2017-11-09 8 views

Ich versuche ein Rasterlayout zu haben, das ich auf einem Objekt haben kann, und ich kann mit den Pfeiltasten navigieren (oben/unten und links/rechts). ist die Idee für eine Anwendung für die Verlängerung der Liegezeit (d. H. Android-TV oder ein Home-Media-Center), ohne Berührung oder Maus.Scrollen und Fokus mit den Pfeiltasten

Ich versuche, das FocusBehavior und CompoundSelectionBehavior für das wieder zu verwenden Ich habe etwas, das fast da ist, aber ich kann nicht herausfinden, wie verschiebe ich die Auswahl in die nächste Zeile, links/rechts auf dem ersten Zeile, die ich mit der Maus angeklickt habe, und bewegt sich nicht.

from kivy.uix.behaviors.compoundselection import CompoundSelectionBehavior 
from kivy.uix.button import Button 
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout 
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout 
from kivy.uix.behaviors import FocusBehavior 
from kivy.app import App 

class SelectableBoxLayout(FocusBehavior, CompoundSelectionBehavior, BoxLayout): 

    def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
     """Based on FocusBehavior that provides automatic keyboard 
     access, key presses will be used to select children. 
     print(keycode, text, modifiers) 
     if super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).keyboard_on_key_down(
      window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
      return True 

     if self.orientation == 'horizontal' and keycode[1] in ['up', 'down']: 
      return self.parent.keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers) 

     if self.select_with_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
      return True 
     return False 

    def keyboard_on_key_up(self, window, keycode): 
     """Based on FocusBehavior that provides automatic keyboard 
     access, key release will be used to select children. 
     if super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode): 
      return True 
     if self.orientation == 'horizontal' and keycode[1] in ['up', 'down']: 
      return self.parent.keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode) 
     if self.select_with_key_up(window, keycode): 
      return True 
     return False 

    def add_widget(self, widget): 
     """ Override the adding of widgets so we can bind and catch their 
     *on_touch_down* events. """ 
     return super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).add_widget(widget) 

    def button_touch_down(self, button, touch): 
     """ Use collision detection to select buttons when the touch occurs 
     within their area. """ 
     if button.collide_point(*touch.pos): 
      self.select_with_touch(button, touch) 

    def button_touch_up(self, button, touch): 
     """ Use collision detection to de-select buttons when the touch 
     occurs outside their area and *touch_multiselect* is not True. """ 
     if not (button.collide_point(*touch.pos) or 

    def select_node(self, node): 
     node.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) 
     return super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).select_node(node) 

    def deselect_node(self, node): 
     node.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) 
     super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).deselect_node(node) 

    def on_selected_nodes(self, gird, nodes): 
     print("Selected nodes = {0}".format(nodes)) 

     if self.orientation == 'vertical': 
      if nodes: 
       row = nodes[0] 
       node_src, idx_src = row._resolve_last_node() 
       text = 'left' 
       node, idx = row.goto_node(text, node_src, idx_src) 

class TestApp(App): 
    def build(self): 
     grid = SelectableBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', touch_multiselect=False, 
     for i in range(0, 6): 
      row = SelectableBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal', touch_multiselect=False, 
      for j in range(0,5): 
       b = Button(text="Button {0}".format(j)) 
     row.get_focus_next().focus = True 
     return grid 


thx @jhpratt, zu schnell, und nicht Englisch Muttersprachler eingeben :) – Fruch



dauerte eine Weile, Debugging, aber hier ist ein funktionierendes Beispiel:

from kivy.uix.behaviors.compoundselection import CompoundSelectionBehavior 
from kivy.uix.button import Button 
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout 
from kivy.uix.behaviors import FocusBehavior 
from kivy.app import App 

class SelectableBoxLayout(FocusBehavior, CompoundSelectionBehavior, BoxLayout): 

    def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
     """Based on FocusBehavior that provides automatic keyboard 
     access, key presses will be used to select children. 
     print(keycode, text, modifiers) 
     if super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).keyboard_on_key_down(
      window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
      return True 

     if self.orientation == 'horizontal' and keycode[1] in ['up', 'down']: 
      return self.parent.keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers) 
     if self.orientation == 'vertical' and keycode[1] in ['up', 'down']: 
      direction = 'focus_next' if keycode[1] == 'down' else 'focus_previous' 

      if self.selected_nodes: 
       next_row = self.selected_nodes[0]._get_focus_next(direction) 
       next_row = self.children[-1] 
      if next_row: 
       next_row.focus = True 
       next = next_row.children[-1] 
       if next and not isinstance(next, SelectableBoxLayout): 
        print("moving to {0}".format(next)) 
        next.focus = True 
      return True 
     if self.select_with_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers): 
      return True 
     return False 

    def keyboard_on_key_up(self, window, keycode): 
     """Based on FocusBehavior that provides automatic keyboard 
     access, key release will be used to select children. 
     if super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode): 
      return True 
     if self.orientation == 'horizontal' and keycode[1] in ['up', 'down']: 
      return self.parent.keyboard_on_key_up(window, keycode) 
     if self.select_with_key_up(window, keycode): 
      return True 
     return False 

    def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): 
     """ Override the adding of widgets so we can bind and catch their 
     *on_touch_down* events. """ 
     return super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).add_widget(widget, index) 

    def button_touch_down(self, button, touch): 
     """ Use collision detection to select buttons when the touch occurs 
     within their area. """ 
     if button.collide_point(*touch.pos): 
      self.select_with_touch(button, touch) 

    def button_touch_up(self, button, touch): 
     """ Use collision detection to de-select buttons when the touch 
     occurs outside their area and *touch_multiselect* is not True. """ 
     if not (button.collide_point(*touch.pos) or 

    def select_node(self, node): 
     node.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) 
     print("select: {}".format(getattr(node, 'text', 'none'))) 
     return super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).select_node(node) 

    def deselect_node(self, node): 
     node.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) 
     print("deselect: {}".format(getattr(node, 'text', 'none'))) 
     super(SelectableBoxLayout, self).deselect_node(node) 

    def on_selected_nodes(self, grid, nodes): 

class TestingappApp(App): 
    """Basic kivy app 

    Edit testingapp.kv to get started. 
    def build(self): 
     grid = SelectableBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', touch_multiselect=False, 
     for i in range(0, 6): 
      row = SelectableBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal', touch_multiselect=False, 
      for j in range(0,5): 
       b = Button(text="Event A\n TT {}{}".format(i, j)) 
     row.get_focus_next().focus = True 
     return grid 
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