2017-11-07 5 views

Ich versuche Tastatur- und Mausklicks im Kernelraum zu simulieren, damit sie in anderen Anwendungen nicht blockiert werden können (im Gegensatz zur User Space Simulation).Mausklicks im Kernelraum simulieren

Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, fand ich this Bibliothek, die ein C# -Wrapper für this Projekt ist. Wie ich verstanden habe, installiert es einen Treiber, um Hardwaregeräte wie Maus und Tastatur zu kommunizieren. Im Gegensatz zu der Tastatur-Simulation, die einwandfrei funktioniert, kann ich jedoch keine Maussimulation durchführen:

Keine rechten oder linken Klicks, nur Mausbewegung funktioniert.

Dies ist der Treiber-Wrapper-Code:

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text; 

namespace Interceptor 
    public delegate int Predicate(int device); 

    public enum KeyState : ushort 
     Down = 0x00, 
     Up = 0x01, 
     E0 = 0x02, 
     E1 = 0x04, 
     TermsrvSetLED = 0x08, 
     TermsrvShadow = 0x10, 
     TermsrvVKPacket = 0x20 

    public enum KeyboardFilterMode : ushort 
     None = 0x0000, 
     All = 0xFFFF, 
     KeyDown = KeyState.Up, 
     KeyUp = KeyState.Up << 1, 
     KeyE0 = KeyState.E0 << 1, 
     KeyE1 = KeyState.E1 << 1, 
     KeyTermsrvSetLED = KeyState.TermsrvSetLED << 1, 
     KeyTermsrvShadow = KeyState.TermsrvShadow << 1, 
     KeyTermsrvVKPacket = KeyState.TermsrvVKPacket << 1 

    public enum MouseState : ushort 
     LeftDown = 0x01, 
     LeftUp = 0x02, 
     RightDown = 0x04, 
     RightUp = 0x08, 
     MiddleDown = 0x10, 
     MiddleUp = 0x20, 
     LeftExtraDown = 0x40, 
     LeftExtraUp = 0x80, 
     RightExtraDown = 0x100, 
     RightExtraUp = 0x200, 
     ScrollVertical = 0x400, 
     ScrollUp = 0x400, 
     ScrollDown = 0x400, 
     ScrollHorizontal = 0x800, 
     ScrollLeft = 0x800, 
     ScrollRight = 0x800, 

    public enum MouseFilterMode : ushort 
     None = 0x0000, 
     All = 0xFFFF, 
     LeftDown = 0x01, 
     LeftUp = 0x02, 
     RightDown = 0x04, 
     RightUp = 0x08, 
     MiddleDown = 0x10, 
     MiddleUp = 0x20, 
     LeftExtraDown = 0x40, 
     LeftExtraUp = 0x80, 
     RightExtraDown = 0x100, 
     RightExtraUp = 0x200, 
     MouseWheelVertical = 0x400, 
     MouseWheelHorizontal = 0x800, 
     MouseMove = 0x1000, 

    public enum MouseFlags : ushort 
     MoveRelative = 0x000, 
     MoveAbsolute = 0x001, 
     VirtualDesktop = 0x002, 
     AttributesChanged = 0x004, 
     MoveWithoutCoalescing = 0x008, 
     TerminalServicesSourceShadow = 0x100 

    public struct MouseStroke 
     public MouseState State; 
     public MouseFlags Flags; 
     public Int16 Rolling; 
     public Int32 X; 
     public Int32 Y; 
     public UInt16 Information; 

    public struct KeyStroke 
     public Keys Code; 
     public KeyState State; 
     public UInt32 Information; 

    public struct Stroke 
     [FieldOffset(0)] public MouseStroke Mouse; 

     [FieldOffset(0)] public KeyStroke Key; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// The .NET wrapper class around the C++ library interception.dll. 
    /// </summary> 
    public static class InterceptionDriver 
     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_create_context", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern IntPtr CreateContext(); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_destroy_context", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern void DestroyContext(IntPtr context); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_get_precedence", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern void GetPrecedence(IntPtr context, Int32 device); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_set_precedence", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern void SetPrecedence(IntPtr context, Int32 device, Int32 Precedence); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_get_filter", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern void GetFilter(IntPtr context, Int32 device); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_set_filter", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern void SetFilter(IntPtr context, Predicate predicate, Int32 keyboardFilterMode); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_wait", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 Wait(IntPtr context); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_wait_with_timeout", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 WaitWithTimeout(IntPtr context, UInt64 milliseconds); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_send", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 Send(IntPtr context, Int32 device, ref Stroke stroke, UInt32 numStrokes); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_receive", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 Receive(IntPtr context, Int32 device, ref Stroke stroke, UInt32 numStrokes); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_get_hardware_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 GetHardwareId(IntPtr context, Int32 device, String hardwareIdentifier, UInt32 sizeOfString); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_is_invalid", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 IsInvalid(Int32 device); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_is_keyboard", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 IsKeyboard(Int32 device); 

