2016-10-28 2 views

Ich mache eine Polymer Web-Komponente für die Verwendung von Geofire-Abfragen. Ich benutze sie in einer separaten App erfolgreich (mit js), aber während der Prüfung der Komponente feuert die Abfrage keine Ereignisse. Die Firebase-Datenbank enthält Daten.Geofire Abfrage Ereignisse nicht feuern

Unten ist der entsprechende Code und hier ist die demo.


<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html"> 
<link rel="import" href="scripts.html"> 
<link rel="import" href="geofire-elements-behavior.html"> 

An element for working with GeoFire's [`GeoQuery`](https://github.com/firebase/geofire-js/blob/master/docs/reference.md#geoquery)s. 
@polymerBehavior GeofireElementsBehavior 
@demo demo/index.html 

<dom-module id="geofire-query"> 
     :host { 
     /*display: block;*/ 

     is: 'geofire-query', 
     properties: { 
     * The latitude for the query's center. 
     lat: Number, 
     * The longitude for the query's center. 
     lng: Number, 
     * The radius in kilometers around the query's center. 
     radius: Number, 
     * Whether the query is active and listening for GeoQuery events. 
     idle: { 
      type: Boolean, 
      value: false, 
      reflectToAttribute: true, 
//   observer: '_idleChanged' 
     * An array managed by the GeoQuery events. 
     * Each element is an object with properties `key, lat, lng, location, distance`. 
     resultsArray: { 
      type: Array, 
      notify: true 
     * An object managed by the GeoQuery events. 
     * It is a map of key => {`lat, lng, location, distance`}. 
     resultsObject: { 
      type: Object, 
      notify: true 
     observers: [ 
     '_idleChanged(idle, _query)', 
     '_queryChanged(lat, lng, radius)' 
     behaviors: [ 
     _idleChanged: function(idle, query) { 
     if (!query) return; 
     console.log('we have a query', query.center(), query.radius(), idle, query, 'app=', this.app); 
     if (!idle) { 
      this.resultsArray = []; 
      this.resultsObject = {}; 
      console.log('setting listeners...'); 
      this.onKeyEnteredRegistration = query.on('key_entered', function(key, location, distance) { 
      console.log('key-entered', key, location, distance); 
      this.resultsObject[key] = { 
       lat: location[0], 
       lng: location[1], 
       location: location, 
       distance: distance 
      var data = { 
       key: key, 
       lat: location[0], 
       lng: location[1], 
       location: location, 
       distance: distance 
      this.fire('key-entered', data); 
      this.onKeyExitedRegistration = query.on("key_exited", function(key, location, distance) { 
      this.resultsObject[key] = null; 
      for (var i = 0; i < this.resultsArray.length; i++) { 
       if (this.resultsArray[i].key == key) { 
       this.resultsArray.splice(i, 1); 
      this.fire('key-exited', { 
       key: key, 
       lat: location[0], 
       lng: location[1], 
       location: location, 
       distance: distance 
      this.onKeyMovedRegistration = query.on("key_moved", function(key, location, distance) { 
      this.resultsObject[key] = { 
       lat: location[0], 
       lng: location[1], 
       location: location, 
       distance: distance 
      var data = { 
       key: key, 
       lat: location[0], 
       lng: location[1], 
       location: location, 
       distance: distance 
      for (var i = 0; i < this.resultsArray.length; i++) { 
       if (this.resultsArray[i].key == key) { 
       this.resultsArray[i] = data; 
      this.fire('key-moved', data); 
      this.onReadyRegistration = query.on("ready", function() { 
     } else { 
      query = null; 
      console.log('set query to null?', this._query === null); 
     _queryChanged: function(lat, lng, radius) { 
     if ((lat || lat === 0) && (lng || lng === 0) && radius) { 
      console.log('querying [', lat, lng, ']', radius, 'km'); 
      var criteria = { 
      center: [lat, lng], 
      radius: radius 
      if (this._query) { 
      } else { 
      this._query = this._geofire.query(criteria); 
     * Corresponds to the GeoQuery's `key_entered` event. Fires after updating the internal results. 
     * @event key-entered 
     * @param {key} string The location's identifier. 
     * @param {lat} number Latitude. 
     * @param {lng} number Longitude. 
     * @param {location} array [lat, lng] shorthand. 
     * @param {distance} number Distance from the query's center, in kilometers. 
     * Corresponds to the GeoQuery's `key_exited` event. Fires after updating the internal results. 
     * @event key-exited 
     * @param {key} string The location's identifier. 
     * @param {lat} number Latitude. 
     * @param {lng} number Longitude. 
     * @param {location} array [lat, lng]. 
     * @param {distance} number Distance from the query's center, in kilometers. 
     * Corresponds to the GeoQuery's `key_moved` event. Fires after updating the internal results. 
     * @event key-moved 
     * @param {key} string The location's identifier. 
     * @param {lat} number Latitude. 
     * @param {lng} number Longitude. 
     * @param {location} array [lat, lng]. 
     * @param {distance} number Distance from the query's center, in kilometers. 
     * Corresponds to the GeoQuery's `ready` event. Fired when the initial result set of the query is ready. 
     * @event ready 


* @polymerBehavior 
GeofireElementsBehavior = { 
     properties: { 
      * The Firebase app's name. If not specified, the default Firebase app will be used. 
      app: String, 
      * The path to this geofire's data inside the Firebase database. 
      path: String 
     // observers: [ 
     // '_geofireChanged(app, path)' 
     // ], 
     // _geofireChanged: function(app, path) { 
     // this._geofire = new GeoFire(firebase.app(app).database().ref(path)); 
     // }, 
     * The [GeoFire](https://github.com/firebase/geofire-js/blob/master/docs/reference.md#geofire) instance. 
     get _geofire() { 
      if (!this.geofireInstance) { 
       console.log('init geofire. app=', this.app, 'path=', this.path); 
       this.geofireInstance = new GeoFire(firebase.app(this.app).database().ref(this.path)); 
      return this.geofireInstance; 

Wenn Ihre Datenbank keine Daten enthält, welches Verhalten haben Sie erwartet? –


Es enthält Daten. Wenn es keine Daten gäbe, wäre '' Ready'' noch nicht gefeuert? –



Es war ein dummer Fehler Regeln :(


    "rules": { 
    "geofire1": { 
     "$key": {  
     ".read": "true",  
     ".write": "true" 

hatte Aber ich benötigt

    "rules": { 
    "geofire1": { 
     ".read": "true", 
     ".indexOn": "g", 
     "$key": {   
     ".write": "true" 
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