2016-04-29 35 views

mit Visual Studio-Code arbeiten und ich versuche, den eingebauten Debugger zu verwenden. Ich habe Beispiele gefunden und habe versucht, es einzurichten. Ich habe erfolgreich bekam den schluck Aufgabe Setup dienen und es läuft richtig mit dem Befehlwie Visual Studio-Code


nicht die tatsächliche Play-Taste im Debugger-Registerkarte. Die Beispiele, die ich zum Debuggen mit der Chrome-Erweiterung gefunden habe, enthalten keine automatisierten Aufgaben, die mit Grunt oder Gulp verbunden sind. Ist es möglich, die Schluckaufgaben und den Debugger zu verwenden?


    "version": "0.2.0", 
    "configurations": [ 
      "request": "launch", 
      // Name of configuration; appears in the launch configuration drop down menu. 
      "name": "node gulp.js ..", 
      // Type of configuration. Possible values: "node", "mono". 
      "type": "node", 
      // Workspace relative or absolute path to the program. 
      "program": "${workspaceRoot}./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js", 
      // Automatically stop program after launch. 
      "stopOnEntry": true, 
      // Command line arguments passed to the program. 
      "args": [ 
      // Workspace relative or absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. Default is the current workspace. 
      "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}.", 
      // Workspace relative or absolute path to the runtime executable to be used. Default is the runtime executable on the PATH. 
      "runtimeExecutable": "${execPath}", 
      // Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable. 
      "runtimeArgs": [], 
      // Environment variables passed to the program. 
      "env": {}, 
      // Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist). 
      "sourceMaps": false, 
      // If JavaScript source maps are enabled, the generated code is expected in this directory. 
      "outDir": "${workspaceRoot}out" 


    // See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format 
    "version": "0.1.0", 
    "command": "gulp", 
    "isShellCommand": true, 
    "args": [ 
    "tasks": [ 
      "taskName": "serve", 
      "args": [], 
      "isBuildCommand": true, 
      "isWatching": true, 
      "problemMatcher": [ 


module.exports = function($, usehtml) { 

    // distribution folder 
    var dist = 'app/'; 
    var source = 'src/'; // for abs path construction 

    var markupEngine = usehtml ? 'html' : 'jade'; 
    var markupExt = '.' + markupEngine; 

    // main source folders 
    var srcLESS = source + 'less/'; 
    var srcSCSS = source + 'scss/'; 
    var srcHTML = source + markupEngine + '/'; 
    var srcJS = source + 'js/'; 

    // Shared config object 
    var config = { 
    // --- 
    // Paths 
    // --- 

    dist: dist, 
    distCSS: dist + 'css', 
    distJS: dist + 'js', 
    source: source, 
    srcLESS: srcLESS, 
    srcSCSS: srcSCSS, 
    srcHTML: srcHTML, 
    srcJS: srcJS, 
    html: { 
     index: [srcHTML + 'index' + markupExt], 
     views: [ 
     srcHTML + '**/*' + markupExt, 
     '!'+srcHTML + 'index' + markupExt 
     templates: [ 
     srcHTML + 'views/sidebar/*' + markupExt, 
     srcHTML + 'views/navbar/*' + markupExt, 
     srcHTML + 'views/layers/*' + markupExt, 
     srcHTML + 'views/filters/*' + markupExt, 
     srcHTML + 'views/modals/*' + markupExt 
     all: [srcHTML + '**/*' + markupExt] 
    less: { 
     styles: [srcLESS + 'styles.less'], 
     watch: [srcLESS + 'app/**/*.less'], 
     bootstrap: [srcLESS + 'bootstrap/bootstrap.less'] 
    scss: { 
     styles: [srcSCSS + 'styles.scss'], 
     watch: [srcSCSS + 'app/**/*.scss'], 
     bootstrap: [srcSCSS + 'bootstrap.scss'] 
    js: [srcJS + 'app.module.js', srcJS + 'modules/**/*.js', srcJS + 'custom/**/*.js'], 