     [DllImport("interception.dll", EntryPoint = "interception_is_mouse", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     public static extern Int32 IsMouse(Int32 device); 

Dies ist die Eingangsklasse API für die Simulation:

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 

namespace Interceptor 
    public class Input 
     private IntPtr context; 
     private Thread callbackThread; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Determines whether the driver traps no keyboard events, all events, or a range of events in-between (down only, up only...etc). Set this before loading otherwise the driver will not filter any events and no keypresses can be sent. 
     /// </summary> 
     public KeyboardFilterMode KeyboardFilterMode { get; set; } 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Determines whether the driver traps no events, all events, or a range of events in-between. Set this before loading otherwise the driver will not filter any events and no mouse clicks can be sent. 
     /// </summary> 
     public MouseFilterMode MouseFilterMode { get; set; } 

     public bool IsLoaded { get; set; } 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after each key stroke down and up. Pressing a key requires both a key stroke down and up. A delay of 0 (inadvisable) may result in no keys being apparently pressed. A delay of 20 - 40 milliseconds makes the key presses visible. 
     /// </summary> 
     public int KeyPressDelay { get; set; } 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after each mouse event down and up. 'Clicking' the cursor (whether left or right) requires both a mouse event down and up. A delay of 0 (inadvisable) may result in no apparent click. A delay of 20 - 40 milliseconds makes the clicks apparent. 
     /// </summary> 
     public int ClickDelay { get; set; } 

     public int ScrollDelay { get; set; } 

     public event EventHandler<KeyPressedEventArgs> OnKeyPressed; 
     public event EventHandler<MousePressedEventArgs> OnMousePressed; 

     private int deviceId; /* Very important; which device the driver sends events to */ 

     public Input() 
      context = IntPtr.Zero; 

      KeyboardFilterMode = KeyboardFilterMode.None; 
      MouseFilterMode = MouseFilterMode.None; 

      KeyPressDelay = 1; 
      ClickDelay = 1; 
      ScrollDelay = 15; 

     * Attempts to load the driver. You may get an error if the C++ library 'interception.dll' is not in the same folder as the executable and other DLLs. MouseFilterMode and KeyboardFilterMode must be set before Load() is called. Calling Load() twice has no effect if already loaded. 
     public bool Load() 
      if (IsLoaded) return false; 

      context = InterceptionDriver.CreateContext(); 

      if (context != IntPtr.Zero) 
       callbackThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DriverCallback)); 
       callbackThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; 
       callbackThread.IsBackground = true; 

       IsLoaded = true; 

       return true; 
       IsLoaded = false; 

       return false; 

     * Safely unloads the driver. Calling Unload() twice has no effect. 
     public void Unload() 
      if (!IsLoaded) return; 

      if (context != IntPtr.Zero) 
       IsLoaded = false; 

     private void DriverCallback() 
      InterceptionDriver.SetFilter(context, InterceptionDriver.IsKeyboard, (Int32) KeyboardFilterMode); 
      InterceptionDriver.SetFilter(context, InterceptionDriver.IsMouse, (Int32) MouseFilterMode); 

      Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); 

      while (InterceptionDriver.Receive(context, deviceId = InterceptionDriver.Wait(context), ref stroke, 1) > 0) 
       if (InterceptionDriver.IsMouse(deviceId) > 0) 
        if (OnMousePressed != null) 
         var args = new MousePressedEventArgs() { X = stroke.Mouse.X, Y = stroke.Mouse.Y, State = stroke.Mouse.State, Rolling = stroke.Mouse.Rolling }; 
         OnMousePressed(this, args); 

         if (args.Handled) 
         stroke.Mouse.X = args.X; 
         stroke.Mouse.Y = args.Y; 
         stroke.Mouse.State = args.State; 
         stroke.Mouse.Rolling = args.Rolling; 

       if (InterceptionDriver.IsKeyboard(deviceId) > 0) 
        if (OnKeyPressed != null) 
         var args = new KeyPressedEventArgs() { Key = stroke.Key.Code, State = stroke.Key.State}; 
         OnKeyPressed(this, args); 

         if (args.Handled) 
         stroke.Key.Code = args.Key; 
         stroke.Key.State = args.State; 

