, B> = (...args: Array<B>) => A; 
    declare type ActionCreators<K, A> = { [key: K]: ActionCreator<A, any> }; 

    declare function bindActionCreators<A, C: ActionCreator<A, any>>(actionCreator: C, dispatch: Dispatch<A>): C; 
    declare function bindActionCreators<A, K, C: ActionCreators<K, A>>(actionCreators: C, dispatch: Dispatch<A>): C; 

    declare function combineReducers<O: Object, A>(reducers: O): Reducer<$ObjMap<O, <S>(r: Reducer<S, any>) => S>, A>; 

    declare function compose<S, A>(...fns: Array<StoreEnhancer<S, A>>): Function; 




Sie müssen den Typ Store vom redux Modul importieren. Beispiel:

import { createStore } from 'redux'; 
import type { Store } from 'redux'; 

// ... 

const s: Store<S, A> = createStore(todoApp) 

Weitere Informationen Sie in die documentation for importing/exporting types from modules verweisen.

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