    // --- 
    // Plugins 
    // --- 

    plato: { 
     js: srcJS + '**/*.js' 
    report: './report/', 
    tplcache: { 
     file: 'templates.js', 
     opts: { 
     standalone: false, 
     root: 'templates', 
     module: 'insight' 
    webserver: { 
     webroot:   '.', 
     host:    'localhost', 
     port:    '3000', 
     livereload:  true, 
     directoryListing: false 
    prettify: { 
     indent_char: ' ', 
     indent_size: 3, 
     unformatted: ['a', 'sub', 'sup', 'b', 'i', 'u'] 
    usemin: { 
     path: '.', 
     css: [$.minifyCss({ processImport: false }), 'concat', $.rev()], 
     // html: [$.minifyHtml({empty: true})], 
     vendor: [$.uglify({preserveComments:'some'}), $.rev()], 
     js: [$.ngAnnotate(), $.uglify({preserveComments:'some'}), $.rev()] 

    // scripts to check with jshint 
    config.lintJs = [].concat(config.js, config.distJS); 

    return config; 



var argv = require('yargs').argv; 
var usehtml = true; 
var usertl = argv.usertl; 
var usescss = argv.usescss; 

var gulp = require('gulp'), 
    $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(), 
    gutil = require('gulp-util'), 
    gulpsync = require('gulp-sync')(gulp), 
    path = require('path'), 
    glob = require('glob'), 
    del = require('del'), 
    runSequence = require('run-sequence'), 
    config = require('./gulp.config')($, usehtml); 

// production mode 
var isProduction = false; 


gulp.task('styles', function() { 
    log('Compiling styles to CSS..'); 
    var stylesSrc = usescss ? config.scss.styles : config.less.styles; 
    return gulp.src(stylesSrc) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.init()) 
     .pipe(usescss ? $.sass() : $.less()) 
     .on("error", handleError) 
     .pipe($.if(usertl, $.rtlcss())) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? $.minifyCss({processImport: false}) : gutil.noop()) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.write()) 

gulp.task('bootstrap', function() { 
    log('Compiling Bootstrap..'); 
    var bsSrc = usescss ? config.scss.bootstrap : config.less.bootstrap; 
    return gulp.src(bsSrc) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.init()) 
     .pipe(usescss ? $.sass() : $.less()) 
     .on("error", handleError) 
     .pipe($.if(usertl, $.rtlcss())) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? $.minifyCss({processImport: false}) : gutil.noop()) 
     .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.write()) 

// HTML 
gulp.task('markup', ['index', 'views']); 

gulp.task('views', buildMarkup(config.html.views, config.dist)); 

gulp.task('index', ['templatecache'], buildMarkup(config.html.index, '.', false, true)); 

gulp.task('templatecache', ['clean-scripts'], buildMarkup(config.html.templates, config.dist + 'js', true)); 

// ----------------------------------- 

gulp.task('webserver', function() { 
    log('Starting web server.. '); 
    return gulp.src(config.webserver.webroot) 



// Rerun the task when a file changes 
gulp.task('watch', function() { 
    log('Starting watch with live reload ...'); 


    if (usescss) gulp.watch([config.scss.watch, config.scss.styles], ['styles']); 
    else  gulp.watch([config.less.watch, config.less.styles], ['styles']); 

    if (usescss) gulp.watch(config.scss.bootstrap, ['bootstrap']); 
    else  gulp.watch(config.less.bootstrap, ['bootstrap']); 

    gulp.watch(config.html.all, ['markup']); 
    gulp.watch(config.html.templates, ['templatecache']); 

     .watch([].concat(config.less.watch, config.html.views, config.html.templates, config.js)) 
     .on('change', function (event) { 
      setTimeout(function() { 
      }, 1400); 


* Clean 
gulp.task('clean', ['clean-scripts', 'clean-styles', 'clean-markup']); 

gulp.task('clean-scripts', function (cb) { 
    var js = config.distJS + '/*{js,map}'; 
    clean(js, cb); 

gulp.task('clean-styles', function (cb) { 
    var css = config.distCSS + '/*{css,map}'; 
    clean(css, cb); 

gulp.task('clean-markup', function (cb) { 
    var html = ['index.html', config.dist + 'views/']; 
    clean(html, cb); 

gulp.task('clean-build', function (cb) { 
    log('Removing development assets'); 
    var delFiles = [ 
     config.distJS + '/' + config.tplcache.file, 
     config.distCSS + '/bootstrap.css', 
     config.distCSS + '/styles.css' 
    clean(delFiles, cb); 

* vet the code and create coverage report 
gulp.task('lint', function() { 
    log('Analyzing source with JSHint'); 

    return gulp 
     .pipe($.jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish', {verbose: true})) 