       InterceptionDriver.Send(context, deviceId, ref stroke, 1); 

      throw new Exception("Interception.Receive() failed for an unknown reason. The driver has been unloaded."); 

     public void SendKey(Keys key, KeyState state) 
      Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); 
      KeyStroke keyStroke = new KeyStroke(); 

      keyStroke.Code = key; 
      keyStroke.State = state; 

      stroke.Key = keyStroke; 

      InterceptionDriver.Send(context, deviceId, ref stroke, 1); 

      if (KeyPressDelay > 0) 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Warning: Do not use this overload of SendKey() for non-letter, non-number, or non-ENTER keys. It may require a special KeyState of not KeyState.Down or KeyState.Up, but instead KeyState.E0 and KeyState.E1. 
     /// </summary> 
     public void SendKey(Keys key) 
      SendKey(key, KeyState.Down); 

      if (KeyPressDelay > 0) 

      SendKey(key, KeyState.Up); 

     public void SendKeys(params Keys[] keys) 
      foreach (Keys key in keys) 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Warning: Only use this overload for sending letters, numbers, and symbols (those to the right of the letters on a U.S. keyboard and those obtained by pressing shift-#). Do not send special keys like Tab or Control or Enter. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="text"></param> 
     public void SendText(string text) 
      foreach (char letter in text) 
       var tuple = CharacterToKeysEnum(letter); 

       if (tuple.Item2 == true) // We need to press shift to get the next character 
        SendKey(Keys.LeftShift, KeyState.Down); 


       if (tuple.Item2 == true) 
        SendKey(Keys.LeftShift, KeyState.Up); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Converts a character to a Keys enum and a 'do we need to press shift'. 
     /// </summary> 
     private Tuple<Keys, bool> CharacterToKeysEnum(char c) 
      switch (Char.ToLower(c)) 
       case 'a': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.A, false); 
       case 'b': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.B, false); 
       case 'c': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.C, false); 
       case 'd': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.D, false); 
       case 'e': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.E, false); 
       case 'f': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.F, false); 
       case 'g': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.G, false); 
       case 'h': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.H, false); 
       case 'i': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.I, false); 
       case 'j': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.J, false); 
       case 'k': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.K, false); 
       case 'l': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.L, false); 
       case 'm': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.M, false); 
       case 'n': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.N, false); 
       case 'o': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.O, false); 
       case 'p': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.P, false); 
       case 'q': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Q, false); 
       case 'r': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.R, false); 
       case 's': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.S, false); 
       case 't': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.T, false); 
       case 'u': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.U, false); 
       case 'v': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.V, false); 
       case 'w': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.W, false); 
       case 'x': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.X, false); 
       case 'y': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Y, false); 
       case 'z': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Z, false); 
       case '1': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.One, false); 
       case '2': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Two, false); 
       case '3': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Three, false); 
       case '4': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Four, false); 
       case '5': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Five, false); 
       case '6': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Six, false); 
       case '7': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Seven, false); 
       case '8': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Eight, false); 
       case '9': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Nine, false); 
       case '0': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Zero, false); 
       case '-': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.DashUnderscore, false); 
       case '+': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.PlusEquals, false); 
       case '[': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.OpenBracketBrace, false); 
       case ']': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.CloseBracketBrace, false); 
       case ';': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.SemicolonColon, false); 
       case '\'': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.SingleDoubleQuote, false); 
       case ',': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.CommaLeftArrow, false); 
       case '.': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.PeriodRightArrow, false); 
       case '/': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.ForwardSlashQuestionMark, false); 
       case '{': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.OpenBracketBrace, true); 
       case '}': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.CloseBracketBrace, true); 
       case ':': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.SemicolonColon, true); 
       case '\"': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.SingleDoubleQuote, true); 
       case '<': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.CommaLeftArrow, true); 
       case '>': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.PeriodRightArrow, true); 
       case '?': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.ForwardSlashQuestionMark, true); 
       case '\\': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.BackslashPipe, false); 
       case '|': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.BackslashPipe, true); 
       case '`': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Tilde, false); 
       case '~': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Tilde, true); 
       case '!': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.One, true); 
       case '@': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Two, true); 
       case '#': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Three, true); 
       case '$': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Four, true); 
       case '%': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Five, true); 
       case '^': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Six, true); 
       case '&': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Seven, true); 
       case '*': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Eight, true); 
       case '(': 
        return new Tuple<Keys,bool>(Keys.Nine, true); 
       case ')': 
        return new Tuple<Keys, bool>(Keys.Zero, true); 
       case ' ': 
        return new Tuple<Keys, bool>(Keys.Space, true); 
        return new Tuple<Keys, bool>(Keys.ForwardSlashQuestionMark, true); 

