2017-11-10 2 views

Ich habe das Tutorial gefolgt: http://www.javascriptkit.com/dhtmltutors/live-local-time-google-time-zone-api.shtmlUngültiges Datum Ausgabe für mein Date Zeichenfolge

Und nun möchte ich es in zwei Funktionen brechen:
Funktion # 1. Gibt die aktuelle Zeit einer eingestellten Zeitzone in Millisekunden zurück
Funktion # 2. das LOCALDATE Objekt erhöhen in Funktion # 1 von 1 Sekunde pro Sekunde und legen Sie sie in der

Aber ich den Ausgang "Invalid Date" erhalten Hier ist mein Code:

var loc = '37.7749295, -122.4194155'; // San Francisco expressed as lat, lng tuple 
\t var targetDate = new Date(); // Current date/time of user computer 
\t var timestamp = targetDate.getTime() /1000 + targetDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; // Current UTC date/time expressed as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC 
\t var apikey = 'Google_Time_Zone_key'; // timezone API key 
\t var apicall = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?location=' + loc +'&timestamp=' + timestamp + '&key=' + apikey; 

function current_time_load1() { 
\t var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create new XMLHttpRequest2 object 
\t xhr.open ('GET', apicall); // open GET request 
\t xhr.onload = function() { 
     \t if (xhr.status === 200) { // if Ajax request successful 
    \t \t var output = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); // convert returned JSON string to JSON object 
      \t \t // console.log(output.status); // log API return status for debugging purpose 
     \t if (output.status =='OK') { // if API reports everthing was returned sucessfully 
    \t \t \t var offsets = output.dstOffset * 1000 + output.rawOffset * 1000; // get DST and time zone offsets in milliseconds 
    \t \t \t var localdate = new Date (timestamp * 1000 + offsets); // Date object containing current time of destination (timestamp + dstOffset + rawOffset) 
      \t \t \t // localdate.toLocaleString(); // Display current destination date and time 
      \t \t var refreshDate = new Date(); // get current date again to calculate time elapsed between targetDate and now 
       var millisecondselapsed = refreshDate - targetDate; // get amount of time elapsed between targetDate and now 
       localdate.setMilliseconds(localdate.getMilliseconds()+ millisecondselapsed); // update localdate to account for any time elapsed 
      \t \t } 
\t \t \t else { 
     \t console.log ('Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status); 
\t \t \t } //end of xhr.onload 
\t \t } 
\t xhr.send(); // send request 
\t } 

function current_time_load(divid){ 
    var container = document.getElementById(divid); 
    var localdate = new Date (current_time_load1()); 
        container.innerHTML = localdate.toLocaleTimeString('zh', {year : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'}); 
       }, 1000); 
test current time: <span id="time"></span> 

Ich habe den Wert von current_time_load1() in console.log zeigt undefined, aber die console.log (localdate.setMilliseconds (localdate.getMilliseconds() + millisecondselapsed;)) gibt die Millisekunden

zurück 210

Können Sie mir helfen, auf das Problem hinzuweisen?



Paar Stunden der Suche, erkannte ich schließlich, dass es einen Rückruf benötigt, um das Ergebnis der XmlHttpRequest abrufen. Hier ist, was für mich funktioniert:

function current_time_load1 (callback) { 
\t var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create new XMLHttpRequest2 object 
\t xhr.open ('GET', apicall); // open GET request 
\t xhr.onload = function() { 
     \t if (xhr.status === 200) { // if Ajax request successful 
    \t \t var output = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); // convert returned JSON string to JSON object 
      \t \t // console.log(output.status); // log API return status for debugging purpose 
     \t if (output.status =='OK') { // if API reports everthing was returned sucessfully 
    \t \t \t var offsets = output.dstOffset * 1000 + output.rawOffset * 1000; // get DST and time zone offsets in milliseconds 
    \t \t \t var localdate = new Date (timestamp * 1000 + offsets); // Date object containing current time of destination (timestamp + dstOffset + rawOffset) 
      \t \t \t // localdate.toLocaleString(); // Display current destination date and time 
      \t \t var refreshDate = new Date(); // get current date again to calculate time elapsed between targetDate and now 
       var millisecondselapsed = refreshDate - targetDate; // get amount of time elapsed between targetDate and now 
       if(callback) { 
        callback(localdate.setMilliseconds(localdate.getMilliseconds()+ millisecondselapsed)); 
       } // update localdate to account for any time elapsed 
      \t  //console.log(localdate.setMilliseconds(localdate.getMilliseconds()+ millisecondselapsed)); 
\t \t \t else { 
     \t console.log ('Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status); 
\t \t \t } //end of xhr.onload 
\t \t } 
\t xhr.send(); // send request 
\t } 

    current_time_load1(function (result){ 
    var container = document.getElementById('test'); 
    var localdate = new Date(result); 
        container.innerHTML = localdate.toLocaleTimeString('zh', {year : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'}); 
       }, 1000); 
}, function(){ 

Also, habe ich im Grunde if(callback){callback();} auf die current_time_load1 Funktion. Führen Sie diese Funktion dann mit einer neuen Funktion aus, die den Parameter "result" enthält. Eine gute Lektion zu lernen :)

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