// Visualizer report 
gulp.task('plato', function (done) { 
    log('Analyzing source with Plato'); 
    log('Browse to /report/plato/index.html to see Plato results'); 



// build for production 
gulp.task('build', [], function (cb) { 
    runSequence('clean', 'production', 'compile', 'clean-build', cb); 

gulp.task('production', function() { 
    isProduction = true; 

// default (no minify, sourcemaps and watch) 
gulp.task('default', function (callback) { 
    runSequence('clean', 'compile', 'watch', 'done', callback); 
}).task('done', done); 

// serve development by default 
gulp.task('serve', function (cb) { 
    runSequence('default', 'webserver', cb); 

// optional serve production 
gulp.task('serve-build', function (cb) { 
    runSequence('build', 'webserver', cb); 

// run tasks without watch 
gulp.task('compile', function (cb) { 


* Error handler 
function handleError(err) { 

* Build html templates 
* @param {string} src   source files folder 
* @param {string} dst   target folder 
* @param {boolean} useTplcache Should generate angular template cache 
* @return {stream} 
function buildMarkup(src, dst, useTplcache, useMin) { 

    return function() { 
     log('Compiling HTML...'); 
     if (useTplcache) log('Creating AngularJS templateCache..'); 

     return gulp.src(src) 
      .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.changed(dst, {extension: '.html'})) 
      .pipe($.if(!usehtml, $.jade({ 
        locals: { 
         scripts: glob.sync(config.source + 'js/**/*.js') 
      .on("error", handleError) 
      // .pipe($.angularHtmlify()) 
      .pipe(isProduction && useMin ? 
       : gutil.noop() 
      .pipe(useTplcache ? 
       $.angularTemplatecache(config.tplcache.file, config.tplcache.opts) 
       : gutil.noop() 

* Delete all files in a given path 
* @param {Array} path - array of paths to delete 
* @param {Function} done - callback when complete 
function clean(path, done) { 
    log('Cleaning: ' + $.util.colors.blue(path)); 
    del(path, done); 

* Start Plato inspector and visualizer 
function startPlatoVisualizer(done) { 
    log('Running Plato'); 

    var files = glob.sync(config.plato.js); 
    var excludeFiles = /.*\.spec\.js/; 
    var plato = require('plato'); 

    var options = { 
     title: 'Plato Inspections Report', 
     exclude: excludeFiles 
    var outputDir = config.report + 'plato/'; 

    plato.inspect(files, outputDir, options, platoCompleted); 

    function platoCompleted(report) { 
     var overview = plato.getOverviewReport(report); 
     if (done) { 

* Just to be polite :) 
function done() { 
    setTimeout(function() { // it's more clear to show msg after all 
     log('Done.. Watching code and reloading on changes..'); 
    }, 500); 

* Standard log 

function log(msg) { 
    var prefix = '*** '; 
    gutil.log(prefix + msg); 

Was war der Fehler, den Sie beim Debuggen der "Schluck" Aufgaben aufgetreten sind? – gnerkus


Sie können die Frage auf relevante Dateien beschränken. Sie müssen die 'gulpfile.js' und' gulp.config.js' nicht mit einbeziehen, da sie funktionieren. – gnerkus


Entschuldigung für die späte Antwort. Wenn ich im Debugger Tab spiele, bekomme ich diesen Fehler. und das Schluckmodul ist installiert – texas697



Es scheint mehrere Fehler in Ihrer Startkonfiguration zu geben.

Einige der Pfade in Ihrer Konfiguration sind falsch. zum Beispiel:




${workspaceRoot} ein Platzhalter für den absoluten Pfad zu Ihrem Arbeitsbereich ist. Sie können in launch.json keine relative Pfadsyntax wie ./[relativepath] verwenden. Ersetzen Sie einfach . durch ${workspaceRoot}.

Wenn Sie "type": "node" in Ihrem Start config werden "program": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js" in die Indexdatei Ihrer Knoten-Anwendung und nicht auf den Zug ausführbare Datei verweisen soll.

In Ihrer Schluckdatei sieht es so aus, als würden Sie versuchen, eine Website zu debuggen. In diesem Fall sollten Sie verwenden Debugger for Chrome oder Debugger for Edge vscode Erweiterung