     public void SendMouseEvent(MouseState state) 
      Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); 
      MouseStroke mouseStroke = new MouseStroke(); 

      mouseStroke.State = state; 

      if (state == MouseState.ScrollUp) 
       mouseStroke.Rolling = 120; 
      else if (state == MouseState.ScrollDown) 
       mouseStroke.Rolling = -120; 

      stroke.Mouse = mouseStroke; 
      InterceptionDriver.Send(context, 12, ref stroke, 1); 

     public void SendLeftClick() 

     public void SendRightClick() 

     public void ScrollMouse(ScrollDirection direction) 
      switch (direction) 
       case ScrollDirection.Down: 
       case ScrollDirection.Up: 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Warning: This function, if using the driver, does not function reliably and often moves the mouse in unpredictable vectors. An alternate version uses the standard Win32 API to get the current cursor's position, calculates the desired destination's offset, and uses the Win32 API to set the cursor to the new position. 
     /// </summary> 
     public void MoveMouseBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, bool useDriver = false) 
      if (useDriver) 
       Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); 
       MouseStroke mouseStroke = new MouseStroke(); 

       mouseStroke.X = deltaX; 
       mouseStroke.Y = deltaY; 

       stroke.Mouse = mouseStroke; 
       stroke.Mouse.Flags = MouseFlags.MoveRelative; 

       InterceptionDriver.Send(context, 12, ref stroke, 1); 
       var currentPos = Cursor.Position; 
       Cursor.Position = new Point(currentPos.X + deltaX, currentPos.Y - deltaY); // Coordinate system for y: 0 begins at top, and bottom of screen has the largest number 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Warning: This function, if using the driver, does not function reliably and often moves the mouse in unpredictable vectors. An alternate version uses the standard Win32 API to set the cursor's position and does not use the driver. 
     /// </summary> 
     public void MoveMouseTo(int x, int y, bool useDriver = false) 
      if (useDriver) 
       Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); 
       MouseStroke mouseStroke = new MouseStroke(); 

       mouseStroke.X = x; 
       mouseStroke.Y = y; 

       stroke.Mouse = mouseStroke; 
       stroke.Mouse.Flags = MouseFlags.MoveAbsolute; 
      InterceptionDriver.Send(context, 12, ref stroke, 1); 
      Cursor.Position = new Point(x, y); 


Jede Idee, warum Mausklicks funktioniert nicht aber die Maus bewegt sich (auch über den Treiber)? Ich benutze Windows 10.

Vielen Dank!

Bearbeiten: Der Zweck dieser Software ist Barrierefreiheitsprogramm für Menschen mit Behinderungen, die keine Mausklicks verwenden können.


@DavidHeffernan Sie mit Ihren Vorwürfen schämen sollte. Sie verdienen es, Handicap zu sein, um andere spezielle Bedürfnisse zu verstehen. – barak1412


Wir bekommen endlose Fragen von Leuten, die versuchen, Online-Poker-Apps zu besiegen. Es wird ein wenig getragen. Welche Anwendungen versuchen Sie zu besiegen? –


@DavidHeffernan Ich lerne Sicherheit als ein Hobby, und ich benutze IDA Pro als ein Werkzeug, aber es blockiert die reguläre Methode 'Input senden', also musste ich die Simulation des Treiberraums ausprobieren. – barak1412



Ich fand es heraus - in der Bibliothek, die ich verwendete, war die Maus-Geräte-ID fest auf 12 codiert, was völlig falsch war.

Nun ist es wroking wie ein Zauber :)


Haben Sie den festcodierten Wert in den Geräte-ID-Wert geändert, der beim Zurückrufen des Treibers empfangen wurde, damit er funktioniert? – x11

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